A Race to the Finish
by: Empire Herbert

"And its Conspiracy Theory for the finish! Followed by…" Drowned on the voice of the announcer. Brian slowly pulled the huge black silky stallion to a trot then a walk. On the way to the winners ring, he smiled with relief, no beating tonight. His emerald green eyes danced around at the audience. His mother, Ann Marie, sat in the stands a huge smile on her face holding the newest addition to the ever so small family, close to her chest. A huge burly man grabbed Conspiracy's rein roughly spooking Conspiracy into a rear, knocking the man in the chest with his powerful hooves. Brian pulled back and down on the reins quickly and hard, trying to bring down the rearing horse. The man glowered at him with anger. "Just wait until tonight boy, I told you to get that out of him!" he whispered gruffly. Brian nodded absent mindely, knowing his fate of tonight had taken a drastic change.

The reflection that looked back at him in the mirror was horrifying. A huge black brusie swallowed the left side of his face, dried blood on his chin from his lip still stained his face. Silent tears burned as they trickled down his face. He drew out his knife and slowly looked over it. Gulped down the sob that was soon to come and quickly but softly placed the knife to his wrist and cut it open only slightly. He looked at the blood almost hypnotized. The knife fell from his hand and cluttered to the hardwood floor, echoing through his ears.

more to come...

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