Clint Moffatt Interview

Part I : Clint file

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Full name and nickname --- Clinton Thomas John Moffatt : C.T.

5 words to describe yourself --- I can't.

Greatest talent --- Singing , playing bass , writing songs and music , playing football

Biggest charm --- I guess my humor

All time hero --- Paul McCartney , Daniel Johns , Bryan Adams , Pam Anderson + Jenny McCarthy

Most treasured possession --- My bass guitar

Fave word --- " No , your wrong "

If you were invisible for a day , what would you do? --- Playing football with Dallas Cowboy or go to a Silverchair concert and sing with Daniel Johns.

Part II Clint's Interview

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1. When did you start as a band and how was it?

When we were 3 and 4. It was great.

2. As it comes to this point , how do you feel?

The same as I did when I started singing.

3. How is your first international album? Please describe your music type.

It was alright , we didn't like that type of music so that we switched to pop - rock.

4. Aside from yours , what are the cds you listen to the most?

Silverchair ( Frogstomp) Nirvana (Nevermind) All of the Beatles albums Bryan Adams (Reckless)

5. Who do you want to work with?

Gil , Hanson , Silverchair , Paul McCartney

6. How would you describe yourselve?

Ask someone else. I don't pay attention to myself very often!

7. In your free time , what do you especially enjoy?

Writing songs , playing bass , singing , playing sports

8. What are very important things to you?

My life , my career , my instrument (guitar-bass)

9. For you , what do a good relationship consist of?

Time! (free time)

10. Apart from singing , what would you like to do?

I don't know yet because just love to sing.

11. What are your future plans?

To keep singing albums , writing songs and performing live!

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