There are a lot of people and places that I need to thank for giving me ideas, sevices, help, and all that junk. I know that I will forget about 5 million people, so if that includes you, just send me some hate email.
First and most of all, I need to thank Reel Big Fish because if it wasn't for their music, I wouldn't have a webpage. The band is my favorite thing in the world, because the music makes me soo happy : ). Everytime that I have met members of the band, they have been really great, so nice in fact that they let my little sister take all the obnoxious pictures that are on my page. So thanks to them!
I also need to thank:
Mojo Records because I stole lots of pictures from them am and probably violating stuff by even printing the name "reel big fish"
everybody who has visited this gay-ass page and participated in the dumb activities.
Steve Silva (Qikksilva) for all of his ideas and pictures for the fan pics page
my little sister, Amy, for taking the pictures of the boys.

For Webspace:

For Sounds:

For My Guest Book:

For Graphics:

For my Message Board:

For Promo stuff or something
Starting Point
For My Chat Room:

For My Update List Thingy

the reel big fish zone

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