don't own them don't claim to.  just for fun. apoligize for typos.  it's very early in the
morning and i'm exhasted  but people want to know what happens so the show must go

Hell and Back  
part two
by stephanie meyer

Susan opened one eye carefully.  She soon regretted it.  LIgth pounded her head.  She was
hung over.  Very hung over, which was a feat in itself.  Her next observation filled her
with a little bit of alarm.  She wasn't in her own bed.  She looked around.  Hell., she
wasn't even in her sector.  From the looks of things, she was in down below.  She spied
her clouths crumpled in the corner.  She slipped out of bed and crawled toward them. 
She dressed quickly, throughing a glance at the bed's other occupent beforse slinking out
the door.
She stumbled into a secristy officer.  "Captian?"
She looked up.  "Zack?"
"You ok?"
"I've been better.  Walk me home?  I don't think I can make it."
"Sure."  He took in her pale face and noted the way she leaned on him.  Commander
Ivanova would never do that.  Captian Ivanova  would.  The month she had spent on the
station had convinced Zack that the Ivanova everyone had loved and feared was gone. 
Even her eyes were different.  She was barely a shadow of her former self.  Hell that fact
that she was on an indefenat leave of absanace should have been enough.  Commander
Ivanova always had to be pryed away from her post.
He punched his sescurity code and  opened her door.  "Do you need anymore help?'
"no Zack."  She patted his arm.  "I'll be ok now." The door slid shut behind her.  Zack
activated his link. " Allan to Dr. Franklin."
"Franklin.  What can I do for you Zack?"
"Prehaps you might want to go check on Captian Ivanova this morning."
Franklin sighed.  THis wasn't the first time. "Thanks Zack.  FRanklin out."
Stephen used his authorization to override her door code.  He found her huddled on the
"Stephen.  I guess you have to clean me up."
"you could say that.  Let's have a look."
"I think I might have a couple of bruised ribs this time.  I think I got beat up."
"Do you rember how it happened?"
"Nope.  Maybe it was jsut foreplay."
"Or lack there of.  Susan..."
"Don't lecture me, Stephen."
"The sleepers and alchol compound each other.  You're lucky its only short term momery
"It's the only way to completely stop it Stephen."
"The sleepers aren't working?"
"Everybody else is blocked out.  Everybody but him."  They both knew who him was. 
"When I don't rememeber, I don't rememeber him."
Garabaldi practical bawled her over when she opened the door.  "Good, your dressed. 
Let's go."
"Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you to lunch."
"Food, I don't think so."
"Oh yes, Captian.  If you don't come willingly, I'm going to through you over my shoulder
and carry you there."
"You wouldn't."
"Watch me!"
Garabaldi's grin was positively evil.
People paused in the corriders as a shout rang out.
"GARABALDI!!  You're a dead man!"
A flustered Ivanova and a grinning Garabaldi exited the lift.  "Name you're posion.  I'm
Susan tried to eat.  She really did.  Her nausea almost overwelmed her.  "Don't look at me
like that Micheal.  I'm not hung over.  I haven't drank in two weeks."
He raised one eye brow.  "Then what?"  he asked as he took a drink of orange juice.
"I think I'm pregant."
Heads turned as the stations former head of security coughed up his orange juice.
Garabaldi shadowed Stephen.  "Is she right?"
Stephen ran the scanner over Susan again.  "She's right.  You're off the sleepers?"
"Sinsce two days after you patched me up."
"you'll hve to stay off them for the duration of the pregnancy."
"I know."
"We should move you off the station."
"Stephen, could i talk to you alone?"
"That would be my cue to scram.  I'll catch you later, susan."
"bye micheal."
"what's up?" stephen asked
"marcus.  he's still in stasis, right?"
"of course.  why?"
"nothing.  it's stupid."
Susan was bundled off to Minbar in the middle of the night.  JOhn and Delenn would be
joining her shortly and Stephen promised to join her when she would need him.  She had
made her exit just in time.  Bester arrived shortly after she left.  Delenn smiled to herself. 
She had a plan.
susan often cried herself to sleep alone on minbar.  it wasn't fair.  she thought of him
counstantly.  how could she not.  he was in her head.  more so than ever.  she was never
aware of the constant presance of an unknown graudian angel.  an angel whom Deleen
had apointed.  if susan had know the idintity, she would have not believed it.
John and Delenn had moved ot Minbar, much to Susan's relief.  Because she had been
sent by Delenn, the religous caste treated her like glass.  Plus, she was sick.  All the time. 
Stephen said it would be bad, but not his bad.  She was also working with Minbari
telepaths to control her talent.  She was heading for the Presidents estate to greet John
and Delenn when one of her 'aides' let the preverbable cat out of the bag.
"it must be wonderful for you to have your family back."
Susan arched an eyebrow.  "Family?"
"The president and the ambassoder, are they not your famiily?"
The aid became nervous.  She had seen the Captian's temper before.  "They are not your
John chuckled as a very perturbed Ivanova stormed into meet him.  
"Explain, Dad," she cracked.
"Susan, with the new treaties, even on Mimbar you are not safe without citizenship.  So
John and I adopted you."
Susan chuckled.
"You are not angry then?"  Delenn asked.
Susna was laughing so hard she was crying.
"Is this one of those mood swings?"  John warily asked.
Between giggles, Susan gasped, "I'm just picturing you, as a grandpa!"
Delenn tried unsuccessfull to hide her smile.
"That is not funny," John replied.  Susan laughed harder and Delenn began to giggle. 
"Not funny at all."
susan was walking through the gardens.  she felt followed.  she carfully checked over her
shoulder.  she caught sight of him.  well, his figure.  she knew how to smoke him out. 
she climbed into the fountin and began to supmierse herself.  she was under when she felt
his hand clamp down on her shoulder.  as he pulled her up, she readied herself.  as she
broke surface, she snatched at his hood.  her eyes widened as she took in his face.  then
susan ivanova, the self proclaimed right hand of god, fainted.
de'leen looked up as the caped figure strode into her rooms.  "what happened?"
"she saw me."
"How could you let her?"
"she tried to drown herself.  she knew i was following her.  she trying to find out who i
deleen smoothed back the other woman's hair.  "oh susan.  if only you weren't so
His face was the first thing she saw when she woke up.  Her eyes widened and her face
paled.  "I knew it was you!  I knew I wasn't crazy."  she wrapped her arms around him. 
then she slugged him.
"Susan.  If I knew I'd get this reception, I'd have stayed dead."
"That's not funny."  she sobbed into his chest.  "How could you do this to me?"
"You seemed rather willing."
"Not this," she gestured to the bulk of her pregnacy." letting me think you were dead, that
i was crazy."
"don't you dare.  you didn't ask me.  you left.  just like everybody else."
"you were dying."
"i still was after you died,,,,left... what ever the hell you did.  in here."  she guestered to
her heart."  you killled that."
he held her while she cried.
"susan, i only meant to keep you safe."
"So you lied to me? Had Stephen lie to me?"
"Stephen didn't lie to you.  He thinks i'm still in statis.  Deleen had me revieved and kept
it a secret."
"It's along story."
"But that night?"
"Was everything i've dreamed of."  his hand rested on her abdomen.  "now we have this."
"tell me."
to be countinued.