Dark Infatuation

Part 2


By Darian

Disclaimer: All characters except Mina StarRyder belong to George Lucas, and LucasFilms,  I make no money off this story. Please do not use without permission.

Chapter 2

 Upon arriving on Alderaan, the Jedi were shown each to separate rooms in the palace.  Mina’s was a large room, painted a pale pink with white furniture spread comfortably around the spacious area.  Mina scanned the room with her eyes taking in everything around her.  She had never had such an elaborate room, she had become accustomed to sparse furnishings, in a typically small room.
 She walked over to her bed, laying herself down on the soft coverlet.  She ran her hands along the velvet feel of it, sighing contentedly.  Well, I guess I shouldn’t get used to this. She sighed again, not willing to give up the comfort of the bed just yet.
 A knock on her door made Mina sit up grudgingly.  She remained sitting,  assuming it was one of the servants in the palace.  “Come in.” She called out to the person behind the door.
 The door slid open with a soft hiss, and in walked Obi-Wan. He stopped just inside the doorway, with an awkward look on his face when he discovered she was sitting on her bed.  She smiled kindly, not bothering to move.  “Are we to meet with the Senator already?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, “No, that’s not for another hour. We have been invited to attend a ball in our honour.  I happen to know Qui-Gon doesn’t really take to celebrations, especially when they are for him.”
“I don’t think I have ever had anything held in my honour.  This is new to me I’m afraid.”
Obi-Wan smiled, “Well, since it’s the Senator who is holding it, we certainly can’t back out of it.  You will have your chance to shine in the spotlight.”
Mina shrugged, “It’s not about being in the spotlight. I know how Jedi are seen throughout the galaxy, I don’t think I will ever get used to that. I mean we are recognized everywhere we go. I suppose it’s rather difficult not to recognize us for who and what we are.”
Obi-Wan nodded, “After awhile you don’t even notice it, you take it for granted.”
“Maybe I don’t want to take it for granted.  I want people to know I appreciate how they feel about me. Perhaps a little misguided, but I can’t change it.”
Obi-Wan smiled crookedly. “I understand.”
 Mina motioned for him to sit down on one of the chairs near the bed. “There is no need for you to stand in the door, when there are plenty of places for you to sit down. Please, have a seat.”
He shrugged, then proceeded to take a seat to her right, on a high backed chair. “These are rather comfortable aren’t they?”
“Yes they are.  I was thinking to myself before you came in, that I will miss this bed when we leave.” As soon as she said that, she turned a light shade of red. She really


didn’t want to say anything about the bed, especially not to him.  He just smiled, and nodded agreeing with her.
“So, what would we wear to this ball? Our own clothes? Or do we dress more formal?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “I suppose it doesn’t really matter what we wear. We can elect to wear our usual attire, or pick out some civilian clothes.  It depends on what you would like to wear."
Mina nodded slowly. “I’m not sure, perhaps I had better wait and see what Qui-Gon and yourself pick out.”
“Mina, you can wear whatever you want to. Please don’t feel obligated to wear what we do.  Qui-Gon isn’t in the habit of dressing up for these things. He feels more comfortable in his regular clothes.”
“I suppose so.  I think maybe we should get ready for the meeting.” Mina stood to fetch her cloak which she had discarded upon entering the room.
 At once she was struck by a vision of the future, which sent her off balance. Obi-Wan grasped her waist, a concerned look on his face.
 Mina was caught in the turmoil of her vision.  A barely visible dark cloaked figure walking toward her.  She sensed an unusual amount of power from him; a dark power, dark and dangerous. Yet at the same time she felt attracted by this same power, and helpless to resist it. It demanded something from her, something that could very well destroy her soul.
 When the vision passed, she felt weak and groggy; she noticed she was leaning against Obi-Wan, who was holding her protectively against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lean on you like that. I, I must have lost my balance.”
Obi-Wan didn’t look convinced. “It was a vision. I could sense it. Tell me what was it?”
Mina shook her head to clear it. “I’m not sure, I know it has to do with our mission here. Some man, or something anyway; dark….cloaked in black. I sense hate and anger from him. And something more, something dangerous. We will have to be on our guard.”
Obi-Wan nodded, “I have to agree with that; I sensed it earlier as well. There is something going on here. Are you alright?”
“Yes I’m much better. Thank you Obi-Wan.”
He finally released her, stepping away, and hiding his hands out of sight in his cloak. Mina picked hers up and put it on, saying “We had better be going, Qui-Gon will be waiting for us.”
“We will have to tell him about this vision.”
“I know. He won’t be too happy about this.”

 Qui-Gon was staring intently at Mina as she recalled her vision, in slow soft tones.  Obi-Wan was standing just off to Mina’s right, never taking his eyes off her for moment.
 Mina concluded with a sigh, as she slumped back in her chair.  “I don’t know what this could mean. All I know is there is more to this then meets the eye.  We have to be careful.”

Qui-Gon nodded slowly.  “I have felt a disturbance in the Force ever since we arrived on the planet.  I can only assume you two have also sensed it. “
Both of his companions nodded their assent.  “There is a presence here.  I hesitate to say this, but, I feel the person we sense very strong in the Dark Side.”
Mina nodded, hating to admit he was more then likely right. Obi-Wan’s face betrayed his surprise.  “The Dark Side Master?  Are you sure?”
“Unfortunately yes.  This could prove to be a very eventful mission.  Is there anything you can tell us about this person at all Mina?”
Mina thought for a moment. “All I can say from what I saw, is it’s a male. He is dressed in dark clothes, I think he was wearing a cloak of some sort.”
Qui-Gon looked up at Obi-Wan, seeing in the younger Jedi’s face a mirror of his own feelings.  They were both sure Mina was holding something back. He was unsure of why, or how to broach the subject, without making it appear he was accusing her of hiding things.  He leaned back in his chair, with a thoughtful look on his face.  Obi-Wan shifted his position slightly.  Mina was looking down at her hands, well aware they sensed her reluctance in telling them the whole truth.
 “What aren’t you telling us Mina? It’s very important you are completely honest about what you saw in this vision. Every detail is vital.”
 Mina shrugged and stood from her chair, taking to pacing around the room.  She felt very uncomfortable with this conversation.  She felt their eyes on her as she made the rounds of the room.  She knew she had to tell them something, she just wasn’t sure if she should or could tell them everything.
 She took a deep breath then slowly said. “I think there could possibly be more then one reason he is here. The feeling I got from the vision, he has two purposes.  I don’t know for sure what either has to do with.”
“But you have an idea.” Qui-Gon leaned forward.
Mina looked directly at Qui-Gon, and said softly, “Yes.  It has to do with us.”

 Mina had retreated to her room after the conference with the senator. It was just a preliminary meeting, to get a feeling of what the situation was; and if it had evolved at all.  So far from what the Jedi could ascertain the situation was similar to what was occurring on Naboo, but with less hostility.  Qui-Gon was confident they would resolve the matter quickly.
 Mina was glad it hadn’t been a long meeting with the Senator.  She had felt Qui-Gon’s and Obi-Wan’s eyes on her throughout, she felt their indecision as to whether or not she was telling them everything.  Of course she knew she hadn’t. She had told them the vital details certainly, everything they needed to know. The one thing she left out was her intense feeling of attraction to this unknown being.  She herself found it absurd, for two reasons.  One, she  had no idea who or what this creature was; and it was more then likely he was a being of the Dark side.  The other reason, she was a Jedi, she had no business having feelings of this matter. It would distract her from her mission.  Jedi must have a serious mind, with no time for emotion, there must always be peace and serenity.

 In the back of her mind there was another reason she held back in telling them what she felt.  She had yet to admit it to herself, let alone any other breathing thing; but she had a nagging guilty feeling about it.  At first she wasn’t sure why, but in time as she gazed at Obi-Wan chatting pleasantly with the Senator, she knew.  She had begun to develop feelings for him, beyond those of friendship.  She was surprised to find her mind constantly straying from the task at hand, to think about her handsome companion.  Every time he spoke, with his soft yet strong voice; every time he glanced her way with his sparkling blue eyes.  Every time he smiled that special crooked smile, her heart beat double time, her palms became clammy; and she had to stop herself from sighing, and fainting dead away.
 How could this be happening?? She didn’t know what was worse, falling hard for another Jedi; oh, was she falling hard and fast; or having an incredible attraction to someone she didn’t even know?? Hadn’t even met.
 The nagging feeling that had been with her since she first had the vision of the dark clothed man, returned stronger this time.  It wasn’t long now before her destiny would catch up with her.

 Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were in conversation with Senator Bail Antilles, discussing the treaty that the Trade Federation had proposed.  On paper at least it looked reasonable enough, but Qui-Gon felt wary of it.  The Trade Federation hardly ever did anything that didn’t benefit them in some way.  He had made his feelings clear to Bail, stating that even though the treaty was more then likely on the straight and narrow, there was something underneath it all.  It bothered Qui-Gon that he couldn’t figure out what they were up to.  It served no purpose to cause trouble for Alderaan; and even less sense to make trouble for the much smaller planet of Naboo.
 The Senator had been looking over the treaty, and almost decided it was worth signing, if the Jedi thought it was in their best interest.  Qui-Gon was unsure, and asked the Senator to hold off on signing it for the moment.
 After a time, the conversation turned to more pleasant things, and Bail asked where their companion was.  Qui-Gon shrugged slightly, “To be honest Senator, I have not the slightest idea.  I would assume she should be joining us shortly.”
“I hope you are right Qui-Gon, it would make the evening more pleasant having the lovely young lady with us.”  Bail smiled, taking a sip of his drink.
“I do believe Senator, that would mean the evening has just gotten more pleasant.” Qui-Gon said.  Following his gaze, the Senator, and Obi-Wan spotted Mina coming into the grand ballroom.  She had changed out of her Jedi outfit, into a royal blue sleeveless evening gown, with a fitted bodice, and flowing skirt.  The gown was flattering to her; perfectly showing off her muscular, yet feminine form.
 Obi-Wan’s sharp intake of breath, made Qui-Gon smile and place his hand on his Padawan’s shoulder.  “She does look lovely doesn’t she?”


Obi-Wan nodded silently.  His gaze traveled the length of her, taking in the sight in front of his eyes.  He liked what she had done to her hair.  It wasn’t often that the female Jedi changed the way they styled their hair.  Mina had pulled most of her hair into a braided bun, then left the ends of her hair fall loose, so they draped her shoulders.
 She paused at the threshold of the room, carefully scanning the large room, obviously looking for someone.  Finally spotting her companions on the far side chatting with the Senator, she slowly made her way toward them; her movements graceful.
 Her attention  was caught by Obi-Wan, standing beside the Senator,  wearing not his usual Jedi attire, but a  regal suit of dark blue, trimmed in gold.  His eyes were locked to hers, sending a shiver down her spine.
 Qui-Gon was the first to step out and greet her. He was in his normal Jedi outfit, considerably cleaned up for the occasion.  He smiled warmly at her, taking her hand in his.  “Mina, you look lovely this evening. Please come and join us. I must say these gentleman have been eagerly waiting for your arrival.”
Mina smiled shyly, “Thank you Master Qui-Gon..  I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate to wear something other then the uniform.”
“There is no problem with dressing differently once in awhile.  Especially when it suits you.”
The Senator extended his hand when they reached him, Mina took his offered hand smiling.  “Senator, good evening.  It appears to be a wonderful ball.”
“Indeed Miss StarRyder, I’m happy that it meets with your approval.  You look delightful.”
“Thank you Senator.  It is an honor to be here.”
Finally turning to Obi-Wan, who also took her hand, raising it to his lips and gently kissing it.  “It’s good to see you Mina, you look wonderful.”
“’As do you Obi-Wan.”
 “Well, now that all the special guests are here, the Ball can truly begin! Please enjoy yourselves.”

 The evening was going well, the guests were dancing, and enjoying the cuisine.  The three Jedi did their best to join in with the festivities, knowing it was for them; but at the moment they had taken time out of the revelries to catch their breath. For Mina, not used to functions of this nature, she found it all a bit overwhelming; with everyone considered underneath them, bowing to show their respect. Mina was glad for the break, to just be herself again.
 They had found themselves a little corner, and were quietly talking.  Qui-Gon was watching the crowd, taking tiny sips of his drink; Mina was sure he was distracted. The treaty the Trade Federation had offered Alderaan, was worrying him. None of them had sensed any mal-intent in the Federation Viceroy.  Qui-Gon was positive there was something behind it all though.
“What could they possibly have to gain by this? What was the point in it anyway?” Obi-Wan questioned, waiting for an answer.  Qui-Gon shook his head slightly.

“I wish I knew Obi-Wan. According to the Viceroy, the attempted blockade was to protest the taxing of the trade routes.  Which makes sense on the surface. My problem with this, is the Trade Federation are cowards, they never would have thought to blockade one planet let alone two. Someone else must be behind this. There must be someone who is orchestrating, that much is clear.  The question now becomes, who it is, and why they are doing this. What do they hope to gain? “
 Mina was nodding, “I was wondering also, why pick these particular planets?  I suppose I can understand with Alderaan. It’s a large planet that does a lot of trading with the Federation.  It would hurt them to a certain extent. Not a lot that  would make a severe difference. Then you take the planet of Naboo. It’s much smaller  and does limited trading with  the Federation. That is what doesn’t make any sense. Also it’s a more remote planet.  Where is the logic in blockading it?”
 Qui-Gon nodded, “You see the dilemma Padawan.  We will have to focus our efforts in discovering the real reason behind all this trouble. I have no doubt whatever is causing this, will rear it’s ugly head soon.”
Obi-Wan sighed, he knew his Master was right, there was a formidable foe out there somewhere in the shadows. Shifting his eyes to Mina, he was certain all that was happening, had a great deal to do with Mina’s vision.

 Qui-Gon was off with the Senator, meeting and greeting other members of the government.  Obi-Wan and Mina were standing near a table loaded down with food, watching the dancers. Obi-Wan took a deep breath and turned to Mina, “Would you care to dance? It would be better then just standing here having everyone stare at us.”
Mina grinned. “So we can be stared at on the dance floor then? I will warn you, I’m on light on my feet.”
“From what I have heard about your battle stances, I find that hard to believe.”
He took her hand and lead her out to the dance floor, the crowd parting as if in a dream. The band was playing and Alderaanian waltz, as Obi-Wan took Mina in his arms, and swept her across the floor.
Through the length of the song, he held her closer, until their bodies were pressed together, close enough to hear the other’s heartbeat. Mina rested her head against his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his arms around her.  In response Obi-Wan tightened his hold on her.
 The song seemed to go on forever, with  only the two of them in the whole world. When the song ended, both were reluctant to let the other go, still clasping hands.
Obi-Wan let go of one of her hand, to trace his fingers along her cheek. “Thank you for the dance.” He softly said, as Qui-Gon came up to them.
“Forgive my intrusion, but I must speak with Obi-Wan for a moment. Please excuse us Mina.”
“Of course Master Qui-Gon.” Mina bowed slightly to the older Jedi. She watched as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan made their way to the other side of the room to speak with the Governor of Alderaan.

Feeling a little light-headed from her dance with Obi-Wan, Mina decided to get some fresh air.  She was certain no one would notice her absence, so she went to the glass doors that opened out to the grand floral lawns to the back of the palace.
 She stepped out into the night air, breathing deeply of the fragrant air. She loved the smell of flowers, and Alderaan boasted of some of the prettiest flowers in the galaxy.
 Wandering down a path away from the house, she took no notice of where she was going, lost in the beauty of the night.
 Reaching the pond that was enclosed by the  towering trees that surrounded it, she stood and watched the ripples the breeze made on the water. She never heard the footsteps that mirrored her own.  She never heard the rustle of clothes as they brushed by the plants, in an attempt to follow without being detected.
 Slowly, surely, realization dawned on her that she was no longer alone. Spinning around, silently cursing herself for not having her lightsaber with her. Comforted by the fact she could use the Force if need be.
 She scanned the surrounding woods, not seeing anything. She wasn’t fooled though, by what her eyes couldn’t see. She had learned long ago, an enemy could mask their physical presence but not their signature in the Force. Every living being, whether or not Force sensitive, had their own signature, own life force, that could be detected by a Force User.
 Qui-Gon’s words echoed through her mind, from the beginning of the night, chastising her for being without her lightsaber.   She brushed away the thought, thinking it was too late now to worry about it.  She closed her eyes to concentrate on the Force signature. She felt it strongly somewhere in front to her left.
 “Ok, I know you are there, come out at once.” She spoke sternly to the darkness, using her best Jedi voice. There was silence.
“You may as well come out, you can’t pretend you aren’t there! I can sense your presence. I’m a Jedi.”
Again there is silence.  Mina strained her eyes to see through the blackness, which was only brightened by the light from the palace.
“I will give you one more chance. Reveal yourself At once!”
From out of the stillness came a voice. Soft, husky, immensely sensual. Coming to her as music, drifting like a wave in the ocean.
“It’s not wise to walk into darkness unarmed.  Your Master should have told you that.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls.  I’m perfectly capable of walking into darkness unaided.”
“Perfectly capable of meeting your doom you mean little girl.  After all, you don’t know what may be lurking in the dark.”
His voice was sending shivers down her spine.  It seemed almost familiar to her, but she couldn’t place it.
“I’m not some pitiful child that needs scolding.  I’m not the one who is hiding themselves in the shadows.  You haven’t even presented yourself.”
“I do not hide Jedi. I do not believe you ready to face me.”

“Show yourself, and see if you are ready to face me.” Mina’s voice had an edge to it.
The faint sound of laughter floated to her on the wind. Out of the shadows, a dark figure unfolded himself. Dressed all in black, from his hooded cloak to his midnight black boots; it was the man in her vision.
 Mina gasped, and tried to retain her composure. Her heart beating wildly, as he approached her, slowly, taking his time, knowing the effect he was having on her.
‘This can’t be happening, this just can’t.’ She was thinking to herself. What was she going to do?   She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control the overwhelming emotions that were suddenly flooding her mind.
“I’m more then ready to face you little one. I have been waiting a very long time to reveal myself to you.”
Mina forced herself not to take a step back when the hooded man stopped in front of her,  so very close to her, standing almost a head taller. She breathed in his scent, of musky leather. She raised her eyes to meet his striking yellow ones. His cloak masked his face, except for slight outlines of a mouth and nose.
 He was standing too close. Again she felt that irresistible attraction. To her horror, she felt a reciprocal feeling from him.
“I don’t’ know what you mean.” She managed to breathe out, her voice catching.
“Let’s not play games. You know what I mean. You know why I’m here, you have felt it. You have sensed it.  You can’t deny what you feel at this moment.”
Slowly, almost gently, he raised his hand, and brushed her face, a movement that mimicked Obi-Wan’s earlier.  “You know you belong to me.  I am destined to be your Master.”
Mina tried desperately to gain control of her feelings. To break this hold he suddenly had on her. She forced her mind away from the man in front of her,  bringing her thoughts to Obi-Wan. Pleading in her mind for his help. She knew if she couldn’t reach him, all would be lost.
 “That Padawan can not cleanse your mind of me.  Mina, we will be together.”
He slid his hand slowly back along her jawline, finally running his fingers through her hair before releasing her, and vanishing into the darkness.
 Mina stood there, willing herself to breathe.  The sound of running broke her from her trance. She looked up to see Qui-Gon followed by Obi-Wan racing toward her. She sighed, he had heard her call.
 Qui-Gon reached her first, Obi-Wan standing a bit back, covering the area, scanning the trees.  Mina almost slumped against Qui-Gon in her relief to see them.
 “Mina, what happened? Are you alright? Obi-Wan said he heard you call to him for help.”
The sound of Qui-Gon’s voice brought strength back to her. “I’m sorry Master Qui-Gon. I was walking in the garden, when I heard, no that’s not right, I felt someone was here. I sensed it.  I didn’t see anyone, but I knew they were here. I called out to them, but they didn’t answer.  When he did finally, I recognized the voice from somewhere. Then when he stepped out, where I could see him, I knew it was him.”


Obi-Wan came forward then. “Who was it Mina?”
“The man from my vision.  He has something in store for us, I know, I can feel it.”
Qui-Gon nodded, “I believe you are right Padawan. What it is will become clear sooner then we expected. Let’s get back inside. Maybe next time you will not forget your lightsaber.” He said in a light tone.
 Obi-Wan smiled slightly, casting one last glance around before following his Master and Mina inside.

To be continued.......