One cool pile of books!

The Earth's Children around the world!

Where are YOU?

Le Clan de l'Ours des Cavernes

The Clan of the Cave Bear

Click to see a larger version of the book cover.

The Earth's Children books in French!

Les Enfants de la Terre

I am very embarrassed and ashamed to not be able to give proper credit to the kind Earth's Child who sent me these covers to share with you.

I've had them for almost 2 years now - I am SO far behind. I do apologize!



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La Vallée des Chevaux

The Valley of Horses

Click to see a larger version of the book cover.

Les Chasseurs de Mammouths

The Mammoth Hunters

Click to see a larger version of the book cover.

Click to see a larger version of part 1.Click to see a larger version of part 2.

Le Grand Voyage and Le Retour d'Ayla

The Plains of Passage - volumes 1 and 2

Click each book cover to see a larger version of each.
Click here to see a larger copy of the two covers together!


Diane in Cincinnati ~ 30 Dec 2004