Please enter the following information :

Do you like cheese? Yes No I am lactose intolerant
Have you ever been to Canada? Yes No I have breast implants
Are you scared of the dark? Yes No I have a Bugs Bunny nighlight
Do you sleep naked? Yes No I'm naked right now!
Do you watch National Geographic programs just for the naked tribal women?
Yes No I have all the nudity scenes edited onto one tape
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate La La Land?
Do you know what the number "3.141592654" is?
Who is your favorite Jetson? Why?
Check all that apply to you :
  • Have children
  • Have seen the movie, "Gladys, the Groovy Mule
  • Have seen a grown man naked
  • Looked at your asshole in the mirror today
  • Hate filling out checklists and questionaires
  • Love filling out checklists and questionaires
  • Only like filling out checklists
  • Like to fill out questionaires, but not checklists
  • Am indifferent to the filling out of questionaires and checklists
  • Think Jimmy J.J. Walker is DYN-O-MITE!!!!!
  • Hablo espanol