My adopted wolf, Gv-ni-ge.


The Friends of the Forest are a Wolf Education
and Research Center

I have adopted two wolves from
the Sawtooth Pack, Matsi and Motomo.


Matsi is a Northern Rockies Gray Wolf. He was born May 24, 1992. He is beautiful and uncommon-looking because his face is elegant with soft, umber-colored eyes and a long snout. Unlike most gray wolves, Matsi doesn't have rings of gray fur circling his eyes. His blackfoot name means "sweet and brave". Today Matsi is 6 years of age and he is the closest wolf to the beta (or 2nd highest ranking)role. He is known to be the "caretaker" of the pack, looking after the pups and omegas. Although there are no more "pups" in the pack, he still seems to tolerate the obnoxious behavior the adolescents occasionally are prone to. His role continues to be well respected even though he rarely enforces it. His nearly white coat blends well with the snowfall, which makes him hard to see in the winter.


Motomo is the brother of Matsi. Motomo's blackfoot name means "he who goes first". As a pup, Motomo was burning with curiosity about his surroundings and caretakers. He was always the first of his litter to bravely investigate something new. Motomo is a lovely, even-tempered black wolf with big feet and a big heart. His enthusiastic greeting of his packmates clearly demonstrates the love the pack has for one another. Motomo's black fur is winter ready, thick and very long. It seems to lengthen by the day because Motomo's large mare becomes very pronounced when he becomes excited and his hackles raise. Motomo is on the lower end on the mid-ranking males, he faces new challenges this breeding season from a fellow packmate, who is close in rank. Still, Motomo is quick to defend his food against all members and frequently snarls at upper-ranking challengers as he submits and walks away from them. Out of all the males, Motomo tends to spend the most time away from the pack, usually exploring.

Daisy came to my cave
on 01/25/99


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