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Hi there. This site is a Quester Territory original. It contains mostly books concerning UFO's and ideas about their reality. It also contains many pages of pictures offered as a personal photograph gallery, however there are a certain amount of relatives also illustrated. So look and enjoy and also brace yourself for some of the best buys in UFO books on the Internet.

Our interests are:
mostly photography, UFO information, UFO literature, crop circles, human nature, the mysteries of life, writing, sailing, and what's going on in the world especiaally with the UFO phenomenon.

The description of our page is:
identifying the best in UFO literature and information, questing interesting places
questing odd/non-ordinary stories
questing off-beat ideas

Let us see where our imagination takes us.

Email me at beimers@yahoo.com. ATTN: Quester
Please come back soon and visit us. You will never find more UFO books in one place than you can find here. We now have over 301 UFO books pictured and reviewed on the following pages:


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A flying saucer was low on fuel, so it landed by a gas station on a lonely country road. On its side were the letters "UFO." The gas station attendant was stunned, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Does that stand for Unidentified Flying Object?" he asked.
"No," one of the other-worldly travelers responded, "It stands for "Unleaded Fuel Only."

I've always been interested in what high-profile people have to say about UFO's and what that's all about. Maybe you would be too. I'll try you out with a few quotations that I've jotted down over the years.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy." -Hamlet

"I am inclined to believe that they may be forms from other dimensions which can materialize and dematerialize at will perhaps by making a wavelength or frequency transition so as to become invisible to humans. Then again, they could be time travelers from the future." George J. Beimers (of Quester fame)

One of my personal favorite quotations was from a former NASA space program member Otto Binder who brought to the world's attention a conversation caught by ham radios monitoring Apollo 11 moon landing. One of the astronauts reported, "These babies are huge, sir. Enormous. Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there... lined up on the far side of the crater edge (Sea of Tranquility). They're on the moon watching us."

And then the journalist Timothy Good has this quote concerning that same Apollo moon landing: "It was incredible... the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any quetion then of a space station or a moon city... I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology-- boy, were they big!... and menacing." -Neil Armstrong (at a NASA symposium)

"Although I know of no hypothesis that adequately covers the mountainous evidence, this should not and must not deter us from following the advice of Schroedinger: to be curious, capable of being astonished, and eager to find out." He also said, "Where they are coming from and why they are here is a matter of conjecture, but the fact that they were here on this planet is beyond a reasonable doubt." Dr. J. Allen Hynek

Apollo II mission, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins reported sightings of what seemed to be a UFO during the first half of their flight to the lunar surface.

November 11, 1966, Gemini XII Astronauts Jim Lovell and Edwin Aldrin said that they saw four UFOs hooked together. On October 12, 1964, three Russian astronauts aboard Voskod said they were surrounded by a "formation of fast-moving disc-shaped objects."

Jim and Carol Lorenzo report in their book UFO’s Over America: "Witnesses to the (UFO)phenomena have been bribed, coerced, and threatened by the CIA, who wanted valuable evidence given to them alone."

The late Senator Barry Goldwater said: "I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities."

"The phenomena is not unlike our own space explorations:scout ship survey: soil samples: landing." Was written by William Spaulding, A Tucson aerospace engineer. He also headed the Arizona-based Ground Saucer Watch. I use to play bridge with Bill Spaulding back in the '60's when I lived in Tucson.

From Frank Edward's book on flying saucers:


"Near approaches of UFOs can be harmful to human beings. Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low altitude. Do not touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has landed. In either case the safe thing to do is to get away from there very quickly and let the military take over. There is a possibility of radiation danger and there are known cases where persons have been burned by rays emanating from UFOs. Don't take chances with UFOs!"

Jacques Valle, author of UFO books thinks that we should consider psychic effects, such as space-time distortions experienced by percipients of craft-like devices. They may seem to appear and then fade away-dematerialize-and then reappear: of alien, strange voices or thoughts that may effect involuntary changes in the manner in which humans may react in such circumstances.

“We all know UFO’s are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from?” -Captain Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut 1971.
And then on Dateline NBC in 1996 Mitchell said, "From what I now understand and have experienced and seen the evidence for, I think the evidence is very strong, and large portions of it are classified...by governments."

“The phenomena of UFO’s does exist, and it must be treated seriously.” Mikhail Gorbachev in reply to a question by workers in the Urals (Soviet Youth, May 4, 1990.

“In the firm belief that the American Public deserves a better explanation that thus far they have been given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation.” (Of the UFO phenomena) –Gerald Ford (future president of U.S.)

“I have absolutely no idea where the UFO’s come from or how they are operated, but after ten years of research, I know they are something from outside our atmosphere.” Dr. James E. McDonald 1967 U. of A.

“I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.” –Harry S. Truman 1950.

“The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modlus operandi is unknown.” –Wilbert Smith (found in classified Canadian gov’t memorandum 11/21/50.

“Of course flying saucers are real--- and they are interplanetary.” –Marshall Lord Dowding Head of Royal Air Force during WWII (Aug 1954)

“I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more advanced than we are.” Gordon Cooper, Mercury 7 astronaut in letter to U.N. 1978.

"It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin--flying saucers, or UFOs (unidentified flying objects), if you want to call them by that name. Everytime it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence." -Maurice Chatelain (connected with NASA)
”I believe no other problem within your jurisdiction is of comparable scientific and national importance. These are strong words, and I intend them to be… I now regard the [extraterrestrial hypothesis] as the one most likely to prove correct.” -- Dr. James McDonald, testimony to the United States Congress, 1968; this brilliant, courageous, world-renowned scientist apparently committed suicide three years later.

One time in 1971 I floated on my back in our Tucson foothills swimming pool and stared up into the clear desert sky above me. Several miles above me appeared a small cigar-shaped craft that received and disgorged several smaller disk-shaped objects. I believed I was day-dreaming and went back to swimming laps and basking in the sun.

After you search the following pages (2 through 5b) for almost all the books that have been written about UFOs and Extraterrestrials you might come back here and click on this interesting site about the Serpo Project. As of the last couple of weeks of November 2005, a brand new revelation is being revealed. There has been a Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program. It has taken place where twelve of our milirary people were exchanged for ten years with the planet Serpo and the Ebens who live there. CLICK HERE to find out more about this secret ten year project of the '60s! Links to other sites on the Web

I have over the years published two new books that are still available on the net. They have been offered to several movie studios in an open auction for the screenplay rights. Hey, a fellow can dream can't he? Oh YES! I am a day-dreamer...
Gift From The Gods Additional Gifts From The Gods

Click on these links and leave this site for amazon.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now!

Hey, we sent out invitations to accept complimentary copies to 23 of the best movie directors in Hollywood. The only one who actually seemed to have read our letter was.......... That's right, Michael Douglas. Always liked that fellow, and he personally signed his picture. His "The Jewel Of The Nile" was my kind of adventure quest. Twice I sent his film company my book and twice he refused delivery of it. Oh well, I still admire the man.
Want the latest Hollywood news?

Quester's Gift From The GodsA rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning. That cover girl is my wife! (These are first looks at some chapters during publication) See offer above.

Click here for information on becoming an air courier and flying for little money.

Quester's SouthSea Island Territories. A novel approach to a SouthSea's love story. This is included as part of second book offered above.

Click here for Free Clues to your personality using Western astrology and Sun Signs.

Click here for an Oriental key to your animal sign using Asian astrology to see into your personality.

Click here for the poetry of Quester and other things.

Click herefor Quester's own joke gallery and humor corner taken from chatrooms on the Internet of the WWW. This is where both PLAYBOY AND PENTHOUSE get their jokes.

Click here to go forward to a young person's story that again is great reading. This is another book length story by Siang Ying and Quester describing a young Chinese girl growing up so shy in school she doesn't talk. How does a young girl solve her problems? Don't miss how this all takes place.

Click here to go forward to a Quester's search for the missing Marilyn Monroe diary. Was there one? Is it true she collected dumb blonde jokes? Find out for yourself.

Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying (Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.

Click here for Quester's personal art gallery and some surprises about where art in the U.S. may be heading.

Quester's Beach House This is where YOU can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.

Click here for Quester's personal life story in pictures.It is a great picture gallery.

---Below is shown the cover of a book that has not lead a very charmed life. It came out in print last year and then the distributor, after doing joint-ventures with 1100 authors putting up several thousand dollars each, went into Chapter 11. After the publisher disappeared into the foothills of Scottsdale, Arizona, the book's fate was sealed. It went from the shelves of Waldenbooks and Barnes & Noble to but several hundred copies on the auction block. Since this makes it a very limited edition, it should be among the more expensive books available. For a limited time it can be purchased from the authors for $9.95 including shipping. (add $1.25 more for Canada) Place your order with: G. & G. Beimers, P.O. Box 2667 Port Aransas, TX 78373.

Click on this little replica of our bookcover!

---This young adult fiction was co-authored by Gertrude Hii Beimers, a Chinese from E. Malaysia who collected classical Chinese stories told by her mother and used them throughout a central story about a young Chinese girl with a unique problem. Mee-ing is her name. Mee-ing finds herself a daughter in a family that values sons, a girl in a culture that values boys, and young in a village that respects the old. Sentenced to the role of servant and caretaker, her imagination takes wings when she listens to her mother's stories.

---By day her widowed mother struggles against their poverty and the little family of three manage to survive in their jungle village. The mother the real dragon in the story, fills the children's minds with stories of ghosts, lost children, unhappy brides, and brave maidens. Then Mee-ing finds that she is to be sold as a "child-bride" to the village's butcher who has raised a rascal of a son and needs to provide him with a future wife. How will Mee-ing solve her problem? There is a way...

All families should own a copy of classical Chinese children's stories. If you would like to order this book from Amazon Books just type Out of the Mouth of a Chinese Dragon in the search box below and it will come up for you. They dropped our book from their catalog for lack of response I guess. You can write for a copy at:
G.& G. Beimers, P.O. Box 2667, Port Aransas, TX 78373 along with a $10 donation to foster a dying art form... classical Chinese children's stories.

Yes, these are the good days before any of the bad stuff in the universe finds our neck-of-the-woods.

Hey, I just finished getting another book published in February 2004. Here is the cover, and it does make it look exciting and inviting.
Click HEREto make the picture bigger.
The book is about a love affair between a KGB officer and a Buryat shamaness while he is busy building a secret spy training facility in Siberia.

CLICK Here to read a synopsis of the book called Russia's Little America.
Or... you could click HERE and type in Beimers for author and/or Russia's Little America for title and order yourself a copy. That would be good. And again, that cover girl is my wife!

Russia's Little America is also being carried by amazon.com and they now have amazon.com order houses in Canada, Britian, Germany, France, Mexico, Austria, and Japan so the book may be ordered in those countries quite easily. It is also being carried by barnesnoble.com and I'm working on Wal-mart as well. I've also sent out about sixty copies to various studios and film companies. Eighteen have been "Return To Sender", but I still have hopes that someone along the line will recognize the unique story qualities involved in this novel of the KGB and the Buryat Mongolian Chinese female heroine. Believe it or not most of those books are now being sold for little money as used books on amazon.com so if you want a deal go there and type in the author (Beimers). Nothing like a good deal!!!!

©Copyright 2006 Quester Mail to: beimers@hotmail.com and put "NO JOKE" in subject line.

This site was begun on May 29, 1998.

It was last updated on November 17, 2006.

Want to see a map of where most of the sightings of UFOs in the USA takes place?Click Here and see for yourself.

The number of people who have been good enough to seek us out must be complimented for their inquisitiveness.

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How about that!!!!!


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Sure……let's do it.....
