"Filled with marvels and strange terrors... an extraordinary, a distinguished piece of work."

The Fellowship of the Rings

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There's a lot to see at this site, so feel free to wander around. With the Rings, you can wander to other great webpages similar to this one.

Here are the Rings I currently belong to.

The Anime Ring - The original and best, the Anime Ring is the most popular anime-related ring on the Net. With hundreds of high-quality pages dedicated to the One Passion : Anime!

The GeocitiesTokyo Featured Page Ring - This Ring has the best pages from the largest menagerie of Japan-related pages on the web -- Geocities Tokyo! Whether it's anime, Japanese culture or anything at all from the Far East, this Ring has the best of it all.

Caverns of Flame Highlights

The Scry Site - one of the most popular sections, this features eight great Search Engine, including two Anime-dedicated engines. Surfing was never easier!

The Portal - a quick list of interesting links.

The Fanfic Page - a small collection of fanfiction and fanfic related links.

The Lodoss Page - the centerpiece of the Caverns. A must for Lodoss and anime fans.

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What is a Ring, you might ask? A Ring is an internet mechanism wrought between sites which have something in common. That common denominator depends highly on the nature of the Ring; a Sailormoon Ring, for example, would have sites which are about Sailormoon. The concept is simple : each site has a link to the next site, and if you follow all the links, you'll go full circle back to the original site, thus forming a Ring.

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