Example HR
Need a funny? Well go somewhere else cause you'll prolly need a barf bag for this page.. Some of the stuff I get is sick!!!
I'm a gonna be addin to this page all the time too... And when my dear friend Michele BOMBS me like she does on a regular basis (you know I luv ya girl!) I'll have TONS of stuff to add =)

Example HR

Two sanitary pads were floating down a sewer drain, and were approaching
       two tampons.
  Before the pads and tampons reached each other, one pad said to the other,
       "Should we say hi to those 2 tampons?"
     The other pad responded, "Err... nah... they're stuck up cunts."

Example HR

Two vampires walk into a bar and the first one orders a cup of blood. The
      second one orders a warm glass of water.

      The first one asks,"How come you didn't order a cup of blood?"
    The second one pulls out a used tampoon and says, "I'm having tea!"

Example HR

When they come to and extract themselves from the vehicle, they realize
    they're in the fabled Land of Oz.
   They decide to go see the famous Wizard of Oz. The Wizard is known for
  granting people their wishes.
 Quayle says, "I'm going to ask the Wizard for a brain."
   Gingrich responds, "I'm going to ask the Wizard for a heart."
       Clinton speaks up, "Where's Dorothy?"

Example HR

One day, while an elephant was walking through the woods, she got a thorn
  stuck in her foot. She saw an ant passing and asked him to help her get the
      thorn out.
          The ant asked, "What do I get in return?"
             The elephant replied, "If you get it out, I'll have sex with you."
    So the ant gets busy taking the thorn out. When he finally gets it out he looks
       up at the elephant and says "OK it's out, are you ready?".
       The elephant thinks, "Hey, what's a little ant gonna do anyways?" The ant
        climbs up and starts to work away. Just then a monkey overhead drops a
         coconut on the elephant's head.
"Ouch" screams the elephant, and the ant responds, "Yeah take it all bitch."

Example HR

Now if you know some funnies send em in (well actually most of ya do that already.. hence why they aren't funny .. hehe.. just kidding peoples!!) Really.. if ya hear a good one and think its worthy then send it to me. not that hard.. here's my email... AGAIN


Example HR

One mo thing befo you go.. if for some STUPID reason these jokes happen to be copywrited or sumfin like that lemme know k? I dont wanna be dissed on cause I didn't know. Blondes need help with these things =)

Example HR