My Rescues

I have rescued 5 dogs. I feel great about it, but wish that more people would understand how important it is to rescue instead of purchase a life. A dog is not a toy. A dog is not a gift. A dog is not a home security system. A dog is love in a furry package. I will tell you a story about a dog I rescued, and the owner I wish I never met. I have had a dog since I was 5 years old. I have always thought of them as my siblings, my equals. In college I was not able to have a dog. Each time I came in contact with a dog it was an experience to be savored. One day while comming home from classes I came across a white Chihuahua. He was tiny and very young, with that dewy pupply look. He was all alone, no human to speak of. I went over to him and he came right up to me. I pet him, and then picked him up. He responded well and sensed I was not going to cause him harm. It was late, and I couldn't just let him stay on the streets that night. I took him into my apartment. He took to my other rescue, Penny, who is about 50 pounds. She licked him like her own baby, he perched on her back and fell asleep there. We had a wonderful night. I thought I might just have to keep him. The thought of an owner somewhere out there crying because their baby was missing kept me from keeping him. The next morning I went searching for his owner. I sat outside of my apartment for hours, asking people if they had ever seen the chihuahua before. I was about to give up and thought, I'll ask one more person. It was two college guys, I thought would never recognize a dog. I asked and they knew! They had seen him in the apartment building complex across the busy street. I thought I would drive him over there and check out the lead. My first thought was to go to the apartment business office and ask. I walked inside cradling the dog in my arms and asked if they knew the dog, and who the owners were. No one really wanted to talk to me. I walked out of the office and started asking people just milling around the complex. Finally, I talked to a maintenance man, who recognized the dog. He said "that's Nacho!" Then he showed me to the apartment of the owner and walked away. I knocked on the door and held the pup in my arms, happy that we had found his owner. I was so excited to see the owner's reaction when they opened the door. I knocked.... Then a college age guy answered the door.. I said, "is this your dog?". He said, "oh yeah, he gets out sometimes." At that he grabbed Nacho and shut the door in my face. No thank you. No showering of love for Nacho. To this day I wonder if Nacho is still alive. I should have kept him. I could have given him a wonderful life.
- Valerie

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