The Peter Pan Thing

When I was about six years old I had a dream that changed my life. Ever since that time I have had a thing for Peter Pan.

It all started one night when I got up to use the bathroom. I was in that half-awake/half-asleep mode when you can still see images from your dreams. I remember walking down the hallway to the bathroom. I could see the end of the couch in living room which was at the end of the hallway. There was Peter Pan standing on the arm of the couch in his classic style; legs apart and hands on his hips. He told me that he wanted me to go to Never Never Land with him. So I went. Wendy was very mad about the whole thing but it didn't matter because I was the NEW Wendy!!!

This became a reoccurring dream for me throughout my life. When ever things aren't going my way I just hope for Peter Pan to come get me. I can hear him saying "Second star to the right and straight on till morning."

When Peter Pan was released on video this year I purchased it. It has now become a favorite of my son as well. When ever we are outside, he will pick up two sticks and say "Me, Pan. You, Hook, Mama" and the sword fighting starts. Then he yells "hand" which is my cue to say "I'll get you, Peter Pan, for cutting off me hand!" The he laughs and laughs and the sword fight continues.

I went to Disneyland this April and to my dismay the Flight of Peter Pan was closed for cleaning!!!! I was so upset. I had waited 22 years to go to Disneyland and the one ride I wanted to go on was closed. I know someday I will get to go on it but I wish that day would come soon. I did get some cool Peter Pan stuff though. I got some Tinkerbell earrings and a matching necklace with my name on it and some Peter and Wendy pins for my jacket. I prize them so much that I am afraid to wear them for fear I will lose them. So, they are still in my bedroom in a drawer.

I guess that's about it for Peter Pan right now but I will update this page as time goes by and as I get better at the whole page design stuff.

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