Little Black Kitten

A friend emailed me a link to your site, and I am so glad. You have some touching stories, and great articles.

My mother and I are both animal lovers, and sometimes I think that she goes a little overboard, but I know that she does what she can. I don’t know how many times she had stopped to pick up stray animals (wild AND domestic). I think all of the local vets are used to this strange woman who brings in ducks, chickens, and squirrels, as well as the family cats. She has never left an animal that needs rescue.

Although my mother has rescued plenty of dogs, I wanted to share with you a story about one of her recent acquisitions. While helping at a friend’s house she noticed something moving around inside a wall that they were tearing down. Suddenly, a flash of black fuzz flew past her.

They set up a trap and caught a tiny black starving kitten. She took him home and attempted to nurse him back to health, but he was just too far-gone. The poor thing couldn’t eat or drink and soon collapsed, unable to stand or walk.

My mother called all the vets in the area and was shocked to discover that they would not treat it. Many offered just to put it to sleep. “It’s just a stray, let nature take it’s course…” was the attitude that she received.

Finally she found a vet that would take the poor kitten. Once there the vet discovered something appalling! Puncture wounds on the kitten’s neck had become infected and maggots had grown in the wound pressing against the spinal cord and paralyzing it!!!

After plenty of tests, antibiotics, and a lot of love this little kitten is on the road to recovery. I hate to think what would have happened if she hadn’t found it.

Over the years our family has taken in many cats and dogs (and yes, ducks, chickens, and even a turkey) that without intervention would surely have died. I’m glad that there are animal lovers out there in the world like her!

Thanks for your great site!

Heather and Matthew

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