Vienna and Viennese Art

St.Stefan Sachertorte Painting

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Enjoy your Virtual Tour in Vienna


Cafe The famous Viennese Cafe and the "Heurige" are the most typical and most frequented Austrian institutions....
...and the only one, what seems to make sense in Viennese daily life, is sitting down in one of these comfortable and nice places to have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and to have a chat or just waiting what will come now and then. Nobody is in a real hurry...
Hofburg Vienna is without doubt a great capital. Outgoing from a past and lost multinational monarchistic empire, Vienna has grown to a modern metropolis and has kept the charm of a provincial village, providing a magic flair, and trying to let not too much of this modern stuff to come in.... - "what do I need this for?", as Mr.Travnicek (the synonym of the typical Viennese) would say!
Once the leading city in Central Europe, Vienna continues to benefit from its past glory: Much of the town's 18th-century charm and 19th-century grandeur has remained despite Vienna's development into a large, modern city. The Old World ambience of the city is determined as much by attitude as architecture.
Painting The Viennese invented cafe society, and they continue to perfect the art of sophisticated relaxation...

Nowhere else in Europe are you so aware of a sense of warmth and friendly comfort, and this feeling is so prized by the Viennese that they refer to it by name: Gemütlichkeit (literally, "coziness"). Be sure to spend some time in the citadels of Gemütlichkeit, the Viennese cafes, where you'll see residents lingering over newspapers, in conversation with friends and relaxing over an Apfelstrudel and coffee. - And enjoy the rich variety of culture and art - !


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