Hgeocities.com/Baja/Outback/3100/homemain.htmlgeocities.com/Baja/Outback/3100/homemain.htmldelayedx[JpOKtext/html jb.HMon, 23 Apr 2007 09:23:17 GMTg1Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *[J The Firechains Site - Learn Fire Poi - Fire Poi Lessons and Fire Chains Moves - Learn Fire Dancing

Learning Fire Chains

Some ideas on how to learn the moves involved.

1. Positions, Timing and Directions

2. Cross-overs

3. Basic Turns

4. Move Guides

Construction Guide

A look at how to build chains, practice wicks and fire wicks. Also included are links to pages containing other handy tips for poi construction.

Fire Safety and First Aid

Fire Safety & First Aid

A look at some important safety tips and precautions for folk who want to use fire, as well as some info on basic first aid.

Fuels, Flame Colours and Non-Fire Ideas

A collection of other useful information that I've come across since I've been twirling, including types of fuel that folk use, ways to colour flames and some visually effective methods of twirling without fire.

Photographing Firechains

I've posted up a collection of fire twirling photos, along with some tips for photographing fire performances.

Copyright S.M. 1999-2006
All rights reserved.