Julie's Day with Days

I believe it was 1991. I had been watching Days for about 8 months. I went to a car show that had Melissa Reeves (ex-
Jennifer) and Mathew Ashford (ex-Jack) as the celebrities. A friend and I wandered around the show until we saw this
awesome looking man. He was wearing blue jeans, a white tee shirt, tennis shoes, and a black leather jacket. He had an earing
in his left ear. We followed him toward where Missy and Matt were signing autographs. He walks up to where Missy is sitting.
I soon realized that it was Scott Reeves her huspand. Scott, Missy, and Matt
signed a shirt with Matts picture on it, Scott signed the jeans I was wearing, and my friend and I go a picture of us and Scott. I'll never forget that day, It was wild. Julie

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