One cool pile of books!

The Earth's Children around the world!

Where are YOU?

The title is: Ayla figlia della terra (Ayla, earth's child) - so different from the original one - The Clan of the Cave Bear! - and "Nel sangue di questa donna scorre il futuro dell'umanità" (mankind's future flows in this woman's blood).

Click to see a large version of the book cover.

The Earth's Children
books in Italian!

Sara from Milan, Italy was thoughtful enough to send the covers from the Italian translation, along with the text written on the front covers.

Be sure and look at the larger version of each. Beautiful details in the illustrations!


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La valle dei cavalli or The Valley of Horses (This time it is the same.) La storia di un mondo dove tutto accade per la prima volta = The history of a world where everything happens for the first time.

Click to see a large version of the book cover.

Gli Eletti di Mut (Mut's Elected People) is the Italian title for The Mammoth Hunters. Un viaggio emozionante agli albori dell'umanità. Un altro memorabile capitolo del ciclo I Figli della Terra = An exciting journey to the dawn of mankind. Another memorable chapter of The Earth's Children series.

Click to see a large version of the book cover.

Le pianure di passaggio or ThePlains of Passage Continua l'epopea di Ayla, la memorabile protagonista del ciclo "I Figli della Terra", un grande successo in tutto il mondo = Ayla's epic deeds go on. She's the memorable protagonist of the Earth's Children series, a great success all around the world. Epopea (I translated it with epic deeds) is an old word in Italian and not usual (high register) It means: "epic poem" or "narration of heroic deeds, undertakings, enterprises".

Click to see a large version of the book cover.


Diane in Cincinnati ~ 30 Dec 2004