GoldenFlame Guild Header -Guild Member Use Only-
Page Best Viewed When Maximized

After talking to the young man in the main Guild Hall, you find that your gold was listening in too. You mildly scold her for such a thing, but decide to ask her if she thinks joining is a good idea. She agrees after a long and drawn out lecture about being with other golds and having to share her ideas and males with them. You smile to yourself and seek the GoldenFlame main hall.
The doorway above is labeled witht the guild and you walk inside. Feeling the reassuring mental touch of your gold, you seek out Bretta once again to get the application form. She is easy to find as she is still in the main hall lighting glows. She gladly gives you the form and tells you where a listing of the Guild Members can be found if you wish to seek out their advice.

| Aden Weyr | GoldenFlame Guild Home |
| Guild Members | Apply |

All graphics made by Weyrwoman Bretta, only Guild Members are allowed to use the background, link button (badge), ect..
The "Dragonriders of Pern" and the "World of Pern" are copyright Anne McCaffrey. This is not an online weyr, but rather, an adoption agency. This site also serves as a place for people to become better educated with the world of Pern, as well as my own cyber dragon collection. All of the graphics are linked to where I got them from, if there is no link, there will be a credit at the bottom of the page. If there is no such link or credit, Weyrwoman Carah of Jerdan Weyr or myself drew the graphic and it is copyright 1999/2000 to Jerdan and Aden Weyr and used with specific permission. Please do not copy any HTML or words from these pages! If you need help with HTML ask.