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It's a Northern Watersnake!!

Before you read about this wonderfull snake, see if you can answer this question:

What does it specialize in eating?






Northern watersnake!

They are non-venomous...but they have strong jaws and many, sharp re-curved teeth that can put a good bite on you--and the fish and small animals that they eat! These aquatic snakes can be found almost anywhere you find water in the Eastern United States. They are heavy bodied, quick to bite and frequently mistaken for Cottonmouths and killed.

Would I hold one like this if it was a venomous Cottonmouth--I think not!

Check out this video of some watersnakes.

Just remember, Cottonmouths are pit vipers, therefore they have heat-sensing pits located between their eye and nostril and a more triangular shaped head--as the one in the below photo...

Whenever you encounter a snake near water just take the time to observe it from a safe distance, take a photo and look for the pits...you may learn something.

I hope you didn't get bit!!!!!

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