JWA Application

This is where you sign up to become a part of the JWA. If you have not already done this, take the time to read the rules. Remember the rules must be followed. If you have cut and paste the application and send it to zero_cool1031@hotmail.com

Your Real Name:

Your E-mail Address:

Your ICQ #:

Your Aol Im screen name:

Wrestler's Name:

Wrestler's Real Name:

Wrestler's Height:

Wrestler's Weight:

Wrestler's Body Type: (Ex. Thin, big and bulky. Skinny but muscular)

Wrestler's Hometown:

Wrestler's Age:

Wrestler's Date of Birth:

Wrestler's Style: (Ex. Extreme, Brawler, Technical, Submission, Martial Artist)

Wrestler's Ring Attire: (What he wears to and in the ring, along with a description of his physical apperance)

Wrestler's Stable:

Wrestler's Manager:

Wrestler's Alignment: (Face, Neutral, Heel)

Wrestler's Finisher:

Description of Finisher:

Wrestler's Theme music: (No theme music from the WWE)

Titles Won in other Feds:

History of Wrestler:

Why you want to join the J.W.A.: