Why should you report a stray?

The stray pet running through your neighborhood may just have escaped out of the yard or perhaps was abandoned several weeks ago.

Whether a pet has been lost for one day or three weeks makes no difference. Stray pets suffer. They are scared and confused by their strange surroundings.

They are hungry and constantly looking for food. They run the risk of being hit by a cars, taunted or hurt by cruel people, or may come into contact with vicious or rabid animals.

They may not be vaccinated against rabies either. And if they have the disease, they could bite another neighborhood animal or unsuspecting child and pass it along.

Remember the description and location of the stray animal you see and call your local animal control immediately.

You'll be ending the pet's suffering, perhaps reuniting him/her with the owner, and insuring your community's safety too.

These tips on reporting strays come from the American Humane Association.

A stray
This animal was a stray. The dog has been rescued and treated for it's health conditions.

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