17 FEB 07

The date above is significant.

isaiah312@aol.com had informed me of the showing of a recorded DVD debate which he was sponsoring within a bookstore in the Twin Cities area related to the evolutionism-vs-creationism controversy.

I attended that showing, and the DVD turned out to be a debate hosted by Rev. John Ankerberg with Dr. Jason Lisle in dialogue with Ken Ham, OT theologian Walter Kaiser, and Big-Banger Hugh Ross confusing the audience with his now-and-then, off-on-a-tangent, irrelevant and illogical extraneous material plus presumptive-assertion misapplications and denials of plain and simple, common dictionary meanings of Scriptural words.

As I watched some of the videos, comments came into my mind:

The historical fact of the sun/moon/stars not being created until Day Four of Creation Week had NO adverse nor catastrophic effect on planet Earth created by the Lord who even now "hangs the Earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7). The apparent absence of the gravitational fields of the pre-Day-4-and-thus-then-nonexistent sun/moon/stars did not matter to God "upholding the universe by His word of power" (Hebrews 1:3).

Moreover, the [sudden?] creation and then existence of the sun/moon/stars on Day 4 of Creation Week and the [consequentially brand new?] gravitational fields related to [starting-up?] orbits and positioning of stellar bodies was - obviously, and of necessity - perfectly balanced pertaining to each other and especially to the Earth [being that nothing since has flown off nor crashed together chaotically annihilating the Earth!], so as to maintain the Creator "upholding the universe by His word of power."
Pertaining to the length of "days" of Creation Week as stated by the Hebrew word yom (and resultant English word: "day") in Genesis chapter one [and Textually qualified with the Hebrew idiomatic phrase: "...and there was evening and there was morning, X day" - with X being on ordinal number from 1-6].....the OBVIOUS 24-HOUR time period expressed by the Hebrew word yom (assuredly continuously occurring AFTERWARDS from the end of Day 4 on up to our present modern time after Day 4 of sun/moon/stars creation) is expressed by the EXACT SAME Hebrew word yom pertaining to the time periods BEFORE from Days 1-3 when there was no sun/moon/stars to demarcate time periods but rather merely "light" of some not-specified-by-Scriptural-Text type and origin which "light" God (the Creator) called "Day" (Genesis 1:5) differentiated by God to contrast to "darkness" which God called "Night" (Genesis 1:5) starting by the end of Day 1 of Creation Week. From Day 1 thru Day 3, it thus appears that "evening" was therefore when non-solar Light or Day ended, and of course "morning" was when non-solar Light or Day started to apparently illuminate any and all parts of planet Earth.
The explosive nature of a childish-baby-talk presumed "Big Bang" would not have resulted in EXTREMELY-organized and EXTREMELY-complex cohesive steller objects, their of-necessity STRICTLY-specific orbits, rotations, and celestial positionings...."not to mention" the almost-incredibly-intricate SPECIFIC-chain-linked and inter-related DNA for lifeforms to exist and survive.

Even before that, the powerfully-expanding nature of exploding material would have BY FAR overpowered the weak gravitational attraction necessary for any cold-space adhesion and cohesion. Why then do big-banger childish presume that molten lava covered planet Earth in its inception instead of the Scripturally-declared "water" over the planet's surface? And how would the H2O-molecularly-complex water in oceans cubic-miles-deep underneath the simultaneously-existing exact-percentages-needed atmospheric composition have come about by random coincidences?

For any complex object to exist and then to function properly while existing:

1. ALL parts of that object must already have been designed by a non-ignorant Intelligent Designer, therefore currently exist, and be present,
2. ALL parts of that object must already function in accord with the non-stupid expressed intentions and non-stupid workings of an Intelligent Designer, and
3. ALL parts of that object must be present, already function, and function perfectly TOGETHER with all other parts in accord with the Intelligent Designer's plan and activity.

Therefore, it is laughably and pathetically absurd to presume that an explosion in a printing factory results in a randomly-produced copy of Webster's Dictionary, that an explosion on a jetliner assembly line results in a randomly-assembled Boeing 747, and that an automobile or truck is randomly produced by an explosion in an auto parts store, or that within the vehicle the carburetor evolved but the distributor cap did not, the ignition coil evolved but the spark plugs did not, the water pump evolved but the battery did not.

Anyone who does presume Creatorless random assemblage actually occurred - either instantaneously or over millions of years - is being nondisputably and insanely ridiculous, and it would behoove the rational to either completely avoid and disassociate from or quarantine such a dangerous and despicable fool in isolated confinement from then on.
As open-minded genuine (not FAKE) scientists neither anti-religiously biased nor godlessly prejudiced, we investigate whatever is not obviously self-destructive for us to investigate..... with ways and means obviously not mortally harmful against us to do so. One of the myriad phenomena we authentic scientists have discovered is: The HOLY BIBLE in the best of it's English-translation versions of the [by-faith-we-believe!] INERRANT ben-Asher Masoretic Hebrew OT Text and the [by-faith-we-believe!] INERRANT Scrivener-Trinitarian Greek NT Text. Therein we have found and continue to explore what we by non-paralyzing faith believe are Divinely-inspired words of certain dedicated and perceptive men stating the Creator's reliably-historical message of creationism to other humans including ourselves.

On the other hand, natural phenomena of visible and invisible physical objects and/or whatever one calls them (e.g. radioactivity, microwave electromagnetism, electric current, plastics, transistors, mountains, trees, oxygen, lifeforms, gravity, etc.) are WORDLESS entities existing without human nor Divine names written with alphabet letters nor numbers thereon, and thus without verbalized nor written description nor interpretation.....although humans alphanumerics (simplistic or very complex, both phoenetically and mathematically) can be stated and used to name, measure, and interpret such.

Admittedly, certain passages of Scripture are euphemistic in giving speech to inanimate objects like mountains, trees, rocks, etc. especially in the Old-Testament book of Psalms and Revelation. Such limited-parameter semantic techniques are allowable and tolerable, but must always be understood to be and remain euphemistic (e.g. Jesus is the 12-Grain Wonder Bread from heaven, Jesus is the Good Cowboy, the Garden-Weed True Vine, the Incandescent or Fluorescant Light of the World whose DNA-chromosomed A or B or O-type blood must be drunk to the twisted pleasure of rare-meat Draculas, etc.). In that sense, the trees do "clap their hands to praise the Lord" and the hills "sing for joy" or whatever.

In the DVD, Dr. Jason Lisle generally indicated that he reads and interprets Bible-Text words for what those words state, much better than multiple-possible-interpretations Ken Ham and Walter Kaiser.
In opposition, Hugh Ross indicated that he generally reads into Bible-Text words what those words do not state nor mean, plus he inserts both non-applicable additions and misapplied Scripture verses with the result of contradicting Scripture he mis-relates to other verses, words, and concocted allusions.
Rev. Ankerberg shows his true Christian colors by allowing those in the debate (notably Dr. Jason Lisle) who he allowed and moderated. Dr. Ankerberg did not try to create controversy nor contention by the debate questions nor by presenting those he included in the debate, but brought to exposure typical big-banger/evolutionist heresies with defensive confutation against them.