So, you've decided to navigate my site. Good for you. Since I have hired a monkey wearing a metal beanie with a lightbulb at the top to help me with my HTML editing, you may actually find something on my site. Although the process of me getting new pictures up here is going VERY slowly, feel free to check back here until something gets loaded, oh, say, about twice a day should cover it. Don't worry. This section will speed up dramatically once I bag my new computer. I swear.

Approximate Date
Sarah Rainmaker
Now here's my first attempt to put a picture up here. This link will take you to my fan art of Sarah Rainmaker of Gen 13 fame, that is already up on (now defunct and de-funked). Careful, she doesn't have a nose
Here is some sort of alien mech destroyer thing. It's a highly sophistimicated doo-whacky. People seem to like this one. People meaning me. At least this one doesn't have a name. (I also know that it is a lousy job of editing on this pic, and I'll give it to you straight. These were taken directly from my sketchbook that is cluttered with many other goof-ball drawings in a chaotic way, so I had to delete the surrounding pictures that would have interfered. The cat's out of the blender.(You can even see a light picture of Luigi and an ecstatic stick-figure that the scanner picked up through the opposite side of the page. (I wonder if putting more that one set parenthesis in another is grammatically correct? (But who cares.))))
3-D Homer

Bender Animation (Dead Link)



This isn't really a drawing of mine per se, but I did create it. This picture was created in the 3D landscape generator "Bryce 3D" or something. I had roughly 3 seconds of training in this application before I got started, so I think it turned out pretty... weird lookin'.
Note to self: look up definition of "per se".

This new and improved addition is my latest foray into the world of tri dimensional graphics. I've realized that Bryce3D is not as versatile as 3D Studio Max is for what I want to do with it. Hence this new file, full of sound and chrome textures and multiple lights and bevel and extrude and more than one frame (resulting in animation).

Lara Croft
I like to think that my drawing of Lara Croft makes her look less like a blocky, bullet-breasted, promiscuous, odious-looking harlot, and more like a blocky, bullet-breasted, promiscuous, cordial-looking harlot.
SpiderMan vs. SuperMan
When I heard about SpiderMan beating SuperMan in the Marvel vs. DC comic slaughter-fest, I was quite offended. Supes would smoosh SpiderMan in the wad of toilet paper of justice and toss him into the toilet of reality. And flush the handle of... uh, freedom.
Mission Illogical
Remember that scene from Mission Impossible where Ethan descends from the ceiling on the rope and hacks into some government computer? Well, prepare for that scene to be ever tarnished in your mind from now on by seeing this parody starring SuperGecko.
Comedy Team comic
Sexual descrimination is funny! Ha ha! Don't sue!
You'd better hope that the Lamblor5000: Destroyer of Worlds never meets your favorite comic book character in some sort of fictional comic battle. Here he single-handedly takes on SuperMan, The Incerdible Hulk, WonderWoman, SpiderMan, and MegaMan. Owtch indeed.
Heroes on Parade
This full-pager is a montage of a few of my acquaintances' original characters. I've done my take on the following characters, in order from left to right down the page: Slimy Snail, Mercury, Afro Duck, Sprite, Shelby Cobra (Kyle Mullins); Joey Pocket Knife (Aaron Lamble); Capybara Crusader, Mouth, Jelly Person Man, Bird Lizard, Egg Roll, Batty, Air Man, CountDown, Spider Guy, Saucer, Nemo, Bat Shadow (Chris Lucero); Hiro and Mia (Raymond Sooksil). All characters are property of their respective owners. Thanks and apologies to all.
When Gap commercials eventually get so unoriginal they start using Weird Al songs.
The title says it all. A good-natured jab at the Generation Y synopsizes that we love to hate.
70 m.p/h Attack Ferrets
Imagine all the money we could save if we cut the number of the human police force in half and replace them with 70 miles-per-hour Attack Ferrets. Think about it; quick, stealthy, easy to train, can be trained to search, stun, or kill. If you think taxes are too high and don't mind being labeled with a psychological disorder, write your local congressman to put Attack Ferrets on the force.
Your not-necessarily favorite comic book hero angrily shouting the tagline from your not-necessarily favorite song.
Michellanator vs. Lamblor5000
It's the greatest matchup since Regis Philbin and Alex Trebec's "Intellect vs. A Big Wad of Cash" battle; The Lamblor5000: Destroyer of Worlds up against the Michellanator.
Bored of the Flies
I felt like sketching a couple scenes from everyone's favorite novel where preadolescent boys take off their clothes and try to slit each other's throats, "Lord of the Flies." If you've read it and haven't blocked it out of your mind, enjoy. If you haven't, don't read it just for the sake of understanding the drawings. Then I'd be forced to laugh at you.
Mr.Brown and Mrs.Sula

Mr. Wentz


If you've ever been to Blue Valley North West High School (I know it's unlikely, but maybe even a few people who visit this site may even attend that school on a regular basis.) you might know who Mr. Brown, Mrs. Sula and Mr. Wentz are. If not, you're probably either a lowly freshman or not very observant.
Karate Girl
Lookit this lady! She's tall! She has a lot of hair! She's would kick you with her big ol' legs if she were a physical manifestation of what this drawing graphically represents!
If you haven't heard by now, there's going to be a Terminator 3 movie, and I'm gonna' write the script. This is what the main villain, the T-2000, will look like if I get my grant from James Cameron for $32,000.
Pikachu's Final Evolution
Your not-necessarily favorite comic book hero genetically integrated with your not-necessarily favorite character from your not-necessarily favorite Japanese plot for world domination.
Sailor Moon
Ever watch Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network, or failing that, Japan? No? Good.
The Shriners Loaned Us Cars
Okay children, I hope you've been listening, because it's time for a quiz. How can you be positive that the being that you are looking at is an angel? If you said large feathery wings and a luminous halo you are wrong. Either of those things can be artificial. The true way to tell that She's an Angel is if she has no legs sticking out from under her angel gown thing.
SpiderMan's Last Stand
Can you believe it? Yet another drawing of SpiderMan! And he's about to be fatally injured in this one, too. Can you say "reoccurring theme?"
Can you believe it? Yet another drawing of SuperMan! And I'm using practically the same caption from this link as I did the one above. Can you say "reoccurring theme?"
Mulder and Scully
It's Mulder and Scully and some alien guy you've never seen. Enjoy.
Roicini Gogoahnaboionovich
Don't bother interpreting this one unless you have a good eye/imagination. Just look at it. Just look at it and be happy for once in your Godforsaken life, will you? Geez.
Lay Fang
If you've played Dead or Alive 2 and know Jesse Printz, then you know what this drawing is about. If not, you shouldn't read too much into it. It wouldn't be healthy.
Crush Stampede
The second in the series of "Joanie's HighSchool YearBook Drawings." This is significantly less violent than the previous selection, but hey, gore does eventually hit a ceiling in the area of comedy...
Who am I kidding, no it doesn't.
More Terminator 2 stuff. Not really new stuff, just a revisit on a few of the scenes from T2 starring the T-2000, jumbled up beyond belief. The color looks a bit off 'cause it was done on recycled paper. I'm a damn tree-hugging hippie, I know.
The Vigilante
The first in the series of "Joanie's HighSchool YearBook Drawing that aren't in Joanie's YearBook." This one is beyond violent. Don't even look at it. I beg of you. If you want to see the uncensored version, e-mail me for the link. Don't look at that one even more.
Metal Queer Solid 2: Daughters of Liberty
The second in the series of "Joanie's HighSchool YearBook Drawing that aren't in Joanie's YearBook." Not as much the voilece theme in this one as is a, uh, different theme. You'd only understand this one if you play Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Libery; Trial Edition and Dead or Alive 2 quite a bit. But hey, if you don't play those games, feel free to take a look at the pic and be either confused or disgusted. Most likly both.
Natasha Van Ruskie
The Russian lady from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Trial Edition, soon to be the Russian lady from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. (For the sake of search engines everywhere, her name is Olga Gurlukovich.) Only view this if you are comfortable with your breast size like the Lamblor.
Viscous Meniscus
This is an art project in which we had to create an image that embodies/corresponds to/just goes along with a song of our choice. To hear the song I chose, simply surf over to the good people at OverClocked Remix and find the song A Boy and His Blob - Cyborg Blobby by Mazedude. This picture is all sorts of crazy, which you need to achieve if you're to survive in art school. It's best viewed while listening to at least a little bit of the song. If you don't, you will become sterile.
Ariel... Someone
'Dis here's a sketch of some girl from KCAI named Ariel. And whatever you're thinking, the answer is no. She looks too sad in this picture for her own good. Don't let that taint your knowledge of her usualy upbeat demeanor.
Van Halen was Right On
Here's a caricamiture of my art history teacher. And whatever you're thinking, the answer is yes. She's much hotter than this picture gives her credit for, and her head might be just a little bit bigger. She's either got a huge head or she's really short; my perspective is all messed up looking at her standing at the lectern. Side story: on a test day, the students were filling out the covers of their blue books. One kid asked "How do you spell your last name," so she did. Immediately after, someone else asked "What's your phone number?" Ah, good times.
Jim S'jovic
Another caricature of an administrator. This is resident cokehead director of the foundations program here at KCAI. It seems that I'm the only one here who thinks he looks like Tony Sirico, who plays Paulie "Walnuts" Gualtieri on The Sopranos.
L.L. Walker
It's a one-time-only CARICATURE BLOWOUT! Our district manager told us we have TOO MANY CARICATURES on the lot and to LIQUIDATE THEM ALL! That means the savings go STRAIGHT TO YOU! Uh, I mean, here's another one of someone at KCAI.
Man, I forgot I had made this. I guess it was a little Photoshop thingy I did in MUSE class that I uploaded but never gave a link to. See if you can spot the joke. I can't.
Sophomore Studio
These little descriptions are getting less and less inspired. CARICATURES. TEACHERS. ART SCHOOL. HRRRRRRRRMM.
Trash Talkin' Stef
Based on all of the other recent images, guess what this one is about.
Oh, wait, I mean yes.
O-Ren Ishii
That really was a Hattori Hanzo sword.
Delineation of Color
Katherine Streeter ( came to our school to show her work, answer questions, and participate in a class critique. And then I drew a picher.
Here's a caricature of a girl named Sarah. Or, as I like to call it, a sarahcature. Ha! Boy, does the fun ever end? Yes, yes it does.
Never Get Fooled Again
A pro bono commission for a politically charged cartoon.
Rivers Cuomo
Desktop Image
First illustration project for the Spring 05 semester. And one of the first here to be in dreaded COLOR.
Return of Roicini Gogoanaboionovich
Comics carry concurrent concepts and commentary, commonly corny and churlish. But who cares.
Search for the Girl Gamer
New to hit the shelves this holiday season, this game is sure to be a hit among all true gamers. It has unlimited replay value because the game does not end. How fun!
The Girl Gamer
And here, for your viewing pleasure, is the girl from the poster in the background of the Search for the Girl Gamer image, in all her unobscured glory. For all of ten minutes creation time, it works better than it should. Also, I didn't notice it while drawing it, but in retrospect it seems that she is sort of doing a Lynndie.
Bach had three of a kind
If you haven't seen this slice of cinematic history, I advise you drop what you're holding right now, especially if it's a stack of plates or a blueberry pie or an infant or something, and go watch it.
OooooooOOOOOOoooo! Fun game time: submit your answer and win an awesome prize!
Email address:
Who is it?!:
Two Megs
A color image? AugbleaugHAUUGHRragglebleh-five dollars?! Get outta' here.
Different Meg
This is Megan. Er, a different Megan. Well, I mean, it's a drawing of Megan. A different Megan.
Vector Girl
Here's my foray into the John Allison school of Illustrating. It seems the only major difference between his stuff and this is that his works.
Tina Fey
Small sketch this time. Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live.
Two Little Chicks
What is he? Sinatra?

Back to basics

Every picture on this webpage is property of Brent Smith. The characters are property of their respective owners. Most pictures come straight from the Master Archive, i.e. my good ol' sketchbook. I would like to give special thanks to every person to aid in completion of the book, who are as follows;
Aaron Lamble
Elizabeth Lewis
Jackie Walker
Kyle Mullins
Adam Lamble
Greg Kennedy
Eric Cipra
Courtney Parker
Daniel Hill
Grant Miner
David Bickley
Brian Sweatt
Justin Johnson
Jesse Printz
Chris Hair
Shane Shambo
Ryan Grass
Atman Buch

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