You're listening to The love thieves by Depeche Mode, Gabie's favorite song played in LFN. It's in her favorite episode, Mercy.

Please be advised that original layout design and written material in this page are owned and copyrighted by Gabie and Granvia, 1999. If you would like to use any part, please contact us for details. Thank you for your anticipated consideration.

This fan page is affectionately dedicated to our favorite show and characters of La Femme Nikita, a production of Warner Bros. and USA Network and they, along with other parties that have licensed their material to WB Online, own the trademarks and copyrights on Nikita and its logo. Further, this site is not affiliated with either Warner Bros. and USA, except emotionally. Any images and audio from the show, as well as text quoted from scripts that the LFN Our NGer Gang Page may use to spread the popularity of La Femme Nikita are the properties of Warner Bros., their licensed parties, and USA, whose indulgence we heartedly appreciate and encourage .

Watch La Femme Nikita and catch our fever!

Please drop us a line at Gabie or Granvia