Visit my favorite links!

Here are some of my favorite places to visit in cyberspace...I hope you enjoy them too! See you when you get back!

Some of the topics may overlap, but I'm going to attempt to classify them by subject!

Dr. Quinn Related Links

As one of the numerous authors of The Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Running Story, I'd like to personally invite you to:

Gwendolyn's Page!!!

This is where you can read the whole story on one page...To participate in the story, or to read updates as they happen, visit my message board...the link can be found on my main page! And for direct links to each page of the running story, check out my running story page! Although the wonderful Colleen and Andrew Romance Site, where the running story was born has been taken down, its webmaster, Natalie has put up an equally wonderful page dedicated to Jessica Bowman:

The Jessica Bowman Fan Club Homepage

And for Brandon Douglas news, as well as exclusive pictures and great drawings, visit:

The Brandon Douglas Fan Club Home Page!!!

Both of these sites include some wonderful fan fiction, and speaking of fan fiction...Don't miss:

On this page is where you'll find some of the best fan fiction around!

And, if you like to discuss fan fiction, you can join a fan fiction mailing list right here!

And for a bit of 19th century fun, try:

The Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Unofficial Game Page

This page is loaded with trivia and other fun diversions...Of course, now that the official DQ site is part of it:

The Pax TV Website

is a great place to be! There are discussion forums for all the Pax shows, including DQ, and a great chatroom, which includes lots of great image graphics to make it more interesting! (My personal favorite is the puppy!!!) Get together and chat with other fans...Regularly scheduled chat Saturday nights! 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain, 7pm Pacific! Say hi to me! CCCook!!!

My cyberpal, and one of the authors of the running story has a lovely site! Check it out right here!

Jennifer's DQ Page

Jenn got together with Mandy, another running story author, and put up another fun DQ page, with its very own running story!

Mandy and Jenn's DQ Page

My chat buddy, Soldier Blue, is a big fan of DQMW's Sergeant McKay, so she's put up a lovely fanfiction site with stories focusing on him!

McKay's Story

And, a link to my Colleen and Andrew page! Come and visit:

Colleen and Andrew's Home On The Web

Russian Links

Recently I've taken an interest in the Russian language and things Russian.

The Friends and Partners site promotes the exchange of information between Russia and America. You can find all kinds of interesting, educational stuff by visiting here! They also have a great chatroom! It looks just like the Pax chatroom did before they added all those great new images…Both sites use the same company! If you visit there and find Vixi, be sure to say hi! That's my name in that chatroom!

Friends and Partners

How about a look at the Kremlin? Here's a great webcam site! See Moscow live!


Christian Links

I've recently discovered a delightful series of Christian books by author Jan Karon. They take place in the charming fictional small town of Mitford, North Carolina. A friend of mine recommended the series to me, and I fell in love with it! It has the same sense of community I've found to exist in Dr. Quinn! Find out more about it here!

Mitford News!

Another series of Christian books I will recommend, introduced to me by the same friend who showed me Mitford, is the powerful Left Behind series by Tim La Haye and Jerry B. Jenkins. This is their interpretation of the events described in the Book of Revelation.

Of course, no Christian fiction, no matter how delightful or stirring can take the place of the real thing…Find out how you can receive:

Music Links

Since I am a musician, and a music lover, I've done some surfing and found some good links! This site includes everything you'd want to know about Les Miserables. The book, the movies, and of course, the musical!

And what kind of Mizzie would I be, if I didn't have a go at it myself?! Visit me atMadame La Baronne Pontmercy's Les Miserables Site. Especially for those who would dare to compare les Javerts...(in the case of M.L'Inspecteur, La Baronne decidedly favors Mr. Quast in the role...)

For information on my favorite singer,Barry Manilow This is a great place to start!

My favorite female singer is Celine Dion and I also love Bryan White, who showed me there was more to country music than all that twang!

Science Fiction and Fantasy Links

As many of you know, I am a big Star Trek fan, so a visit to the

Official Starfleet Website

should give you some idea of that branch of fandom!

A fairly recent discovery for me is the hobby that's taken little kids by electric Pokemon storm…Pika...Pika... I found this site to be among the best!!!...Chu!!!

Well...that's all the links I have at the moment, but keep watching for more!

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