A word from a Zen Master:
Zen. The spare word holds a powerful attraction, perhaps as much because of what we don't
know about it as what we do.  People say "very Zen," and it seems to mean spiritual, uncluttered,
calm, mystical and enigmatic - all at the same time. What is Zen? It might be easier to describe the
sound of one hand clapping.  Of course, words can never be a substitute for experience. Reading
about fruit just isn't the same thing as biting into a warm peach.
If you want to understand Zen, just be mindless, wherever you are, until you
spontaneously merge with the Way.  This is what an ancient worthy called "The mind not touching
things, the steps not placed anywhere." The true way goes over a rope which is not stretched at
any great height but just above the ground. It seems more designed to make people stumble than
to be walked upon.

I hope one day, you will find the Way of life. The Way may be serious, irreverant,

puzzling or beautiful. However, if you find your Way, and your Way is true, it could be possible
that you have found Zen.
   - D.A.
Today's enlightenment quotes of the day:
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise.  Seek what they sought."
- Basho
"The Zen Master said, 'Who binds you?'  The seeker of liberty said, 'No one binds me.'
The Zen Master said, 'Then why seek liberation?'"
- Zen Mondo
Remember, Zen is not a religion.  It is a way of life.  Do not follow it to find immortality or prosperity in the afterlife.  Rather, follow it to find self-fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment.  Thank you for your time and understandment.
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