
There are seven basic vowels in the Amharic alphabet, 
each of which can have more than one sound. The most
common ones are the vowels, e and e. Note that the
following vowel sounds are short: a- as in 'momma' e- as in 'her' but cut the 'e' short before the 'r' e- as in 'chicken'. Shorter and flatter than e. ea- as in 'get' i- as in 'bit' o- as in 'hot' u- as in 'flute' but shorter The following are long vowel sounds: ai- as in 'bit' ie- as in 'pie' o- a cross between 'coat' and 'caught' similar to
the French 'au' ow/aw as in 'cow' (except when 'a' or 'o'
belongs to the previous syllable, such as ra in serawot)