We're very much into the outdoors. We all fourwheel, hunt, fish and camp. Jeeps are what get us to our favorite spots.  For now, most of the information you're going to find on this site is about Jeeps or fourwheeling.  I hope to start getting some pictures of some of our hunting and fishing trips and share them too.  For now here's our pooches.  Matt (aka Dad) drives a highly modified 95 Wrangler Sahara Edition.  Vicky (aka Mom, MsVicky) drives a 95 Grand Cherokee Orvis Edition.  Rick (aka The Boy) drives a Willys CJ-3BLacey, the good Osburn, is stuck in Guam right now.  Thanks to Agent Gonzo and the Shooters she's single again!

Trip Reports:
Tech Info:
TDS Desert Safari (Mar 99)   Photos
On-board Air
Ocotillo Wells (Jan 99)           Photos
Spring Over Axle Conversion
Rubicon (Jul 98)                    Photos
Hi-Dez (May 98)
ARB vs Detroit
Los Coyotes (Apr 98)
Hand Throttle
Table Mountain (Mar 98)
TDS Desert Safari (Mar 98)
Hammers (Feb 98)
Pinion Mountain (Feb 98)
Ocotillo Wells (Jan 98)
Misc Photo Album


junkies.gif (Jeep Junkies!)

List Sites

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