
I am a lover of all animals. I take the time to nurture them and return them to their natural environment when possible. My husband knows and feels the same way that I do. We share the love that is given back to us from these animals. One night, around midnight, my husband came home and took a longer time coming in. I got up and went to the front of the house to see what was taking so long. He had brought a large Australian Shepherd dog home from work. The person that had him was going to shoot him. I told him to bring him in, it was so cold outside. We named him Rocky. Rocky lived with us nearly 7 years. We had him operated on when the vet found a tumor in his testicle shortly after we had gotten him. Rocky was loved and knew that he was. He returned that love a thousand times over. Last year, Rocky fell one day and couldn't get up. The vet said to put him to sleep as he had inoperative cancer in his stomach. We said goodby to Rocky and he licked my hand as if to return the love that we had for him. When it thunders I think of Rocky and how he chased the sounds. We miss him.

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