"in the land of the mouse, the pink falmingo is a symbol of normailcy." minister in celbration, diseny's planed community.
"My goal in life is to move into a planned community and screw it up." stephanie meyer
"I represent those treehugging, liberal, socialists, thank you very much!"  stephanie meyer
"I'm having a hallmark moment.  help me."  stephanie meyer
"I am the simpsons."  stephanie meyer
"Oh, look at the cute little physical manifestation of the universe!"  stephanie meyer
"My life is in a shoe box under someone's bed and i don't remeber where i left it." stephanie meyer
"Society doesn't play fair.  I'm taking my ball and going home."  stephanie meyer
"Humanity is the planet's cancer.  Be your own chemotherapy."  stephanie meyer
"dude, it sounds like some one is trying to squeeze lotion out of your cat's butt." stephanie meyer

"Everybody that gave me shit for so long suddenly decided that hey, shit smells good!"emily spann
"do you think god farts?" emily span
"smile and knodd." chris a.(i can't spell her last name, i'm not even going to attempt to mutilate it with my horrible attempt.)
"every thing will be ok." chris a.
"It's not hard, it's like tinker toys." neal meyer
"my hair has been chemical enhanced." stephanie meyer
"even santa claus believes in you." muppet movie
"Ferdinan the duck, witness to insanity."  ferdinan the duck, babe.
"I don't think i look like george cloony, do you think i look like george cloony?"  aaron shutt, ch
"A mild shock, i like that."  b'elanna torres, stvyger
"your epidermis luminoused."  7 of 9, stvyger
"you don't like me much do you?"  danny nyland.  "not yet."  billy kronk.  ch
"a virus, a virus, they think we are a virus."  fear, stvyger.
"Ray, the next time someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!" winston, gb1
"Will you please stop sniffing me?" danny nyland ch
"nothing like a bear and a frog on the open road seeing america" fozzy, the muppet movie
"in decibles, she's second only to metalica" billy ch
"a hundred miles from civilization, who's pressing his kakis?" billy, ch
"i made it loud enough to scare away any would be innocent pain the ass bystanders." clemenza, the godfather I
"what does jack do up here?"lisa catera "i'm all for checking the crawl spaces." diane grad

bumber stickers
life is sexually transmitted.
life, the ultimate std
aliens are real.  it's the airforce that doesn't exist.
jesus saves...passes off to the buddha, who shoots, scores
words of colleage wisdom: you do not need massive amounts of sleep. it doesn't matter. sleep durn class. attendence is not required. keep your keys with you unless you are mguiver and can open it with a bar of soap and a piece of chewing gum.

does everybody know that classic physics problem about the monkey in the tree.  you know, the monkey sees the hunter and thinks if he jumps when the shot is fired he won't get hit?  does anyone else have a problem with this?  one, it's illegal to hunt monkeys.  the hunter is a poacher.  hello.  secondly, if the monkey is so smart, why doesn't he know that if he stays put, the hunter, no poacher, will miss him.  what kind of a poacher doen't compensate for the arc caused by gravity?  ever concider that the monkey didn't jump, that he was pushed.  what if the bullet that killed him didn't come from the poacher.  what if it came from inside the tree.  it was the squirrel on the grassy knoll, i'm telling you.
some one one said that if you're stressed, your neurons don't work as well. it's called pruning. i've been clear cut. slash and burn tactics

ok, here is my rant about television, peoples parenting skills, and the freedom of speech.
parenting, if you don't know what your kid is reading/watching/surfing, don't get ticked at society.  it shouldn't have to raise your childern.  it may take a village, but you need to supervise the hut.  spend time with your kids.  the tv is not a babysitter.
book banning.  it sucks.  don't do it.  farenhitte 451.  enough said.  every school distict will give a child an alternate book if the student or parents object to the material.  sometimes there are bad words or ethic/religous slurs in books.  this does not mean the author is promoting those veiws.  he or she is trying to make a point.  it's called IRONY and SARCASIM and PARODY.  if you are unable to grasp such abstract concepts, please, don't read the book.  don't spoil intellectuall stimulation for the rest of us.
my rant about televison has no where near the social commentary that the rest of this has had.  i'm warning you.  for those of you that have come to think i am some what intellegent by reading the above,(ignoring my spelling) rest assured, that belief is about to be refutted.  one word.  PHENIOX.  all you er fans know what i mean.  i'm still bitter.  it has come to sum up my life in regards to television.  space above and beyond, cancled.  earth 2, cancled.  er, susan leaves, show sucks.  chicago hope, diane and billy, leaving, show possibly canceled, babylon 5, marcus dead, susna gone, show sucks.  that about sums it up.  i love you good bye all over again only in different mediums.
ok, i'm on a chicago hope mailing list. they are advertizing a david kelly fan club. as if. he fires every one that is even remotely cool (billy and diane which you notice play a prominant role on my page) and moves it thursday nights. that is dramatic suicide.
  i warned you.  i now seem utterly pathitic and somewhat insane.  what, you expected me to be an intellectual?  not likely.  i have my moments but then my brain goes, hello, do i know you?  then the stupid dog thoughts return.(emily i'm borrowing your term.)