If you had to describe WWE in one word what would it be and your reason behind it?

Ashell - Heart Smashing
Coz sometimes the stars busted up each other very badly and the competition is always tough when the stars come face-to-face.

Jamie - Awesome
Its the best.

Kayla - Dedicated
All the wrestlers in the WWE are very hard-working, dedicated to what they do, and give 110% each night, in that very squared circle!

Norveen - Risky
The players take very huge riskes.

Tanya - DA Best
B-cuz it's Da Best.

Trisha - Great
Its the place where anything can happen.

Cuz thats the way THE ROCK wants it!!

Pola - Breathtaking
Bcoz you can feel that your heart beats fast when a player takes its move and it makes you so excited that you almost forgot blink and breath.

Just my word for the WWE, I couldn't pick one so I put a couple together. You figure it out.

Hannah - Amazing
There's nothing like it.

Drayco - Perfect
Cuz it is.

Ravlome - Thunderous
All the entertainment in WWE is absolutely thunderous.

Willson - Brilliant
The ways the wrestlers entertain the people are brilliant.

Nicole - Entertaining
Where else can you see a love story, a concert, and an ass whupin' in 1 night?

Pamela - Thunderous
Coz all the stars put their lives on the spot for entertaining the people.

Coz all the stars in WWE are heart-smashing , amazing , rocking and sizzling.

Rocka - Cool
Coz all the cool superstars are here which give us the best entertainment.

Certa - Charming
It has all the charms which we want to see.

Beth - fun
B/c no matter what... there is always something or someone that makes u laugh