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Why do E & H keep plugging away year after year when they've never really made a dent in the "business"? We are obviously talking about a couple of real boneheads here. Some folks just get so caught up in their own sense of purpose or their own (I hate to even say it) "creative flow" that they simply can't see the marketplace passing them by. Trends seem like cute little diversions to them and they completely miss the point of producing a product that is compatible with today's sound. Oblivious to the proven formulas for success, they grope around like blind men in a wasteland of spontaneous ideas. This approach is so over it's kind of pitiful.

How long can they keep this up? Do they realize how this looks? Again, you must realize who we are dealing with here. Of course today's music is for the young, of the young and by the young. Who really wants to look at folks with wrinkled faces and bald heads. And who's going to be interested in songs about these "forty nothings" with their stranglehold on rock n roll history and their tired opinions that just don't matter anymore? No one of course. But I suspect that E & H will be around with their stupid songs for awhile yet. They don't seem to see the writing on the wall.

What can we really call this music?
Is it blues? country? folk? pop?
I mean, just where are these guys coming from?
E & H seem to hold the totally career-limiting belief that you can just hop from genre to genre like some kind of musical frog. This behavior seriously grates the nerves of the media and marketing people who, although they seldom receive credit, are the real backbone of the artistic endeavor. Undefineable creativity is as useless as flowers in the desert.

Is it true that E & H's songs have been recorded by Lucinda Williams, Bob Dylan, Bonnie Raitt, REM and The Dixie Chicks? No.

Is it true that Ask Around was picked by Billboard Magazine as the "best original CD by an unknown artist"? No.

Is it true that Ellsworth is a pathological liar and Hicks is a card carrying curmudgeon? Yes.