Railfan Safety
Railfanning can be a ton of fun, but if you are new to the hobby there are things you should know, and things that can prevent you from a fun day being ruined and prevent you from getting hurt or even killed.


The Railroad is one dangerous industry that does not have a fence around it.

The number one rule is to expect a train at any time in any direction. On double track, this is especially dangerous as an approaching train can mask the sound of another behind you.

Do not go into yards, shops, etc without permission first. One sure way to get into trouble is to go where you do not belong. Find a place on public property where you can watch, a street, station, or overpass.

In rural locations we all will "walk over tracks". I do not recomend that, but remember trains can come at ANY time. DO NOT walk on to railroad bridges, tunnels, or any other place where clearences are tight. If you must walk over tracks, do not step on the rails. Step over them. DO NOT STAND ON THE TRACKS. 

Do not stand close to the tracks when trains pass by. Occasionall a train may drag a wire or metal strap. You do not want to get hit by it. Trust me.

Respect others property. I do not recomend going on private property to get that "shot". Some people in the more rural areas will answer your presence with a shotgun. Leave public areas as you found them.

Try not attract unwanted attention. Some railfans have been checked out by law enforcement, most will understand what a railfan or railbuff is. If you get stopped and have a scanner, turn it off. Most law enforcement won't care if you have one, especially if you only have railroad frequencies in it.

Be aware of your surroundings. There are some pretty rough neighborhoods where railroads run especially in the big cities. Some places are not worth the risk. If you must go into a bad part of town, stick to the main roads and always have a way out. If someone approaches, leave.


Florida is known as the Sunshine State but is the thunderstorm and hurricane leader in the U.S. Florida thunderstorms are unlike others in most places of the country. Our storms come with frequent deadly lightning and blinding rains. It is common to get over 1.00" of rain with in one hour in a Florida shower or thunderstorm.

Remember this tip, if you can hear thunder you are in range of the lightning. So when you hear thunder you need to think about where you are if you need to move into a safer place. Thunderstorms and occasionally severe weather such as hail, damaging winds and tornados can happen ANY TIME OF YEAR in Florida.

Our summers are very hot. Make sure you bring plenty of water and refreshments on your railfan trip. Many people will have heat exhaustion sneak up on them by not drinking enough liquids.

Always heed all weather warnings. If a hurricane is forecast to threaten and you are a visitor to our state, get out before the warings are issued. DO NOT WAIT! You may become trapped in a traffic jam as the storm approaches.

The best nice weather is during the cooler winter months. But if you visit do not go without your winter clothing. Cool snaps can bring temps down below freezing at night and keep highs in the 40's to 50's in the day depending on what part of Florida you are in. Coldest temps are usually in the Panhandle. However even in the summer Florida can give you nice but warm weather for railfanning.

There are many myths about Florida animals but here is the truth.

Alligators - will avoid you and chances are you won't see one. Just be mindfull when near water. Do not let small pets play near fresh water.

Sharks - If you go swimming don't worry about them. Shark attacks very rare and overblown by media.

Snakes - There are 4 snakes that can give you a bite of poison. Rattlesnakes, Coral Snakes, Copperheads and Water Mocasins. 99% of the time snakes will avoid you.  Black Racers are common, black in color and fast. Harmless.

Spiders - two kinds to watch for. Black Widows and Brown Recluse. Both like to hide in dark places. Unless you are going through the woods, no problems.

Scorpions - We have em but other than a painfull sting they are harmless. They also like to hide in dark places.

Ticks - If you walk into the woods in the spring, summer or fall you will get them on you.

Sandspurs - These prickly seeds grow on weeds and will stick you if you are not carefull.

Fire Ants - One word of advice. DO NOT STEP ON AN ANT MOUND! It will ruin your day. Painfull but harmlesss though.

Other bugs - In the summer you will fund lots of bugs in certain areas. There is an old joke about don't use a brick to kill a cockroach in Florida because it will then have a weapon. But like everything else listed here we learn to live with the critters that exist here. 99% of the time you will not have any problems, just be aware.

You will find Florida a very safe and enjoyable place to railfan. Have fun and BE SAFE!!!