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 |    [_____]_______________________________________________[_____]    |
 |     |   |                                                 |   |     |
 |     |   |          THE  ARK  THAT  NOAH  BUILT            |   |     |
 |     |   |             by  Michael Stevenson               |   |     |
 |     !___!_________________________________________________!___!     |
 |    [_____]                                               [_____]    |

                                                   0000aa Creation <-,
                                                          ADAM       |
 1. NOAH AND HIS SONS                                     Gen 1:27   |
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                |
 Enter Noah, born to Lamech in the year 1056AA.                      |
 What does 'AA' mean?  It means 'After Adam' and                     |
 is based solely on the calculations of the 5th                      |
 chapter of Genesis.  It is a marking of years                       |
 progressing forward from Adam, which would have                     |
 been the only way of telling time at the beginning.                 |
 It doesn't take long to add up the math of the                      |
 chapter, yet doing so yields great revelation.                      |
 Like the fact that Methuselah, a godly man,       1056aa Noah ------|
 died the exact year of the flood (1656 AA).              born       |
 I'd never known that before I did the math.              Gen 5:29   |
 At the end of the Genesis 5 mathmatics we find                      |
 Noah entering his 500th year.                                       |
   *----------------------------------*                              |
   | Gen 5:32                         |`*                            |
   | And Noah was five hundred years  | |                            |
   | old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham,   | |          1556aa Shem, -----|
   | and Japheth. (KJV)               | |                 Ham        |
   *----------------------------------* |                 Japheth    |
    `*----------------------------------*                 born       |
 Does this mean that Noah's wife gave birth to            Gen 5:32   |
 triplets when Noah was 500 years old?  I don't                      |
 really think so.  I think that it is referring                      |
 to the starting point at which Noah began to                        |
 procreate.                                                          |
 Certainly because of this scripture the first
 son would have been born during Noah's 500th
 year.  I don't know for sure but perhaps the
 birth of the three sons could have taken place
 over a period of four years perhaps maybe even
 five, so that by the time Noah reached the age
 of 505, all three of his sons may have been born.

 One Biblical piece of information that we do
 have is that Japheth was the elder brother of
 the three sons.  This information comes later
 in a geneology presented in Genesis 10;
   | Gen 10:21 Unto Shem also, the father of all the children  |`*
   | of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him    | |
   | were children born.                                       | |
   *-----------------------------------------------------------* |

      |   Gen 6:1-5                                   |`*
      |    1 And it came to pass, when men began      | |
      |   to multiply on the face of the earth,       | |
      |   and daughters were born unto them,          | |
      |    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters   | |
      |   of men that they were fair; and they took   | |
      |   them wives of all which they chose.         | |
      *-----------------------------------------------* |
 This is how Genesis chapter six opens.  Some make
 much ado about the term "sons of God" in verse two.
 In a rush to prove there were once ancient
 astronauts from another planet who visited earth
 "5 million years ago" some have turned to this
 verse as a support text.  That is a real stretch.

 What the Bible is describing is the *godly line
 from Adam which came from Seth, his seed, in
 place of the godly Abel who was murdered.
 Therefore the "sons of God", are those from the
 godly line of Seth as opposed to the ungodly line
 of Cain who was cursed from the face of the earth.
 The Lord said of the ungodly Cain;
    |  Gen 4:11-12                                         |`*
    |  And now art thou cursed from the earth, which       | |
    |  hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's      | |
    |  blood from thy hand;                                | |
    |  When thou tillest the ground, it shall not          | |
    |  henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a          | |
    |  fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. | |
    *------------------------------------------------------* |

 So Cain's line was the ungodly line, and from Seth
 proceeded the godly line, from which the Messiah
 would come.  Therefore the distinction is made
 in verse two of the "sons of god" and the
 "daughters of *men".  Need some support scripture?
 How about Genesis 4:25;
    |  " And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, |`*
    |  and called his naem Seth: For God, said she, hath   | |
    |  appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom     | |
    |  Cain slew."                                         | |
    |  26 "And to Seth, to him also there was born a son;  | |
    |  and he called his name Enos: then began men to call | |
    |  upon the name of the LORD."                         | |
    *------------------------------------------------------* |
 I call attention to the scripture (part B) of
 verse 26 where it is declared that at this time
 men began to call upon the name of the Lord.
 This scripture supports the creation of a Godly
 line of men, which we see later, the Matthew
 geneology of Christ stems from.

    |  Gen 6:5                                   |`*
    |  5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man  | |
    |  was great in the earth, and that every    | |
    |  imagination of the thoughts of his heart  | |
    |  was only evil continually.                | |
    *--------------------------------------------* |
 This is a monumental verse of scripture.  In this
 verse we see the what the true state of the heart
 of man was at this very early point in history!
 What a horrible sight!  Man filled with evil as a
 result of rebellion against God.

 Evil became the inherent nature that men's hearts.
 The truth of this finding is evident as we see the
 almost unbelievable cruelty that goes on in this
 sin cursed earth. I'm sure it was the same then.

 Here, in this relatively early stage of the earth's existance,
 man had already reached a pinnacle of depravity in that "every"
 imagination and thought of his heart was *only evil continually.
 Complete wickedness of spirit apart from God is what we are
 talking about here.

                   "And God saw"
 Yes, God did see this wickedness in the days of
 Noah, as He does today. The Bible teaches us that;
      |  Amos 9:8 Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD  |`*
      |  are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will    | |
      |  destroy it from off the face of the earth; | |
      |  saving that I will not utterly destroy the | |
      |  house of Jacob, saith the LORD.            | |
      *---------------------------------------------* |
 The cliche, "There is nothing new under the sun"
 is based on a verse of Bible scripture.  Just as
 God saw then- so does He now, see all the
 wickedness of man.
      | Eccles 1:9                                  |`*
      | The thing that hath been, it is that which  | |
      | shall be; and that which is done is that    | |
      | which shall be done: and there is no new    | |
      | thing under the sun.                        | |
      *---------------------------------------------* |
 God saw their adultery-
 He saw their fornication-
 He heard their lies-
 He saw their VIOLENCE!-

 In the beginning of civilization then, this is
 the stage that was set before the great flood occured.
 It was a condition of total apostacy.

      |  Gen 6:6                               |`*
      |  And it repented the LORD that he had  | |
      |  made man on the earth, and it         | |
      |  grieved him at his heart. (KJV)       | |
      *----------------------------------------* |
 Hear is a verse that all should STOP and take note of, because it
 is one of those rare verses where one actually reveals the very
 nature of God Almighty. Another way of saying this, is that this
 scripture reveals the very heart of God.  In it, there are two
 aspects of His Spirit revealed.

 - The First- "it repented God"

 The first is, that God was turned from Himself or
 "repented" that He even created man in the first
 place.  That is what this verse reads in plain
 English.  Why? Because of the repulsive evil that
 has just been described. In the last two messages
 the great sin of man and now, are pointed out by
 scripture.  These things were *abominations in
 the eyes of God.

 How bad is that?  Well, bad enough that it "repented
 God that he had made man!"  Yes, let the Bible speak
 for itself, indeed let God speak for Himself.

 - The Second- "it grieved him"

 Gen 6:5 again...
 "And it repented the LORD that
 he had  made man on the earth,
 and it grieved him at his heart."
 The Almighty God of the universe has feelings, too.  God is not a
 machine, He is Spirit.  Now, part b) of the above scripture indi-
 cates that God has the capacity to be *greived- "hurt" if you will.
 This fact is greatly supported by a scripture from the new testament;
     |  Eph 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of  |`*
     |  God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of  | |
     |  redemption. (KJV)                           | |
     *----------------------------------------------* |
 ...yes, a second indication that God, who is the
 Holy Spirit can be grieved, (hurt) in His heart.
 And this is indeed what He felt as He looked on
 the whole earth at this time and saw the great
 wickedness of man.

 5.  DEPRAVITY continued....
 Hey, could we look at this scripture for just another moment?
      |  Gen 6:5                               |`*
      |  And GOD saw that the wickedness of    | |
      |  man was great in the earth, and that  | |
      |  every imagination of the thoughts of  | |
      |  his heart was only evil continually.  | |
      *----------------------------------------* |
 A message back we were speaking of how completely
 depraved the Lord God saw man to be prior to the
 time of the flood.  In comparison to these last
 days which we live in, and that began at Pentecost-
 Romans chapter one draws an interesting parallel.
     |  Romans 1:32                       |`*
     |  Who knowing the judgment of God,  | |
     |  that they which commit such       | |
     |  things are worthy of death, not   | |
     |  only do the same, but have        | |
     |  pleasure in them that do them.    | |
     *------------------------------------* |
 Amazing description of evil. Just prior this
 verse are several which describe in detail
 the depths of spiritual adultery of the last
 days....*then....this scripture which
 declares that men not only *do these things
 but have pleasure in committing their rebellion!
 I think this can be seen in today's society.  Have you ever
 seen the fight scenes in the spectator's stand at the English
 and other European soccer matches?

 | Gen 6:7-9                              |`*   We are looking
 |  7 And the LORD said, I will destroy   | |   at the awesome
 | man whom I have created from the face  | |   account of the
 | of the earth; both man,                | |   flood of Noah.
 | and beast, and the creeping            | |   This event is a
 | thing, and the fowls of the air; for   | |   picture of the
 | it repenteth me that I have made them. | |   end of all things
 |  8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of | |   as Christ Himself
 | the LORD.                              | |   compared these
 |  9 These are the generations of Noah:  | |   events to His
 | Noah was a just man and perfect in his | |   2nd coming to
 | generations, and Noah walked with God. | |   establish His
 *----------------------------------------* |   kingdom  which
   `*----------------------------------------*   will have no end.
 After just having read how what God looked on
 and saw, grieved Him at His heart, we see now
 two things;

     (1) that it "repented" Him that He created
         this evil and adulterous being...and
     (2) that He looked upon NOAH with grace.
 We all know that NOAH was to be saved, that
 is, spared from the wrath of God and granted
 life, while all others, not partaking of His
 plan of salvation (as illustrated by the Ark)
 would indeed *perish.

    "This is my story, this is my song-
     praising my Saviour all the day long-"
                   (from... "Blessed Assurance")

 This gospel of grace is our song, too.
 Anyone who is born-again of the Spirit of God,
 has been looked upon by God in grace.
 Salvation is of God from the beginning.....(John 6:44)
                           to the end........(Jude 1:24)

 In receiving this grace we abide in the
 Saviour, Jesus Christ the Righteous, and He
 in us.  Anyone, king or pauper, not in Christ
 will perish.

   |  Gen 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before   |`*
   |  God, and the earth was filled with violence. | |
   *-----------------------------------------------* |
 The whole point of the account of the great
 flood recorded in Genesis, is that it is a
 picture of the ultimate end of the world, when
 God will restore His power and authority over
 all- forever, permanently placing Satan in the
 fires of Hell.

 What comparison can we make of these Genesis
 scriptures above, to our day...easy, huh?

 Violence has multiplied itself in these last
 days in many different ways, and satan is at
 the root of it all.

   A.  Children....
     Even if you went back ten years, and viewed
   Saturday morning cartoons for children, you
   would have seen extreme VIOLENCE.  Usually,
   the superheros won.  This is the same subtilty
   that Satan always makes His approach with;
   ....a wrongdoing covered initially with what
   may appear to be right, then floodgates get
   opened later.

   B. In the case of Saterday morning cartoons, the
   original early violence led to today's MORTAL KOMBAT
   class demon carnage.  Video arcades feature countless
   "games" of karate, streetfighting, shotgun, and
   automatic weapons VIOLENCE.  All laid on the table
   on a electronic platter for our children.

   C. I recently went down to COMP USA to get some
   equipment for my machine.  I was walking through
   the isles when I saw this precious little girl,
   standing off to the side of an isle and just
   staring up in a gaze.  I wondered to myself what
   in the world has her so awestruck?
      Following the angle of her eyes, I looked up at a
   huge color monitor mounted from chains to the ceiling.
   I'm not sure what 'game' it was, but it is easy to
   describe.  Some guy was walking through the corridors of
   a building with a pump shotgun.  Anything that moved, he
   fired on, then with amazingly realistic sounds he 'pumped'
   the shotgun loading another round in the chamber.  When-
   ever he hit a human target, blood would splatter on the
   floor and walls of the virtual building.
      I looked again at the little girl, who was absolutely
   adorable, and thought, "What kind of mental scarring is
   going on in this little girl's mind?"

   |  Gen 6:11 The earth also was corrupt before   |`*
   |  God, and the earth was filled with violence. | |
   *-----------------------------------------------* |
  According to my math, which is tentatively in agreement
  with the theory of the year 4,004 BC as the time of
  creation, about 5,443 years have passed (6,999 - 1,556)
  since God looked on the wickedness of man, and willed the
  rains from the heavens and waters from under the earth
  to destroy him.

  Not much has changed.

      | Gen 6:13-22                                     |`*
      | 13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all       | |
      | flesh is come before me; for the earth is       | |
      | filled with violence through them; and,         | |
      | behold, I will destroy them with the earth.     | |
      | 14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms       | |
      | shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it  | |
      | within and without with pitch.                  | |
      *-------------------------------------------------* |
  In this scripture, and the following scriptures
  to the end of chapter 6, the Lord God tells Noah
  all that will take place.  God fully informs Noah
  of His will and instructs him in all that he
  should do to survive the great wrath to come.

  I once heard it said that one reason we born again
  believers are at peace in the middle of this present
  darkness, is because we *know the end of the story!

  That's right!  We have written for us in God's word,
  exactly what the END OF ALL THINGS will be for both
  the believer and for the unbeliever.

  I think that we can see in these above scriptures-
  the consistancy of God in telling His people through
  his prophets exactly what will be.  Knowing and
  trusting in His word, we have peace.

  Noah's Comfort And Assurance of Salvation;
  Noah was faced with the following;
       1) a staggering revelation that the end
          of the world as he knew it was COMING.
       2) the fact that he had a TREMENDOUS amount
          of work in front of Him to built the ARK.

  But think of the comfort!  In the midst of doom-
  words of salvation, that he and his family would
  BE SAVED!  Noah, being a righteous man, must have
  known a great peace in this salvation given him
  by God's mercy.

  We also have this peace and assurance knowing that
  the forgiveness that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ
  as Savior, will save us from perishing.

  "Make Thee and Ark":  Here are the SPECIFICATIONS
  for the Ark which would be the salvation of Noah,
  the seven family members, and the animals with him.
    |  Gen 6:14-16                                   |`*
    |  14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms     | |
    |  shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch   | |
    |  it within and without with pitch.             | |
    |  15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt   | |
    |  make it of: The length of the ark shall be    | |
    |  three hundred cubits, the breadth of it       | |
    |  fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty     | |
    |  cubits.                                       | |
    |  16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and   | |
    |  in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and    | |
    |  the door of the ark shalt thou set in the     | |
    |  side thereof; with lower, second, and third   | |
    |  stories shalt thou make it. (KJV)             | |
    *------------------------------------------------* |
   A. GOPHER WOOD: - as previously described, it is a
   process of manufacture of product, as opposed to
   a species of tree, according to the sources.  This
   process, which produces a wood similar in strength
   and construction to plywood would probably by the
   strongest of its day.
                           ...a process, not a species
   ####################   <--- Hand hewn wood
    `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,  <--- Adhesive: tree sap, tar etc.
    ##################### <--- Hand hewn wood

   B. ROOMS: In verse 14, there is a definite instruction
   from the Lord to build "rooms" in the Ark.

   C. PITCH:  Tar, sticky stuff, etc. for the
   pupose of sealing the exterior and interior of
   the Ark ("within and without.")  Waterproofing
   in other words.  This would definitely result in
   waterproofing against leaks to the final structure.

   D. LENGTH:"Three Hundred Cubits"  It is generally held
   that a "cubit" was a distance of about 18 inches. So then
   the overall length of the Ark would be 450 feet.
      \                       |~~~~~~|<-(door)                /
       \                      |______|                       /
         <-  -   -   -   -   - 450 feet -  -  -  -  -  -  ->
                          Noah's ARK (sideview)
       The Math
       ~~~~~~~~  300 cubits X 18 inches = 5400 inches
                       5400 inches / 12 = 450 feet

   E. WIDTH:  "the breath of it shall be fifty cubits"
   Now, with our familiar cubit of 18 inches we can
   also determine the width (breath) of the Ark of Noah.
   ,-        ,-------~~~~~-------,                The Math:
   |     <---`------\~~~~~/------'--->            ~~~~~~~~~
   45ft.  \          \   /          /  Width:
   |       \          \ /          /   50 cubits X 18 in. = 900 in.
   |_       `----------v----------'    900 in. / 12in. = 75ft.
             <- - - 75 feet - -  ->
                  (Frontview)          Height:
                                       30 cubits X 18 in. = 540 in.
                                       540 in. / 12in. = 45ft.

   F. Levels: The levels or decks were specified to be
   constructed within the ARK.

   G. Window: GOD commanded that a single window be
   built into the ark. [Gen 6:16]

   There we have the construction specifications
   given by God for the building of the Ark of Noah
   which would be to his salvation and that of the
   seven, and all the animals that would go with him
   to safety.

   Some absolutely fantastic parallels have been
   drawn between these construction requirements and
   some of the spiritual aspects of our salvation in
   the Lord Jesus, the Christ.  Do you know of some?

        10.  ARK of Noah:  HOLD IT!  WHAT IF?
     We just spent several messages detailing the
     construction specifications and dimensions of
     the Ark... but what about this question?

     What if Noah had a laisse faire attitude toward
     the will of God and never built the Ark?

     What if Noah never surrendered his will to
     God?  What if he continued in his own
     priorities?  Would he have be saved??????

     It just doesn't make sense for a person to
     think that they can continually live outside
     the will of God and be saved.   (Luke 6:46)

     For Jesus to be our LORD,  we must surrender
     to Him, that is, surrender our will to His
     will, that *He may be Lord, as Noah surrendered
     to God's will.

 11.  ARK Stability and Capacity
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          (sideview)
   \                       |~~~~~~~|                            /
    \                      |_______|                           /
     <-   -   -   -   -   -   450 feet -   -   -   -   -  -  ->

      ,-------|~~~~|-------,        From Genesis 6:15 we know
 <---`----/----------\----'--->    that these dimensions expressed
   \        \        /        /     in feet would be the size of
    \        \      /        /      the ark that Noah did build
     \________\____/________/       in obedience to God's word.
     <- - - - 75 feet  - - ->
      ,---------------------,     <     Some have questioned the
 <---`---------------------'---> |     stability of such a design,
   \                           /  |45'  which is sometimes referred
    \                         /   |     to as a '6 to 1' ratio
     \_______________________/    |     design.  This is because
            (rearview)            <     the ARK of Noah was six
                                        times as long as it was wide.

 A model of a ship built to these specifications
 was placed in a wave tank, which proportionatly
 exposed the model to waves up to 200 feet in height.
 The constructed model performed well.

 So did the original Ark, as we are all here to
 read about the wonder of it all.  It has been esti-
 mated that a vessel of these measurements had the
 holding capacity of 1.5 million cubit feet of
 space (that of 170 train boxcars).  That is a lot
 of room for a lot of animals.

 .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  . . .  |
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--~~__ _--##               |/   ARK of Noah:
 ~~_~~__ _--~~__ _--~~  ##     "third"     |/  Interior Specs:
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--~~-~~##                   |/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--~~-~##|||||||||||||||||||||/    God instructed Noah
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--~~-##                     |/  to build three stories
     ~~__ _--~~__ _-##      "second"       |/  (decks) within the Ark.
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--~##                     |/ *----------------------*
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--##                     |/  |      Gen 6:16        |`*
    ~~__ _--~~__ ##|||||||||||||||||||||/    | A window shalt thou  | |
 ~~__ _--~~__ _##                   |/      | make to the ark,     | |
    ~~__ _--~~__ ##     "lower"    |/        | and in a cubit shalt | |
 ~~__ _--~~__ _--##             |/          | thou finish it above;| |
 _________________##___________/            | and the door of the  | |
                                             | ark shalt thou set   | |
    (Cutaway Side View; Stern Section)       | in the side thereof; | |
                                             | with lower, second,  | |
                                             | and third stories    | |
                                             | shalt thou make it.  | |
                                             *----------------------* |
 Again, some brothers and sisters in Christ  `*----------------------*
 have drawn similarities between the details
 about the ARK of Noah and the aspects of our
 salvation in Jesus Christ the Lord.  Do you
 know of any?
 12. How Long to Build the ARK?  100 Years
 With construction specifications
 for a ship over four football   Noah Born-----, 1056AA
 fields long and the height                    |       ^
 of a three story building,                    |       |
 how long did it take                          |       |
 Noah to build the Ark?                        |       |
                                                |       |
 From Genesis chapter five                     |    500yrs
 calculations we can know                      |       |
 that Noah was born in the                     |       |
 year 1056 AA (After Adam).                    |       |
                                                |       |
 From Genesis 5:32 we know                     |       |
 that Noah was 500 years old    Shem, Ham, &   |       |
 in the year 1556AA, when his    Japheth born--| 1556AA
 three sons began to come on                   |       |
 the scene.  This is the same                  |       |
 time which God made His                       |       |
 covenant with Noah.                           |   100yrs
                                                |       |
 From Genesis 7:6 we know that                 |       |
 Noah was 600 years old when                   |       |
 the flood came.                   Flood-------' 1656AA

 So from the time Noah was
 notified that the flood would
 come and the time that the
 flood arrived was exactly
 100 years.

 Noah was an obedient and just man who "walked
 with God" [Gen 6:9], and knew what it meant to
 obey the Lord's commands.  Therefore, Noah would
 have begun IMMEDIATELY to prepare the Ark upon
 receiving the LORD's command, and the figure of
 a 100 year construction period would seem about

 One thing that would make the figure slightly
 under 100 years is that it would have taken a
 good while to fulfil another of the Lord's
 commandments in Genesis 6:21;
            |  And take thou unto thee of all food   |`*
            |  that is eaten, and thou shalt gather  | |
            |  it to thee; and it shall be for food  | |
            |  for thee, and for them.               | |
            *----------------------------------------* |
 This gathering of food would have taken some time
 period to accomplish.  It makes sense that Noah
 would have waited until after the Ark was finished
 to begin storing food.  We can subtract whatever
 time it took to gather the food, from the 100 year
 construction period.  So 97, 98 years something like
 that would be the best figure for the actual building
 of the ARK.

 Remember the controversy over Genesis 5:32 over
 the time of the birth of Noah's sons?
           |  Gen 5:32                               |`*
           |  And Noah was five hundred years old:   | |
           |  and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. | |
           *-----------------------------------------* |
 Andrew Cummins wrote:
 "Three options:
   1) triplets
   2) Noah was 500 when he finished having these three sons
   3) Noah started having them at the age of 500."

 Under the circumstances of options 1 and 3 Noah's
 sons would not have been old enough to help him
 in any substantial way for several years as they
 would have just been tots.

 Even under option 2, one would have been a tot for
 a few years.  So although Noah would have begun
 immediately carrying out the will of God to build
 the Ark he would have worked alone for some of the
 100 year construction period.  When his sons came
 of age, becoming big enough to move huge beams of
 wood, construction went into full swing.  Therefore
 the time of 'full-swing' construction, using a four
 man team was even less than 100 years.

                    Shem, Ham, & --| 1556AA.
                     Japheth born  |       |
                                   |       |
       (age at which sons -------->|       |
        could actually             |       |
        assist in the              |       |
        building of the Ark.)      |       |
                                   |       |
                                   |   100yrs
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
                                   |       |
                    Flood----------' 1656AA

 13. Noah Edures Mocking; The Believers Heritage
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       CREATION<-,
 From scripture we can determine that it took                    |
 Noah and his family 100 years to construct the                  |
 Ark and fill it with provisions.  The construc-                 |
 tion began about 1556 AA (After Adam) and lasted                |
 until 1656 AA, one hundred years later.                         |
 Sometimes in reading the Bible account of the                   |
 great flood in Genesis chapters 6, 7, and 8,                    |
 events pass by so quickly that one misses the                   |
 implications of the experience Noah had with God                |
 and with ungodly men.  The fact is as Noah and                  |
 his family lived for God, they edured decades of                |
 mocking by unbelievers.                                         |
                                                      1056 AA ----|
 Location of Construction                            Noah's birth|
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                        |
 I don't know the exact location where the Ark                   |
 was built, but one thing that we can be SURE OF                 |
 is that it was constructed on dry land, probably            ^   |
 hundreds of miles from the sea.                             |   |
                                                              |   |
 Can you imagine the ridicule from un-believers        (500yrs)  |
 as a ship as least as big as an air-craft carrier           |   |
 was being constructed on dry land?  As word                 |   |
 passed throughout the land of what this family              v   |
 was doing, the construction site probably became                |
 a merchant/tourist attraction.  A circus, where                 |
 people would stand and laugh, and mock, and                     |
 ridicule the FAITH that Noah had in God's word.     1556 AA ----|
                                                      Noah's sons |
 In John Huston's 1960's era film, 'THE BIBLE...       born      |
 In the Beginning' this fact is depicted in a                    |
 scene where a mocking unbeliever shouts to a                ^   |
 crowd, "Never have I seen anything as ridiculous            |   |
 as this, a man building a ship on dry ground."              |   |
 The crowd then errupted in a roar of laughter.         (100yrs) |
                                                              |   |
 That was just a single re-enactment however as              |   |
 the construction took about 100 years, the                  v   |
 mocking would have INCREASED as the Ark neared                  |
 completion.  Think about it...one family out of                 |
 an entire world who heard the voice of God and                  |
 obeyed.  One family who was not ashamed to          1656 AA ----'
 openly declare their faith in the Almighty God      Flood
 no matter the consequences.

   On a daily workday, not only did Noah and his family face the
 task of cutting down huge trees, hand-hewning them into
 shape....not only did they face the task of moving 12 x 12 beams
 into posi- tion, but they DAILY faced unbelievers telling them
 that what they were doing was COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!

 Think of the FAITH!  Think of the FAITH! Think of the faith that
 this family had, not walking by the sight of a majority of people
 telling them they were wrong- but walking by what God said!  This
 is the reason Noah's name ended up recorded in Hebrews chapter
 11.  Noah *finished building the Ark one day.  Noah *stayed
 steadfast in the Lord's will.  Noah *listened to God alone. Noah

   Lord Jesus Christ, grant by your mercy that we would
 live for you daily, trusting in your word, believing
 and not turning to the left or to the right as every
 aspect of your word is attacked and mocked by
 un-believers.  Cause us to faithfully keep our eyes
 on You, with our shoulders to the plow, not turning
 back.  This we ask in the name of Jesus, amen.
     |  "Yea, and all who would live godly   |`*
     |   in Christ Jesus shall suffer        | |
     |   persecution."  2 Tim 3:12           | |
     *---------------------------------------* |

 ||      || |||||||      ||   |||||||||| ||    ||
 ||      || ||   |||    ||||      ||     ||    ||
 ||      || |||||||    ||  ||     ||     ||||||||
 || //\\ || ||   ||   ||||||||    ||     ||    ||
 ||//  \\|| ||    || |||    |||   ||     ||    ||
       |  Gen 6:17,18                                         |`*
       |  And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters  | |
       |  upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, where in is   | |
       |  the breath of life, from under heaven; and every    | |
       |  thing that is in the earth shall die.               | |
       *------------------------------------------------------* |
 Make no mistake about it.  This flood which is getting ready to
 hit, was from the LORD God. It wasn't just a rainy day, in that
 year 1656AA (After Adam) that destroyed all flesh that remained
 outside of the Ark.  No, the Bible records that the LORD said "I,
 even I do bring a flood..."

 This was His wrath.  This was man falling under
 the wrong side of God's power.  Not one creature
 that had breath survived, when God unleashed the
 flood of waters which covered the entire earth.
 This wrath was not without warning.  In 2nd Peter,
 an epistle which tells of the physical means by
 which the world will one day end, (chap. 3:10-14)
 gives this description of Noah;
         |  2 Peter 2:5                                    |`*
         |  And spared not the old world, but saved Noah   | |
         |  the eighth person, a preacher of               | |
         |  righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the  | |
         |  world of the ungodly; (KJV)                    | |
         *-------------------------------------------------* |
 Noah was a preacher of righteousness.  Noah not only built that
 Ark, Noah preached the gospel while he hammered away on the
 vessel that would be the salvation of his family.  Noah TOLD
 those mockers what was going to happen.  He did not keep it a
 secret. And surely Noah preached repentance to the civilization
 of that time, because repentance and righteousness go hand and hand.

 Noah told those who were lost, in the midst of their ridicule, about
 righteous living, about obeying God's voice, about the Holiness of
 the God that He served.  The people did not listen, not one. But they
 were NOT without warning of the wrath that was about to come.

 Today, we live in a modern civilization with electronic communications
 and other push button luxuries.  Radio, and television, and pocket
 telephones emerge from technology.  Modern medicine yields organ
 transplants and test tube babies.

 Some, in their own wisdom begin to discount the wrath that the
 Lord Jesus foretold would come at the end of the world (Matthew
 24).  The wrath that the exalted risen Saviour revealed to John
 on the island of Patmos is questioned.  The incomprehensible
 terror of scorching heat, vials of wrath being poured out on the
 earth, and the ultimate lake of fire and brimestone of Revelation
 chapter 20 go unoticed by a dying world.

 In parallel to the days of Noah (Jesus Himself used this as a
 description of man's behavior at the end of the time) God has
 sent His gospel of salvation out to the entire world...via
 sattellite no less, missionaries, evangelistic crusades and now
 the worldwide computer networks.  For God so loved the world that
 he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him
 should not perish but have everlasting life.  Many have received
 him and have gained everlasting life.

 To those who scorn and reject this precious shed blood, which is
 the only means of salvation, God has again promised his wrath.

       |  Gen 6:18                                     |`*
       |  But with thee will I establish my covenant;  | |
       |  and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and  | |
       |  thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives  | |
       |  with thee. (KJV)                             | |
       *-----------------------------------------------* |
 Here the merciful Creator demonstrates His grace
 to man.  We serve a merciful God.  Just ask Noah, who
 has just in the previous scripture heard of the
 impending doom of the whole earth, yet now He receives
 grace and a promise of mercy from the Father.

 Some define Grace as unmerited favor, some as
 G-reat R-iches A-t C-hrist's E-xpense, some as active
 grace....the empowering presence of God.  Here in
 Genesis 6:18 we see a reaallllll picture of Grace.
 That being, the Almighty God of the universe entering
 into a covenant with a man!  Wow!

 Remember the scripture in Isaiah 55:9 "For as the
 heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
 higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your
 thoughts."  Have you ever heard of the comparison of
 the *difference between Almighty God and man as being
 that of man to an amoeba?

 Friends, the God who created a universe that we
 cannot even *measure, here in *this instance is
 reaching down to a man in a covenant, (an agreement)
 and one which will provide for that man's salvation.
 What a privilage for a man to experience!

 Isn't this exactly what happened to we who know
 Messiah as Saviour?  As we not partakers in the
 *New Covenant in which there is salvation from
 the terrible fire which is to come?  Shouldn't we shout
 "Hallelujah!" in that we can be on the *inside of the
 Saviour which is Christ?  Safe from the storm- "...and
 under his wings," [Ps 91:4]!

 Oh, the merciful God we serve!  He saved a remnant
 so that you and I could live and dwell with Him
 throughout all eternity in everlasting joy!  He could
 have destroyed His entire creation but...He had mercy.
 Blessed be His name.
        |   1 Chr 16:34                              |`*
        |   O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is   | |
        |   good; for his mercy endureth for ever.   | |
        |   (KJV)                                    | |
        *--------------------------------------------* |

 .  . .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  . . .  |
 -~~_=_~__=_-~_--~~__ _-~~___~~__-~~__ _-~~___~~__|,
 _____________ ~~__-~~___ _-__=__ _--~~___=_-__ ___|,
             | = _,__`___ _-__=__-~~__=_-~~___~~_=_|,
 .,   ~'~   | _=___= _-~~_=_~~__-~~__`___=_-__=___|,
 ().,  ~'~  | _ _--~~___=_-__ __=_---~~__=_-__`__|,
 _!!() ______| --~~__=___ _-_-~~___~~__=_-__`__= |,
 == !! ======~_=_--~~__ ~~__~__=_-__=__=_-__`__/''
 ===========  _ _--~~__`~~__~__=_-__=____`__/''
 ====`0'=== _-_--~=__ _-__`___`_--~~__=_-|/    MAN:
 ====(,)==_____________________________/'      Eight people entered
 `0'l l=                                      the Ark when it was
 =(,) ==                0   <>                 finally completed.  As
 =l l==                 /\ \/\,                we begin to see it re-
 =====  o-, <>          /\  /\                 iterated in Gen. 7:1,
 ====  ``/\ /\'  o <>  Noah+wife  <>  o        Almighty GOD calls for
 ===  Shem  ||  ~t~/\`           '/\`~!~       Noah, "...and all thy
 ==     +wife   /\ ""             "" /\        house," to enter into
 =             Ham+wife        Japheth+wife    the Ark.    |
 `                                                         |
 The awesome realization here is that out                 |
 of an ENTIRE WORLD, only eight (8) people                |
 were saved!  Thinking of this low figure in  <-----------'
 terms of percentage, that is a very SMALL
 amount!  Very small indeed.

 Over and again in the Bible      -Romans 9:27
 God constantly speaks of His     -2Kings 19:31
 "remnant" which would be         -Isaiah 1:9
 saved...by His mercy; salva-     -Isaiah 10:21,22
 tion in the midst of destruc-
 | "Enter ye in at the strait  |`*   Jesus Christ, the Messiah, used
 | gate: for wide is the gate, | | the account of the great flood as
 | and broad is the way, that  | | a comparison to the events of the
 | leadeth to destruction, and | | last days.  This is recorded for
 | many there be which go in   | | our edification in Mt. 24:37,38.
 | thereat:  Because strait is | | That scripture is definately
 | the gate, and narrow is the | | worth taking a look at.
 | way that leadeth unto life, | |
 | and few there be that find  | |   Question: In addition to the
 | it." Matthew 7:13,14        | | parallel of the *events of Noah's
 *-----------------------------* | day to ours...is it a possibility
   `*-----------------------------* that the *RATIO of those saved to
                                    those unsaved will be similar?

 If so, the implications are staggering.
 The last count that I heard, there were
 about 5 billion people on the face of
 this earth.  How many will be saved?
 ...only GOD knows.

 The late Bob Cook of the "Walk With the King"
 radio broadcast said it is not our place to
 tell anyone that they are saved or unsaved,
 ...better to share the gospel and let them
 tell us.  True.

 But even with the truth of that statement one
 cannot help but wonder about the integrity of
 reports around the world that "50,000" people
 were saved at a certain, campaign or crusade.
 If so, wonderful!  Let GOD's word accomplish
 the task for which it was sent forth by Him.
 Thank God for His mercy.

 Even so, we have the words directly from
 the mouth of the Christ in Matthew 7:13+14,
 that compared to the whole- "...few there be
 which find it."

 All the *more reason, for we who know Christ
 as Saviour, Lord, and friend to REJOICE in
 our salvation, as it is only by *HIS grace
 that we are saved.  The apostle Paul called
 it "...so great salvation" [Hebrews 2:3].

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ,-------------,
     ^..^  ^..^                          /(__ |     _=_     | __)\
     ii\*  ii\*                         /~_~ `".-.-`|||'-.-."'~_~ \
     ii    ii                  ~'~      (=__~_~~_~~_|||~__~___=__ )
     ii    ii                   ~'~  [[(_~_~=__=__=_||| _- ~_~_=_'-)
 ,__ii ,__ii                    [][][] (=__-__=__=_||| _- =___=_')
 (    )(    )        (>       [][][[    \~_=~_~_~~_|||~_=~~_~~~_/
 I\-I/ I\-I/    (>;(;;;    [[][][         \ =___~_~1|1 ~_~=__)/
 Ib II Ib II  (;;;  !!   [[][][          @@@\,=____!!! =__///@@@
 II II II II   !!   [[[[[][]             @@@  `\\\\\!/////'  @@@
                                         @@@@      \\!//      @@@@
       '||||';`                          @@@@       ';'       @@@@
        '' ''     ,.., ,..,
 '||||';`         /`'  /`'    We all know that two of every living
 '' ''          ,(|| ,(||    creature on the face of the earth
                              entered into the great ARK [Gen 6:19].
                              But is this really a point to skip
                              by hastily?
 In this instruction of God to   *--------------------------------*
 Noah, a clear illustration of   | Gen 6:19                       |`*
 pure, God ordained sexuallity   | And of every living thing of   | |
 is evident. Yet, today, as we   | all flesh, two of every sort   | |
 read Romans 1:26-28 we see that | shalt thou bring into the ark, | |
 in these last days even basic   | to keep them alive with thee;  | |
 facts about sexuality is an     | they shall be male and female. | |
 'issue.' Is there anything      *--------------------------------* |
 that Satan will not attempt      `*--------------------------------*
 to corrupt?

 But in the simple truth of this wonderful plan of Genesis 6:19
 for the continuation of life, the miracle of GOD's fanstastic
 design for His creation is re-established.
 Specifically, there were       | Gen 7:2,3                        |`*
 actually at LEAST two of       | Of every clean beast thou shalt  | |
 each of GOD's creation         | take to thee by sevens, the male | |
 within the ARK.  GOD           | and his female: and of beasts    | |
 specifically instructed        | that are not clean by two, the   | |
 Noah to gather clean beast     | male and his female.             | |
 in numbers of sevens.          |                                  | |
                                 | Of fowls also of the air by      | |
 Perhaps this increased         | sevens, the male and the female; | |
 number of clean beast was      | to keep seed alive upon the      | |
 for the purpose of sacrificial | face of all the earth.           | |
 offerings during the long      |                                  | |
 voyage. We know that burnt     *----------------------------------* |
 offerings of clean beast was    `*----------------------------------*
 a form of worship by Godly men
 since Abel, who was slain,
 offered the better sacrifice.
 Therefore this is possiblility.

 NUMBERS:                              [Adam+Eve Progenitors]
    As far as the number of animals           0     <>
 on the Ark, it should be                   /I\   ~[]\
 remembered that just as Adam and            -    /__\
 Eve were progenitors of the ENTIRE         i i    ii
 HUMAN RACE, ...a single pair of                /\
 K-9s would also serve as the              o  o  o  o  o
 progenitors of all the species of        ( )( )( )( )( )
 dogs we know today i.e. Whippet,        o "o "o "o "o "o
 Dachshund, Terrier, Doberman,          ( )( )( )( )( )( )
 Sheppards, Cocker Spaniels, Afghan  o  o" o" o" o" o" o" o
 Hounds, etc.  So it would NOT be   ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )
 necessary to have a pair of each    "  "  "  "  "  "  "  "
 breed.  With the ARK having a             [human race]
 storage capacity of 1.5 million
 cubit ft. (170 Railroad boxcars)     ,.., ,..,
 there would be adquate room for      /`'  /`' [Single pair of K-9s]
 all creatures great and small.      ,(|| ,(||   progenitors of each
                                         /\        breed of dog we
   ,.., ,..,  ,.., ,..,  ,.., ,.., ,..,  ,.., ,.., ,..,  know today.
   /`'  /`'   /`'  /`'   /`'  /`'  /`'   /`'  /`'  /`'
 ,(|| ,(||  ,(|| ,(||  ,(|| ,(|| ,(||  ,(|| ,(|| ,(||
   Collies   Shepherds     Terriers         Hounds

 On top of this, Brother Andrew Cummins commented:
 <<<< Andrew Cummings >>>>
 AC->More than just dog breeds would have to be included in the
 AC->K-9 or dog kind.  Foxes, wolves, etc. would also have to
 AC->be included within the dog-kind.

 A Great point!
 PROVISIONS:                       | Gen 6:21                     |`*
 The storage of food onboard the   | And take thou unto thee of   | |
 ARK was a major part of the pre-  | all food that is eaten,      | |
 flood preparation period. We know | and thou shalt gather it to  | |
 from scripture that it took 100   | thee; and it shall be for    | |
 years to complete all aspects of  | food for thee, and for them. | |
 the preparation of the ARK.       |                              | |
                                    *------------------------------* |
 It should be understood that a     `*------------------------------*
 considerable part of this 100 year
 assembly period was spent in the growth
 and storage of food, in obedience to God's
 instruction in Genesis 6:21.  Through strategic
 planning, a few years before the physical construction
 of the ARK was complete, Noah probably began growing crops
 especially for storage.  Plants yielding vegetables, like tomatos
 may have been a part of the ship's inventory.

 Interesting enough, anyone who
 happened to see Kevin Cosner's                         o       /;
 new film "Waterworld", a situation      (') (')     o (')    /'/
 not far removed from this scenario,        (')     (') o    //'/;
 saw that tomato plants, apple trees,    [apples]      (')  ,^/'/
 and other plant life was a major                  [pears]   //'
 source of food for extended voyages.    '||||';`           ,^
                                           '' ''   ..      [carrots]
 AFTERTHOUGHTS:                          [milk]  :::
                                                  :::       \/
    On this point of food storage on              :::   /////|/////
 the ARK a thought to consider is that           ::    /////|/////
 Noah as he boarded the ARK, had NO IDEA         ()    /////|/////
 as to the *length of time he and his          [corn]    [ hay ]
 family and his precious cargo would be
 underway. For this reason I think we can
 estimate that every square inch of the
 ARK where space was available, supplies
 were stored.
   |  Gen 7:4                           |`.
   |  For yet seven days, and I will    | |  GOD Reveals to Noah the
   |  cause it to rain upon the earth   | |  EXACT Day On Which The
   |  forty days and forty nights;      | |  Flood Will Begin!
   |  and every living substance that   | |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   |  I have made will I destroy from   | |
   |  off the face of the earth. (KJV)  | |
   *------------------------------------* |
     The fact that GOD told Noah the exact day on which the flood
   would begin is an *outstanding point of this Genesis account.
   Imagine knowing about the ONLY means of salvation, and then
   knowing WHEN it would occur!  What a relationship with the
   heavenly Father!  And all this, while observing the rejection
   of an unbelieving world.
   | Gen 7:6                            |`.
   | And Noah was six hundred years old | |
   | when the flood of waters was upon  | |
   | the earth.                         | |
   *------------------------------------* |

     The year,.... 1,656 years After Adam.

   |  Gen 7:15,16                                |`*
   |  And they went in unto Noah into the ark,   | |
   |  two and two of all flesh, wherein is the   | |
   |  breath of life.                            | |
   |  And they that went in, went in male and    | |
   |  female of all flesh, as God had commanded  | |
   |  him: and the LORD shut him in.             | |
   *---------------------------------------------* |
 The time for the flood has arrived!  Noah and and his family
 and two of all creatures entered the ARK ..."and the LORD shut
 him in." It is crucially important to understand WHO is was
 that closed the door of the Ark.

             THE DOOR of Grace
 The late Oliver B. Green of the Gospel Hour Radio program,
 offered much insight about the door of the Ark.  As you may
 recall, there was only ONE door in the Ark, as God had directed.
 What about this door?   The highlight of Oliver Green's message,
 was that after Noah had entered the Ark, it was the LORD who shut
 the door and closed him in.

 Think of what the door of the Ark looked like to those who had
 scorned Noah AFTER the rains began to fall.  This was a phenominal
 class storm that would have made the hurricane in Dade county
 Florida (ANDREW) look like a March wind.  We need to realize,
 that these people had never seen anything like what was happening.
 I am talking about *fear to levels that you and I have not
 experienced.  All of a sudden, the Ark that was laughed at for
 100 years, now looked like salvation to the scorners.

    John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be
              saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

 Jesus said, that He was the door by which we would enter the
 Kingdom of God.  As we saw, a door has two purposes, (1) to open
 to let in those who are authorized to enter, and (2) to lock shut
 and prevent those who are not permitted from entering.  This is
 the purpose of a door, or a door would not be necessary.

 Wonderfully, those of us who have been born-again know the grace
 and the forgiveness of God Almighty, which is in His Son Jesus,
 the Christ.  To us, this door has been opened. Hallelujah!
 Admittance is ours.  We have been saved.  This salvation was His
 doing, from the foundation of the world.  It is offered to all,
 who would come to Messiah in faith and repentance.

 What the unsaved have to realize, before it starts to rain fire,
 is that in their unbelief, they *reject Christ the Saviour.
 Unbelief to God is just as hidious as rape, murder and
 fornication.  Unbelief to God is sickening as he has said in His
     | Heb 11:6                                                  |`*
     | But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he  | |
     | that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he   | |
     | is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.           | |
     *-----------------------------------------------------------* |
 The same door, that will see to it that the saved enter into
 the glories of the Kingdom of God, into His very presence.....
 will be the very thing that will prevent the unbelieving from

 The same Christ, is all of His power who will catch up the
 saved into the clouds at His coming- with that same power will
 stop the lost from entering and then far worst will follow.

 The thing to do now, if you are not saved, (Born-Again of the
 Spirit of God) is to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
 and ask Him to forgive you of your sins.  Do it, today.

 What I am saying to you is, enter in buy the door, Jesus Christ,
 while it is open.  Once *HE* shuts that door, it will never open
 again.      *--------------------------------------------------*
              |  Matt 25:10-13                                   |`*
              |  10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom   | |
              |  came; and they that were ready went in with     | |
              |  him to the marriage: and the door was shut.     | |
              |  11 Afterward came also the other virgins,       | |
              |  saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.                 | |
              |  12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto  | |
              |  you, I know you not.                            | |
              |  13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the     | |
              |  day nor the hour wherein the Son of man         | |
              |  cometh. (KJV)                                   | |
              *--------------------------------------------------* |

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~'~~~
   ~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~
 ~~~`~~~~~~~~~~ /==================/\ ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~|__________________|| ~~~~~~~~~,~~~'~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~,~~~~~~
     ~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   | Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in    |`*
   | the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the  | |
   | same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken | |
   | up, and the windows of heaven were opened.               | |
   *----------------------------------------------------------* |
        NOTE: The scientific theories presented hear
        are from the documentary "THE INCREDIBLE

    This important scripture tells where such a vast
 amount of water came from...enough water to cover
 the surface of the entire earth.  The rains, which
 most people recall lasted forty days and forty
 nights.  Not an ordinary rainy day, but *torrential,
 blinding, relentless rains.
    In addition, subterrainean waters located beneath
 the crust of the earth were "broken up" releasing
 millions of gallons of water upward through what
 ever cracks or openings were created.

 Theory #1: The Frozen Mammoths of Siberia
    When the earth's crust was opened subterrainean
 waters were suddenly and violently released under
 enormous pressure.  Some scientist theorize that
 this tremendous pressure at which these waters
 were released would cause them to shoot thousands
 of feet into the atmosphere freezing it- and
 thereby causing mass snows which may account for
 the frozen mammoths of Siberia.

 Theory #2: The Sediment Layer
    Scientist also speculate that the tremendous
 errosion of the earth's crust at the main fracture
 point from millions of gallons of high-pressure
 water passing through it, is the probably cause of
 today's existing sediment layer of the earth's
 crust. (A thin layer of sediment found all over the
                                (continued in part 3)

 From: Michael Stevenson     Subject: Ark Of Noah (3/3)

 Theory #5:  The Atlantic Ridge/Continental Shift
    Right smack dab in the middle of the Atlantic
 ocean is the Altantic Ridge, an undersea mountain
 range running all the way from the north to the
 south pole!  Scientist conclude that due to the
 *widening of this huge fracture in the earth's
 crust, where billions of gallons of subterrainean
 water was released, the softer molten earth which
 exist underneath the crust layer poured up (bulged
 up) through this fracture forming this mountain

   The continental plates immediately adjacent to
 the fracture in the earth's crust, and still
 seated on top of the remaining water beneath the
 earth would begin to slide away from the rising
 molten earth and newly created mountain range.
 The separating sections of the plates would have
 reached speeds up to forty miles per hour dividing
 the continents.  As a snag developed in the *lead
 side of the continental drift, mountain ranges such
 as the Rockies of the U.S. mainland were formed.

 Theory #3: A Pre-Historic Water Canopy
    A second theory is that a water canopy existed
 as a layer of the earth's original atmosphere and
 that it collapsed to the earth.  These theories
 are depicted with excellent computer graphics in

   "Wasn't That A Big Ole Storm in the Water?"
    The forces of the Almighty God were certainly
 demonstrated in this disaster.  As water
 simultaneously came from everywhere, and everything
 that had breath died, the ARK was lifted up as the
 waters prevailed "fifteen cubits upwards" [Gen
 7:20] above the mountain tops.

    Can you imagine the sight of the pitch covered
 ARK that had been laughed at for 100 years during
 it's construction, floating on the face of the
 waters, the only life remaining on earth?  It was
 not a joke anymore but salvation to the believing.
 These waters illustrate the wrath of GOD in this
 historical event.  Yet, the same waters which
 killed every living being on the face of the earth
 floated Noah, his family and the animals safely
 on it's surface.

    This is the first of three times in scripture
 where the church (GOD's people) were present at
 the time of God's wrath, yet were untouched by
 it.  The two other occasions were the presence
 of Israel in Egypt during the plagues sent to the
 land against Pharoah, and the dividing of the Red

 What a storm it was indeed.

 20. ANSWER: ABOUT 365 Days
 Have you ever heard the speculation of the many
 different time periods attributed to the biblical
 year?  A fasinating fact of the traditional solar
 year lies within the Genesis account of the flood.

 STEP 1. Given: When the Flood Began
          | Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of   |`*
          | Noah's life, in the second month, the   | |
          | seventeenth day of the month, the same  | |
          | day were all the fountains of the great | |
          | deep broken up, and the windows of      | |
          | heaven were opened. (KJV)               | |
          *-----------------------------------------* |
    We know from Genesis chapter five calcula-
 tions that Noah was born to Lamech 1,656 years
 after the creation of Adam.  Let's mark the
 creation of Adam on a Biblical time chart.

 ~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~
 0000aa   Gen. 1:27   ADAM......Creation

 1056aa   Gen. 5:30   NOAH......Birth

 1556aa   Gen. 6:10   Noah......told to build ARK
 1656aa   Gen. 7:11   Flood.....Flood Begins
 2nd mon.             on the 2nd month, on the
 17th day             17th day of the month.

 1656aa   Gen. 7:24   "And the waters prevailed
                       upon the earth an hundred
                       and fifty days."

 1656aa   Gen. 8:4    "And the ark rested
 7th mon.             in the seventh month,
 17th day             on the seventeenth
                       day of the month,
                       upon the mountains of

 Through precise biblical data we arrive at
 the flood beginning in the year 1656 after Adam.
 Then GOD's word clearly tells the specific
 amount of time that the  waters prevailed on the
 earth in Gen. 7:24.  Finally, we are given in
 Genesis 8:4 the exact time the ARK rested on
 Mount Ararat.

 Based on this SIMPLE AND CLEAR presentation
 of crucial dating information in GOD's word we
 can easily calculate the AMOUNT OF DAYS per MONTH
 during a year.  Here are the calculations.

      Flood starts 2 mon. 17th day             We know that the ARK
      Ark rest     7 mon. 17th day             of Noah floated on the
                   ---------------             face of the waters for
      Total mons.  5 months         <------<<< EXACTLY five months.

      Total in days is 150 based on <------<<< We know that the total
      Genesis 7:24.  Using this                amount of days that the
      information it is easy to find           waters prevailed above
      the exact days per month of a            the mountaintops and
      Genesis year.                            bore up the ARK was
                                               EXACTLY 150 days.

                30 days/month  <----------<<<  Now can it get any
             ,-----------                      clearer that when we
    mons. 5  | 150 days                        talk about a year in
               15                              the book of GENESIS,
               ---                             that we are talking
                 0                             about the same solar
                                               year we have now?

 Oh we might see 30 days on the Jewish
 calendar and 31 days on the Gregorian
 calendar, big deal.  The point is a year
 is a year is a year.

 The point is that when you hear someone say,
 that a year "back then" was 100,000 years long,
 or that it 41 days long, or any any other
 extreme difference from a typical solar year...

 ...compare that SPECULATION to the very
 SPECIFIC factual information that we are
 provided in GOD's word.

 A year has always been the four seasons,
 the period in which the earth revolves around
 the sun.  The spring, the summer, the harvest,
 the winter.  There has always been twelve months
 on the Jewish calendar, as it is today on the
 Gregorian, and the Roman calendar before it.

 There's nothing new here, nothing mysterious.
 GOD is *not a GOD of confusion.  As a matter of
 fact you can be absolute assured that as
 Genesis 1:14 tells us;
 ON THE SIXTH DAY, the       *------------------------------------*
 "greater light" and the     |  Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there  |`*
 "lesser light" of verse     |  be lights in the firmament of the | |
 16 were ALREADY in place!   |  heaven to divide the day from the | |
                              |  night; and let them be for signs, | |
    As far as man is con-     |  and for seasons, and for days,    | |
 cerned we have always been  |  and years: (KJV)                  | |
 on a consistant time        *------------------------------------* |
 measurement system and       `*------------------------------------*
 that created by GOD Himself.
 Give or take a few days, the year THEN
 was the same as NOW.

   Jewish         Gregorian
   Teves          January
   Shevat         February
   Adar (*AdarII) March
   Nisan          April
   Iyar           May
   Sivan          June
   Tammuz         July
   Av             August
   Elul           September
   Tishri         October
   Marcheshvan    November
   Kislev         December

 *Adar II is a technical correction period inserted into the Jewish
 calendar seven times every ninteen years to align it with the solar
 year. This is a similar practice to our addition of the leap year
 to the current Gregorian calendar every 4th year.
      Question: WHERE DID THE ARK LAND?
                Great Ararat \
                         ///  \
                      //     \ \         / /\
                    //           \     /     \\\  Little Ararat
                  /                \/            \
      ~~~~~~~~ // /   ,=============,            \ ~~~~~~~~~~
   ~~~~~~~~  /        |_____[_]_____|\             \\   ~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\   ~~~~~~~ /  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 GOD's word of course tells us clearly that the ARK of Noah
 ran aground in the mountains of Ararat, but when closely read,
 we see that the word is very precise about this location. In
 Genesis 8:4 we read;
     | And the ark rested in the seventh month,  |`*
     | on the seventeenth day of the month,      | |
     | upon the mountains of Ararat.             | |
     *-------------------------------------------* |
 This was at the 150 day point of the voyage, but!
 The word goes on to tell us that the waters continued
 to recede after touchdown and....
     | Gen 8:5 And the waters decreased continually  |`*
     | until the tenth month: in the tenth month,    | |
     | on the first day of the month, were the tops  | |
     | of the mountains seen.                        | |
     *-----------------------------------------------* |
 Look closely!  It was not until 74 days after the ARK
 ran aground (on day 150) that the tops of the mountain
 *range could be seen!  This can only mean that the ARK
 MUST have landed at the highest point on the mountain
 range.  What is the highest point in the Ararat range?
 It is Mount Ararat itself.                          _      (former)
        ______           __----___                 /-----\    USSR
    __./-     '\        /         '\              /       \ __
   /             \____/              \__  ______/              \
 /                                      '''                  /'armenia
                                                             \      _/
                                                              |    /
                                                   Ararat-> Xx \ /
                          TURKEY                                \
                                               Lake    /-/\     \
                                                Van-> |__/      / IRAN
                                      _______,-------------,__ _   \
        ,----\        __/-----\  /---'             \             \ /\
    __/        -\\__/         / |                   \                \
 ---                          \/                     |
                                \                     \
     MEDDITERRANEAN SEA          \                    |        IRAQ
                                  |   SYRIA            \

 It is easy to see that Mount Ararat is in the
 farthest eastern section of Turkey.  Look on any
 topographical map and you will see that area
 adjacent to Armenia in the former USSR is the
 highest elevation of the country.  And Mount Ararat
 is the highest point at 16,804 feet.

 For the ARK to have landed on the 150th day in this
 section of Turkey and NOT see any land, the only
 possible place that this could have occured is on the
 top of Mount Ararat itself, the highest point.  Then,
 as we learn from Genesis 8:5 for a period of 74 days
 the waters *continued to recede allowing the tops of
 the mountain *range to be seen.

 Much archeological evidence has been found at this
 exact located with the most outstanding being the
 wooden beams found be Ferdinand Guevarra in the 1950's
 and the late Astronaut Jim Irwin, whose photograph of
 the body of the ARK should not be missed.  This photo
 was taken during a 1990 helicopter expedition in the

 | ||| ||| | ,------, || ||| || ||| || ||| | }`~~~   ~~~~~~~~
 | ||| ||| | |______| || ||| || ||| || ||| |/'   ~~~~~    ~~~
 | ||| ||| ||  ||| || || ||| || ||| || ||_/'  `~~~~~~   ~~~~
 `~~~~'''  ``~~~~~~  ~~~~''' -`  ------'   ~~~~~    `~~~~~~
 ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~       ~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~
     |  Gen 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living   |`*
     |  thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the  | |
     |  ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth,    | |
     |  and the waters asswaged; (KJV)                      | |
     *------------------------------------------------------* |
 The account of the ARK in Genesis is covered in
 just three short chapters, however it was a total
 time period AT SEA of five months.  That's along
 time to be underway without a break.  Those of you
 with family members who have served in the Navy or
 Marines, will tell you what they would think of being
 at sea for five months without stopping in a port for

 And truly Noah and his family were full of trust and
 faith in their God, as they had no way of knowing HOW
 LONG they would be at sea.  No time for claustrophobia
 here!  Their lives and salvation were totally dependent
 on GOD Almighty and they continued in their trust of Him.

 In this singular scripture is a comforting description
 of the Almighty GOD's love for His own.  He "...remembered
 Noah, and every living thing..."   GOD remembers His
 people in the midst of trial and all they really need to
 do is to continue and trust Him in the midst of such trials.

 Often people of GOD murmer and complain when the going
 gets rough.  What GOD wants us to do is to praise Him with
 great joy, believing Him for the victory and praising Him for
 it in trust.  GOD honours such faith, as He did Noah's-
 because we see Him begin to blow back the great waters that
 covered the earth with the same power by which He brought
 them to being for forty days and forty nights.
      |  Gen 8:2 The fountains also of the deep    |`*
      |  and the windows of heaven were stopped,   | |
      |  and the rain from heaven was restrained;  | |
      *--------------------------------------------* |
 In His awesome power, He shuts off the subterranean
 waters and the waters from above returning them to the
 trenches of the lower parts of the earth.  GOD is an awesome,
 powerful LORD, yet one who compassionately loves His people
 and remembers them in the day of adversity.  He uses His
 power on their behalf.  GOD can *do anything, all we need
 to do is trust Him walking not by sight but by faith.

 I have heard it commented that the position of the singular
 window of the ARK, only permitted Noah to look up to God
 through the whole event.

 The voyage of the ARK was about to end.

   ,--->   | Gen 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth  |`*
   |       | and first year, in the first month, the first day  | |
   |       | of the month, the waters were dried up from off    | |
   |       | the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the    | |
  57 DAYS  | ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the      | |
  LATER    | ground was dry.                                    | |
   |       |                                                    | |
   |       | 8:14 And in the second month, on the seven and     | |
   '--->   | twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.   | |
           *----------------------------------------------------* |
 Here's something really great!  We know that the ARK ran aground
 during the seventh month of the year of the flood.  But as we
 can see from Genesis 8:13 above it was not until the NEXT YEAR,
 when the dove Noah sent forth from the Ark did not return,
 that Noah looked out and saw that the waters had receded and that
 the ground was dry.

 But did Noah disembark from the ARK on the first day of the first
 month when he saw that the land was dried?  NO!  He waited.  He
 waited for the direction of the Lord God.

 It was GOD who Noah served, whose voice he listened for in all
 things.  The GOD of Noah was the Captain of this voyage, and still
 very much in control.  In verse 14, fifty-seven days later came
 the commandment from God to leave the ARK.  THAT is the time Noah
 opened the door of the ARK to leave.

 Noah serves as an excellent example for GOD's people today, in
 that he listened for the voice of GOD before taking impulsive,
 hasty, independent actions.  An example of waiting to know the
 will of GOD.

      DAY 370:
   | Gen 8:15-17                         |`*
   | 15 And God spake unto Noah, saying, | |
   | 16 Go forth of the ark, thou,       | |
   | and thy wife, and thy sons,         | |
   | and thy sons' wives with thee.      | |
   *-------------------------------------* |

 After about 370 days through this        0000aa Creation<--------,
 incredible journey, GOD calls Noah       (aa = after adam)       |
 to leave the Ark, to be fruitful                                 |
 and to multiply.  In other words                                 |
 a commandment to live.                                           |
                                           0687aa Methuselah-------|
 Noah built an altar and sacrificed              born             |
 unto the LORD of every clean beast              Gen 5:21         |
 and fowl that was with him in the                                |
 Ark. This was the reason for                                     |
 bringing these animals into the Ark                              |
 by numbers of sevens. [Gen 7:2]                                  |
 Noah and his family survived the         1056aa Noah-------------|
 deluge and were blessed by God to               born             |
 multiply in the earth. Dominion                 Gen 5:29         |
 over the animals was given to man                                |
 (Gen 9:2&3).                                                     |
 GOD was fully aware that man's           1556aa Noah's sons born-|
 heart would again be corrupted                  Receives command |
 [Gen 8:21].  In the very next                   to build the ARK |
 chapter as Noah left the Ark                    Gen 5:32         |
 GOD instituted a crime and                                       |
 punishment statute as He declared        1656aa Methuselah ------|
 'Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by                 dies; Gen 5:27   |
 man shall his blood be shed: for                                 |
 in the image of God made he man.         1656aa The flood--------|
                                                  2nd mon. 17th day|
 And finally the rainbow covanent                Gen 7:11         |
 between GOD and man and the earth                                |
 itself, as the LORD declares;            1656aa Ark lands on-----|
 "I do set my bow in the cloud..."               Ararat 7th mon.  |
 [Gen 9:13].                                           17th day   |
                                                  Gen 8:4          |
 And here we all are today.                                       |
                                           1656aa Waters recede so-|
 Often I see these rainbows, perfect             that mountaintops|
 in symetry and in color, beautiful              are seen.        |
 and awesome.  I realize when I look             10th mon 1st day |
 on one that this is in fact the same            Gen 8:5          |
 rainbow spoken of by the Almighty GOD                            |
 to Noah, the preacher of righteousness.  1657aa Land is dry------|
                                                  1st mon 1st day  |
 Occasionally, when sharing the gospel           Gen 8:13         |
 of Christ you hear a non-believer say                            |
 "I'll believe in God when I see him."    1657aa Noah leaves the--|
 Or, "I'm a realist, I'll believe it if          ARK.  GOD makes  |
 I see it."                                      a second rainbow |
                                                  covenant with    |
 When I see the rainbow, GOD's covenent          man. Gen 8:14    |
 to man and the earth made 4,500 years                            |
 ago, I wonder, "What more do they want                           |
 to see?"                                                         |
                                           1948aa Abram born-------|
                                                  (Abraham)        |
                                                  Gen 11:26        |
                                           1958aa Sarai born-------|
                                                  (Sarah)          |
                                                  Gen 17:17        |

 Jay Sekulow; Chief Coucil of Pat Robertson's
 American Center for Law & Justice- a Jewish
 believer in Messiah Yeshua;

      "The Titanic was built by professionals.
          The Ark was built by amateurs."

* Origin: Alpha & êmega Forestville, MD. 301.735.6789  (8:1005/0.0)
 >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=> >=>

 This Electronic Tract was produced by Fisherman's Net Publications:
 a division of New Covenant Ministries. For additional information
 regarding other publications write: Seventh Day Baptist Center
 3120 Kennedy Road P.O. Box 1678 Janesville, WI 53547-1678 

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Last update April 21, 2005

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