C*E*A is the word..

*it's got groove.. it's got meaning..* :o)


Not only have I collected the names of the nice people in CEA, I also just started to collect some *public* *g* conversations. At the moment there are only TWO available sofar, but soon I will have more.
Brasidas' Fairytale With our very own neat narrator: Brasidas!
The Big Trip To Mexico Main characters: Heinrich, Scamp, Bies, Brasidas, Hypnotic, Womble, IGuy and Jelly. Add: Tigerlady, Maree & TheBard.

I was thinking of binning this page, since I was hardly in cea anymore and the place was worse than a kindergarten playground, but lately I've been running into all kinds of old chatfriends so I'll have to restore it a little bit. (now with the new lay out I should reconsider again though.. ;)
This page is dedicated to all people I have met in C*E*A... if you're not on this list and you think you should be.. *my memory is not what it used to be* then let me know (jelly@partyon.nl)

This week's hottest new entries:

Mingus&MtnGal *My favourite couple, some say they're weird and I completely agree! ;) Can hardly wait for the wedding photos and video!!*

Gypsy *She's cruel, she's hard, she's a bitch and from the moment we met we were a team.. always will be too!!*

Delilah *I adore you Delliebellie, you're a crazy but fantastic being!*

Andre *has sometimes problems with logging on with that thing on the e at the end of his name*

Babies *The name is gone, not even Bies anymore.. but I still adore your boobs though!*

Blake *One of the only people who I allow to see me at any time of the day, whether it's good or bad*

Billard *Another one I just completely forgot.. please forgive me Big B!?! It's good to see you and compadre around again!!*

Boooo *goes under the name of Pinkie now, but is still nice as ever.. the only female who appreciates a good snog from me! ;o)*

Brasidas *Brassie is the only one who can explain manhood to me; quit philosophy and become a sex therapist! Never ever leave us, you're DA MAN!*

Brodie *is he truly the best thing discovered after sliced bread?*

Chojin *a very, very sweet girl.. and my partner in ankle-trouble! ;) she also never knows which direction to go to.. which is odd *

Comaghee *Commie is back in the US of A, but that means I hardly get to see you anymore! Go back to Korea and teach me more swearwords!! *

Dave *not quite a what they call a stiff upperlip kind of brit*

DAWG *a scratch behind your ears and a huuuuuuuge hug. Wish I could see you more often babe!*

DigUpHerBones *no comment! *g* *

Dionysus *My buddy, my pal.. the guy who initially taught me how to make a homepage and then took me out shopping for enormous boots as soon as we met up. Definitely have to see you again and finish the drinks.. *

Emski *she knows more than me about the dutch hardcore rave scene!*

Eolas *yay! he came back! too bad he can't catch crocodiles though!.. but where is bambi eyes now? I miss you ladykiller!*

Feruzzi *I will never tell any jokes about people from Belgium anymore, promise ;o) *

Gag Halfrunt & Spam *One looks like Paul Gascoigne and the other one likes to swallow tabletennisballs, always handy to know.*

GeepaMoogle/GiantPanda *fooled me pretty well with that*

Heinrich *Mexico is only a thought away with this..uh..guy ;o) too bad we never get to do it anymore though, I miss both our fun and serious chats *kiss**

HildyJ *I couldn't imagine cea without Hilds, she's a chathero!*

HOGGLY *one of my oldest friends, one of the sweetest too.. come in more often and entertain meeheee! *g**

Hypnotic *Luckily there's ICQ.. it would be a damn shame if I never got to talk to you anymore, I need to be put straight from time to time :)*

Jotay *a very long time no see chatter, but hopefully now back for good!*

KERO *Charming is his middle name, and couldn't refuse his request for being add to the list *smooch* *

Khaoz-Black *an evil grin once in a while can't be bad! if I'm going back to Australia, then you'd be the one I definitely still have to meet!*

Killercat *never will forget the fights about the colours*

Lady Grey *I should start an alliance with you in order to get rid off all the women in the world. They're horrid! And that way we get to keep the males all for ourselves, all of them!*

Lestat *What would I do without you then? You're the only one who swings along with my moods and I love you for it. One day we'll actually go rob the pope and make our 3758 babies.. promise. :) *

LexdenBoyz *He sounds like the storyteller, could be my older brother but above all you're still one of my favourites G. *smooch*

Link64 *the master of the spells and... playstations!*

LordBastard *a big mouthed fella.. but I like that! ..the only person I know who gets drunk after 1 rum'n'coke ;)*

Lovely-One *we never got the chance to finally meet up, but I do know you'll be an excellent mom *huge hugs**

Maniac/Shades/Scorpion *never see you anymore, but I still have fond memories of the gropes & squeezes and arguments about nothing.. hehe*

Mar *I deserve the blonde-bimbo award this month.. I even forgot Mar, the sweetest from Portugal!*

Meadow *I include this being because she shares my opinion about Bob Ross and crayons*

METHO *he promised to be sweet if I would include him.. so there!*

Milkman *he reminds me of Bambi big time!*

Mitch/Tigerlady & Maree *Another pair that's on my list to meet when I head off for downunder again. They're not sisters, but they could be!! Always on the lookout for fun & mischief, and furrylines!*

MommyAnn *THE chatdinosaur and my former HTML guru..*

Mork *doesn't show himself alot these days*

Mustang *Also an already long-time-chat-friend, but somehow he always missed out.. maybe because you're so gentlemanly shy and sweet?*

Owen-Hart *he's quite a thing!*

P-diddy *high-5 and a low-5 Hey there muscleman! Miss your humour lots!*

Pinkity *she's a pinkie young lady indeedy*

Pojo *yes.. the C-U-T-I-E herself.. when is our tour due?*

Put The Cat Out *Please accept my sincere apologies for forgetting you, shall I make it up to you by going on a date and not sending you home afterwards? ;)*

Pyro *Wish we could talk more often and more regularly! *hugs* Nice old men do exist! *G**

Quicksilver *extremely polite, calls me a mam.. must be loopy, but a real nice loopy though!*

Raine *she can't seem to do without:* Dink *and vice versa*

RoyalGhost *Will always remain the friendliest ghost online, at least in our hearts* Anja's memorial page

Sapphire *a really nice gal from the land downunder, who I never get see anymore unfortunately :(*

Sebastian_Flyte *A greasy haired geek, that's what he is. Even if he tries to hide under new and stupid names! teehehehe..klootzak! ;) *

Shadowlance *I wish I had such a brother!! And another one for my Oztrip2 list! *

Silky *she's not as smooth as her name would make you think, but really kind nevertheless!*

Skywalker *he's always in such a good mood, how does he do it!?*

Snee *I've actually known Snee for aaaaaaaages, but somehow I still managed to forget to mention her in this list. Which is the biggest mistake a human being can make, and therefor my apologies oh great big Snee. You know I adore you and your big bag of Snee stuff!!*

Spawn *thanks for the idea for my fontstyle! *g* *

Spike *why don't I ever see you in CEA anymore? :( *

Stevek *where is he?? Well, apparently he's making loads of money at the moment! Miss you cutie!!*

TheBard *uhhhhh.. *kotn*? ;) I could make up a nice title for you, but I won't.. you'll blackmail me *g**

TheKING *my friend from KNACKEBROD-country ;o) I could eat you any day!!*

Ticktockman *I could never stop liking TTM, eventhough he is just about as stubborn as I am. (and no this is not an official statement that we get along, because we don't!!)*

T.O.B./Curtis *gave up the bastard idea, not that he ever was one according to me anyway..*

Unholyghost *is always just looking.. huh?*

Victory *So happy to have you just for myself.. don't ever socialise with the cute & sweet girls club!! Wouldn't want to lose you in a million years babe!! (thanks for the late night discussions and arguments..)*

Wiedie *my south-african girlfriend, who will no doubt put the golden child on this world!!*
Flutterby *my other south-african girlfriend *g* who always gets to know the 'details'*

Womble *I slap myself everyday for not going to NZ when I was that close.. and all because of you! That photocopy is coming your way soon! *big kiss*

Zalitar *a new found friend.. and a very nice one as well!!*

Zig *there's no such thing as too much Demis!*

9 *always handy, such a bartender..*

Lost Chatters Area

Below are some people who are not around CEA anymore, but who will never be forgottten *sniff* *sniff*

Angel *just as innocent as her name reveals*
Aztec-Rose *a really fine slayer*
BlackIce *maybe he vanished behind his dark globes*
Bloke *still alive.. or what?*
Clam *he is hunted down by things they call bosses, lets hope he can keep his mouth shut*
Emporer *went and found his happiness somewhere else*
EZ *I am still trying to find out the story behind this one. *sniff* a great loss*
Gruhp *my fellow REM lover, are you kidnapped by the germans??*
Ivy *do you know what andijvy is in Dutch? *g* *
Pool-Cue *the Chinese Philosophers you gave me are missing you too!!*
Qaz *or Zaq. he always had the spare-emotes I needed, but is also suffering from bosses*
Scribe *same story as Clam *sniff* this world is hard*

I know this page is far from complete, but just tell me and I will put your name with it asap!!


© 1999 The Jellyrose Company
Oh.. please do send me some email!

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