Beagle Stay Home

In August of 1996, Tim and I were heading North into Longview, Tx on Hwy.149, when we spotted this cute little male Beagle. He was right on the east side and he looked lost.

We were afraid he might run out into traffic.

We pulled the car over and I coaxed him into the car. Luckily, he had a tag on his collar, with a phone number.

We drove about a mile up to a gas station and I called the phone number.

I got a hold of a man, he said he'd be right up to the gas station. He showed up about 5 minutes later.

He told us the dog belonged to his son and he had no idea how the dog ended up on the highway. He said he lived right off the highway, though.

He thanked me and until today I never really thought of the young boys Beagle again.

So, a year later on Sept. 5, 1997 my husband was driving his weekly 200 miles back to our apartment, along the same route. He spotted a dead dog on the side of the highway, in the same spot we had rescued the Beagle.

He slowed down to get a better look, which is very unusual for Tim, he always looks away when there is a corpse in the road, and sure enough there laid a sweet little beagle.

We had rescued a dog and had put it back in an irresponsible owners hands. What is wrong with people?

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