CD-Review VARIOUS ARTISTS - "The Alliance"

It's always a special and mostly really tricky thing when it comes to judge the compilations flooding the music market. Just like we got used to it in real life these compilations do not only show light (so to speak : Good) sides but also really often dark (crappy) sides, therefore not each compilation must automatically be filled with the rare stuff that is promised here and there. As for "The Alliance" let me tell you that this compilation consists of eight bands which are all (still) unsigned and that the whole "ERC-1"-project (as I use to call it) has been an idea of Derek McDonald, a Candian programmer, writer and music businessman. What this man has created in the time since we got in contact first is indeed astonishing, he did manage to get bands that appeared in Nightshade's Demo-Zone before (BRAIN DEAD, DEMACRETIA, PORNO COMA and RAGGEDY ANEURYSM) on this sampler as well as the remaining four ones DOUBLE CROSS, HANKER (I see some new Gods rising !), UNDERTOW and VIA DOLOROSA (from the Ukraine !). Referring to Derek over 70 people of four continents worked on this compilation from which 90% of work was done on computers - via online communications ! Time has passed and now, many months after Derek has catched up this idea, the raiding-ships of "The Alliance" are about to land near your coast, being lead by our South African Death / Industrial godz DEMACRETIA (featuring the "House of Death"- and "Industry"-tracks) who show that also Death Metal can be dancable. Joining in are RAGGEDY ANEURYSM with the tracks "Hitch-hiking Teenage Girls are going to die" and "Ext. #666" who show us a weird musical mixture that I would describe as "MARYLIN MANSON meets THE SMASHING PUMPKINS" and Canada's UNDERTOW ("Confusion"), PORNO COMA ("Sick of Silence") and HANKER ("You won't live eternally" - watch out for the progresses of this band as the guys are damn HOT !). Adding the Americans DOUBLE CROSS ("Stoned Kitty" does rock like hell, too !) and the Australians BRAIN DEAD ("Deceased") as well as VIA DOLOROSA ("S. W. F. ?") from the Ukraine, this divine compilation gets a real international touch and does therefore not only convince by its special song material. In contrast to many other compilations that are on the music market, mastermind Derek McDonald did take care of covering wide musical ranges and to focus on unsigned bands so I think there's hope that "The Alliance" comes back for some more rounds ! One thing's indeed for sure - I don't doubt (and won't wonder) that at least half the bands will get offers from labels soon - what better showcase can they get if not the one sailing among the banner of "The Alliance" ??? Anyway, stop reading me blubbering here and order get this CD for $8 during the next two months or for $11 afterwards - both prices are still cheap if you compare the relation between price and contents so head on and join "The Alliance" !!!
Label: Emperor Multimedia
Ordering Number : ERC-1
Rating: 10 out of 10

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Review by: Oliver Schönknecht
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