A Whole New Beginning
by: Jared Jones

A tall 18-year-old boy slams the door behind him, and yells back. “I never liked you anyway”. The muscle bound boy turns out to the street with his suitcase and starts walking. Every time a car passes by him he asks for a lift. Some people are very generous and give him a ride, but most are scared because of his muscles.

The first car to stop and give him a lift is driven by an elderly man. Jared opens the door, smiles at the driver. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate this mister. My feet were really starting to ache after walking the last 5 miles.”

“It really isn’t a problem sonny. I feel that anything I can do to help the new generation is a gift I can share. My name is Harold, what’s yours sonny?” Responds the driver.

“I’m Jared, Jared Jones.” Says the new passenger. Jared lifts his foot up to his knee, and loosens the laces a little to air his feet out some. Then he repeats the process with the other foot.

“So where you going sonny?”

Pointing behind him, “Away from there. Wherever the trail leads me to.”

“Why’s that?”

Shaking his head, “Because I can’t stand my foster father. He drives me up a wall. Sometimes I just want to kill him.” Makes a gun with his hand and shoots it out the front window. “He never let me choose for myself, and make my own mistakes. I just want to live like a normal teenager and have a life. Live for myself.”

“Is that so? And how does a normal teenager live?” Questioned the elderly man.

Scratches his chin and shakes his head again after thinking some, “I don’t really know. I was kept from learning because I always had to do this and that. Never got to be with people my own age, so I have to get out from under his roof and live.”

Nods. “Is that it sonny, the man is keeping you down. I’m sure that you will be able to live and learn, wherever the road takes you. But this is as far as the road takes me. So we must be parting. It was nice talking to you Jared.” Stopping the car.

Opening the door to get out, “You too Harold. I really appreciate the ride, Thank you.” Jared grabs his suitcase and starts to walk again down the road. Waving to Harold as he drives down a street going the other direction.

As he is walking, only about another half mile, a second car stops to give him a lift. A young woman is driving this car. Jared opens the door and sits in the seat. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome.” Says the woman in the drivers seat. “Where to?”

“This way”, he responds, pointing. “As far as you are going.”

“I’m going all the way to New York, is that ok?”

Nodding. “That’s exactly where I want to go. I really appreciate this.”

“No problem, it’s my pleasure. My name’s Tiffany, What’s yours?”

“Jared, Jared Jones.”

The two drive along a little bit, in silence, not knowing what to say, because they are both attracted to the other. Finally, Jared asks, “Why are you going to New York?”

Smiling, Tiffany says, “I’m going to visit some friends of mine, people that live just this side of the city. My father has me going to a meeting for school later, but this is what I want to do now, so I am. How about you?”

“It’s not home. It’s new and exciting. I’m moving there on my own. Can’t stand foster parents anymore, and need to live.”

“That’s nice.” Looks over at him, smiling. “How much are you planning on living in your new home?”

Looking back at her, notices the grin, but doesn’t know why because of his sheltered up bringing. So Jared shrugs. “Start over, meet new people and experience life. I hope to be there for a while.”

Tiffany continues to smile, enjoying the company of her companion. She pulls the car to the side of the road, after hearing a loud noise from the engine. Tiffany’s sheltered upbringing doesn’t allow her to figure out how to fix it.

“Is there something wrong with the car?” Asks Jared confused. “Can I help any?”

Tiffany is quick to shrug, because she doesn’t know what’s wrong, as she tries to no success of starting the car. Jared steps out of the car and opens up the hood. As Tiffany continues to try to start the car, Jared is able to figure out what was wrong. Sooner then later, Jared fixes the problem and the two travelers continue further toward the city.

Upon arrival to New York, Jared gets out of the car, waves to Tiffany and thanks her. “I really appreciate that Tiffany. If you ever need help from me, then just ask. I’ll be somewhere in there.” Pointing behind him.

Jared starts to walk towards the city. On his way, he runs into another boy on the streets. The boy stands up and starts walking with him. “New here?”

Jared nods. “I’m Jared, Jared Jones.”

“Hello Jared. I just noticed the bag, and that you didn’t have a pape with that bag. Would you like to buy a pape?”

“I guess so, why not?”

Jared pays for his paper. “How did you become someone who works for the paper?”

The boy looks at him, like he’s stupid. “You mean you haven’t heard of the newsies. We ALL sell papes. We keep the industry alive; they owe all their money to us. You look like you need a job, and they never turn anybody down. Try it, it’s not excellent money, but it gets you by.”

Nodding, “I think I will. Thank you for the advice.” Jared is now in New York City, after talking to the newsie and keeping him company.

Jared looks around the big city. He is used to the little town in New Jersey, so he is a little intimidated. He just carries his bag and starts walking. Jared reads some of the signs on the buildings as he walks.

“Cheap beer”

“Now hiring cooks”

“Lodging house, still openings.”

Jared stops seeing the last sign. He thinks to himself “I wonder if I could stay here, at least for the night.” So he walks up to the door and knocks on it. Decides when nobody answers to let himself in.

He walks into the lobby and looks around. Doesn’t see anyone yet, but sits down in one of the chairs, thinking it’s kind of like a reception. Not realizing it himself, that this place where he was sitting, was going to change his life, forever. He could repay people for what Tiffany did for him. And use the advice from Harold in order to understand what being a normal teenager is like. Jared also has an idea for a job, one that doesn’t involve his foster father breathing down his back the whole time. He really does have a whole new beginning that he is just starting.


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