The family I once had...

Joshua Cameron Eyer


Joshy. This is my second-oldest brother. Josh is an incredible man, brother, husband. He has always been there for me when I needed him, and I wish dearly I could say the same. He helped mold me into what I am today and somehow, even at our worst, he's still a bigger part of who I am than he knows. I love you Josh.

Daniel Justice Eyer
The Body... The Hotty... The Legend.


There's more than meets the eye.
For instance...

Well, okay... this one was more than slightly tampered with.

How 'bout hittin' the weights?

Striking similarities, no?

All right, this is Dan. Dan is the clown of our family, always having a sharp-witted pun or farce. He keeps us laughing, and we all love him dearly between breaths. He graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in Political Science and an option in Law. He was working in D.C. and just moved to Richmond to be closer to family, which makes us happy. He has a good heart and a good head, he does his best to do the best with both, and I'm proud of him.

Jonathan Josiah Eyah.

Jon is the youngest of the boys, though he sometimes seems like the oldest. Jon surprises me everyday with new levels of dilligence, and creativity. He is a talented musician, a gifted artist, an intellectual and a romantic. He is a kind, caring, charismatic individual with a lot of love in his heart. I love Jon dearly... but if one more person says "Your brother's so fuckin' hot", I'm gonna snap.

Danny Powers (L), Jonathan Eyer (M) and Daniel Eyer (R) on their trip to Canada.

Cameron Eyer, Jonathan Eyer and Danny Powers on their trip to Canada.

Here's Dan and Jon on the New York State line around 4:00 am, on their trip to Canada.

Cinnamon Susan Eyer

This is Cinnamon. My older sister, my only sister. I guess I'll get back to this when I don't have to get up at 4:30. Because she has a lot of good in her. And I should talk about that for a little while.

Carole Boiret

Weeeeel, this is Carole. The French beauty who, though I've never met, is clearly a sweetheart. A charming girl with delightfully surprising spunk. She and Josh are sure they'll be together forever. Ahhhh.... young love. Young lovers. How romantic. The thing is... they probably will be.

Look out! There's more!

This is Baby Carole. HOW CUTE!!!!
Yeah... She's definitely in. She's family.