Here is a collection of some of the weird, outrageous, and incredibly stupid emails I get from some of the visitors to the Beavis and Butthead Bunghole Consortium. All messages here are word for word, spelling and grammatical errors included (for the most part, that is what makes them even more stupid):

"can you send me all your pictures"
Believe it or not, I get this message quite often. Yes, I can send you my pictures...will I? No. If you don't know how to download the pictures using your browser, then figure it out yourself instead of having others do the work for you.

"I what some b+b pics. Whould you please send me some."
This little delicacy was from

My reply to "ZiPPy" was:

Now, some people might say that I'm being too hard on these poor, hapless pedestrians who were just sending me an innocent email. "Some of them could be from other countries or maybe they're young children" one might say. Since I cannot tell whether someone is from another country, or is young, I must treat everyone as if they are intellectual, sentient beings...after all, they got on the internet and found my homepage didn't they? So if someone writes in to me with poor spelling and grammar, I have to assume that they are either incompetent or lazy. Neither which I will stand for. If you cannot say what you mean then how can you mean what you say?

"B&B your my bigist fan .Wen you get this letter pleas read it and send me back becouse you rule."

Now this one completely lacks any cohesion at all. *sigh*

"can you show bungholow of beavis think you"

Does anyone know what this person is trying to tell me?

" i jusr broke out of prison and i'm coming for your ass... You better be on your way to ppurchase some metal ass protetors, cause when i want your ass, i can just rip through your pants and go straight for the hole... Arr, i be the ass pirate... "

Now this one is hilarious! My roommates and I had a good laugh with this one.

Please let me know what you think about this page. If the response is generally good, I'll keep expanding the page. Trust me, there are plenty more where these came from!