Life Saver

I have 2 dogs, an old cocker ( my baby) and a Yorkie mix that followed me home one day. Well last year I was going through Hell, I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, had the surgery been allowed to get infected and was seriously ill. Being a diabetic but new to it I wasn't aware of the symptoms. One day it was way high and the nurse had to get it down, after 4 hrs I was exhausted and had to lay down. I went ito a deep sleep, only to be awakened by a loud insistant bark in my ear. She kept it up and I finally dragged myself to the bed and pushed her outside. I suddenly became aware that something was seriously wrong and took my blood sugar. It had dropped to 35, I was about to slip into a coma when she roused me. I have never heard her bark like that before or since.......I thank the Lord for my angel with a furry face ;o)

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