Don't I Deserve Better?

Rusty, the name alone still brings tears to my eyes. I first saw his story on the internet. Dog needing a home. He was not just any dog but an old dog, 13 y.o gsd, and one with hip problems and with no teeth. I ignored the call for help, but it nagged me. Then I said I would help if no one else would. I was told he would live out the rest of his short life in a no kill shelter with as much love and careing that the overworked staff could provide. This made me very sad but I let it slide for a while but could not get him out of my head. Finnaly I said I would take him. There was a problem he lived across the country from me. I am sure you ask why not help one near you? I can not honestly say why Rusty touched me so much. Then the first miracle happened. People started stepping up and offering to transport Rusty across the country. I drove across 3 states and was put up by a wonderful family so I could go get him. When I got to see him the second miracle happened, time stood still his spirit was so strong and he was willing to love anyone who touched him. Rusty never knew a stranger. He travled that 1000 miles home with me with NO complains what so ever. Even thou I had to hold his hips for him to get in and out of the car he did it willingly. Rusty who had lived his entire life on a chain. This old man who did not live in a loving home and never knew what it was like to be spoiled came to live with me. I am proud to say I spoil my animals with love and kindness (ok with food also :) ). Rusty was a sad site. He could not walk without pain and to watch him get up made me often wonder why he tried so hard. The answer was simple. He had more heart and love in him than anything I have ever seen. He never complained and would not think twice about getting up to come to you if he saw you, no matter how hard it was, no matter how much it hurt him. He was kind to my other dog and my cat. His coat was absoulty horrid when I got him. He had huge callusis on his elbows from laying on the hard ground with no soft spot to rest. Every bit of his food had to be soaked as he had no teeth. I was asked why not put him to sleep? MY answer.... He deserved better. He had been faithful, kind, loving for 13 years and never asked for anything. He never got anything but a chain, cheep food thrown out every now and then, and misery. Rusty lived with me for a year. He knew kindness, love, good food and all his needs both physical and emotional taken care of. I kept his pain down so he could enjoy life. What I got was the privlage of being able to take care of a true gentleman. Words can not explain how noble this dog was. I was forced to put him to sleep when his heart gave out on him. He had a sudden massive heart attack that left him without the ability to eat or walk. That was a sad day but also a happy day. What made it happy is the knowledge that he would be able to take the love he got in his last year and hold on to it forever. He is now running and playing with no pain and the knowledge that he was loved like he loved, unconditionaly and totaly. Rusty will live in my heart and those that he touched on his way here FOREVER. For he never asked "don't I deserve better?"

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