Howdy..and Welcome to my WORLD

FIRST off MY Christmas page is ready..

Turn on yer Javaclick the light...if ya think yer ready fer it...:)


tired of being a shmuck...enhance yer lifestyle with HD goodies

Click here to find out more

Just what is a HORNPAGE you ask..????...Well....I have NO FUCKIN IDEA..:)

Just a few words for my friends...and you know who you are..:)

OK..Been checkin my mail and the Guestbook..:)

Ya want links...OK..I'll give ya some links.....BUT FIRST ya gotta read about the dawg .

My page..My rules..*raspberry*

Gonna be workin on this for a while so just check back now and then.

HD's Bitch of the DAY!!!!

Fuckin Junk "YAMAHA" Engines Rev RIGHT to the nuts if ya just look at em cross-eyed..*RASPBERRY*

And if ya wanna bitch about my page Email me at

But if ya have something constructive to say email me at

This page hosted by.....But BUILT by Horndog(tfng) with alot of help from my Cybersweety....*Desper@do*

Put yer scrawl in my bookSee what other freaks been around here

Your the....WARPED mind to wander through here