Re-Vote 09

Revision 03 April 09

The Franken-vs-Coleman election-discrepancies situation has become a ridiculous charade of final-tally contradiction, covert dishonest and prejudicial miscountings, double-countings, misreportings, mishandlings of ballots, hiding of ballots, lawyers manipulations, and faulty judicial decisions.

I speak of the Franken who libeled Karl Rove as being "human filth" (to quote Al's exact words in one of Franken's published books).

It all began with the Minnesota Secretary of State giving Coleman a 200+ vote lead over Franken with 100% of the precincts reporting immediately after the 2009 November 8th election. Questionable "canvassing board" recounters changed that, giving Franken a 200+ vote lead over Coleman, and which the "official" Secretary of State tally now instead shows.

Too much is at stake to casually brush it off in Franken's favor. Not merely is it an issue of fairness pertaining to the Republican Party of Minnesota and the National Republican Party (now the minority and not the majority party) and ALL voters of Minnesota in general, but the survival of Israel and Jews is at stake. More importantly, the well-being of Christians and their vital influence in open society is in jeopardy.

Moreover, Minnesota has had a Tribune-publicized recent history of close election recounts being strangely slanted and decided in favor of democrats, to make things worse.

In view of all that, what is needed in this ridiculous circus of conflicting ballot misinterpretations and lack of uniformity concerning (not "regarding") the myriad confusing validation/invalidation procedures, plus parade of called-in testimonial witnesses, is a voluntary new election involving Franken vs. Coleman.

The jockeying of allowing some ballots, discarding others, duplicating some, double-counting others, and other shenanigans has also adversely affected the true total votes against (not for) candidates in close election results for other Minnesota offices.

Even if Coleman appeals the prejudicial stringent-ballot-eligibility requirements ruling of the democrat-Minnesota-Supreme-Court-judge-appointed three-judge panel (consisting of obviously-pro-democrat-biased two inferior-gender weaker-sex judges and one male judge) to the democrat-partial Minnesota Supreme Court, the pro-Franken goliath of the Star Tribune editorialists and their massive legislative and judicial activist ilk will continue to hypocritically side in with millionaire Franken (not slingshot David), purporting the false assertion of allegedly-"fair" (but actually anti-Coleman) evaluation.

Appeal to a federal court having truly-impartial federal judges re-evaluating ALL correctly-marked and somewhat-correctly-marked ballots (both voting booth and abentee ones) might be possible. I remember one scene from the movie The Untouchables starring Kevin Costner playing Elliot Ness, where the male judge adjudicating Al Capone in the Chicago trial found out that Capone and Nitti had paid off the jurors to throw the decision in Capone's favor. The judge then wisely implemented his innovative idea of telling the baliff to go get the group of jurors in the next room (who were deciding on a divorce case) to come in, while the paid-off jurors were transferred to the divorce-proceedings courtroom. When that occurred, Capone flew into a disorderly-court rage, and it was clear who was lying and guilty.

What is obviously best is a new runoff election to happen within the next few weeks or months, but not one operated by the same canvassers nor procedurally done in the same way.

To help bypass bigotry on the part of democrat-leaning election officials and judges and avoid the antagonism and accusations of republican-leaning advocates, use of the significantly-impartial internet is an answer to resolve the so-far non-resolvable issue and to accurately signify the intent of EACH (qualified, voluntary, and capable) participating voter in Minnesota (and Minnesota alone, not absurdly-illegal seat-them-anyway Reid nor Schumer) pertaining to the two candidates previously mentioned.

It behooves Mark Ritchie (the Secretary of State) to mail out a postcard to all presently-registered voters in Minnesota informing them of the VOLUNTARY new election and all need-to-know parameters associated therewith, followed up by a deadline-dated phone call from the office of the Secretary of State to each voter as to whether or not they received the postcard and associated info.

Those now dead who voted for any of the November 8th senatorial candidates cannot participate in the new election, those who have now attained voting age can vote for the first time, and there need not be a birthdate cutoff date excluding the new young voters who did not participate in the first flawed election in this case. The election should be held sometime soon (preferably on a Tuesday during early summer) after the three-judge election-contest-lawsuit panel has announced whatever conclusions they will announce.

Speaking of the three-judge panel (two of whom are (God forbid!) inferior-gender/weaker-sex women), such judges will (of perhaps non-admitted necessity) reflect the political preferences of the Minnesota Supreme Court judge who appointed them. A higher-court appeal regardless of the combined final opinion of the three-judge panel is almost a foregone conclusion.

Simply put, there are two types of voters who would participate in this election. One of those types would use a public library or personal home or business computer to input minimum but sufficient identification to a secure Secretary of State supercomputer website as to who their choice of candidate is, and such info would be immediately displayed real time on a master listing to all wanted to view that listing.

The format comprising the listing of such internet-utilizing voters (known as the Formatted Verifiable Voter Identification Vote, or FVVIV) should be:

{Last four digits of Social Security Number}-{Letters of First,Middle,Last Name}-{Present Zipcode of MN Residence}-{City of Birth}-{Date of Birth in Day/Month/4-digit-Year format}-{Choice of Candidate}.

In this webauthor's case, it would look like this on the Secretary of State's Master FVVIV Listing:

6507-DRB-55427-Duluth-29/07/1948-[Choice of either Coleman or Franken]

The FVVIV Listing would be posted in ascending-order format from left to right. In other words, the horizontal 6507 sample would be listed vertically before 6508, and so on.

Many of those receiving postcards who either are not willing or not able to use the internet would have to convey their election desires by phoning in to a live male operator by a specified dated deadline at the Secretary of State office.

Obviously, there is a chance for liars and cheats, particularly residing in states other than Minnesota, to type in fictitious entries....though it is virtually impossible for there to simultaneously exist two or more people with EXACTLY the same last four digits of their Social Security number AND three initial letters of their full name AND Minnesota zipcode AND city of birth AND precise birthday. FBI and BCA law-enforcement investigation as to discrepancies could be done before and after the election; both fines plus imprisonment against imposters should be substantial in those cases.

For identification verification and security, in order to access the secure Secretary of State website, which Secretary of State has or should have government access to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and their records, each voter could be required to type in their Minnesota-resident-verifiable alphanumeric Drivers License number to proceed further in continuing input of their particular information into the Master List. The showing of Drivers Licenses is a common public practice at checkout counters in all types of stores when purchasing products throughout Minnesota and elsewhere.

Corresponding by snailmail instead involves many problems of mail not being correctly delivered to intended recipients, requests for snailmailed ballots with snailmailed return envelopes not done by a specified deadline date or interrupted along the way, mail delayed or altered en route from the Office of Secretary of State by a certain deadline date and/or mailed back to and received by the Secretary of State past a specified deadline date. If there was any delay or interruption along the way on the part of anyone for any cause, the snailmails and ballots for those individuals would of course not count and would be invalid.

A preferable mechanism for non-internet-using voters is to phone into a special Secretary-of-State-specified and never-a-busy-signal dedicated phone-line number at the Office of Secretary of State and speak to a live male operator to state their Formatted Verifiable Voter Identification Vote, which official would then promptly type it into the Master List of FVVIVs.

Obvious disclosure of identity concerning who the persons who phone in vote for could be done by noting caller ID and voiceprint analysis of those who phone in, although a payphone or business phone could be used instead of a home phone or cell phone, both of which with caller ID reveal the source and probably identity of the caller.

Such internet listing would then immediately be accessible to view by anyone on the internet in real time to everyone. Any discrepanies of fraud or misrepresentation as to what FVVIVs are listed related to a person's typed or spoken voting desires could be promptly resolved before a stated deadline date by the objector presenting himself with his or her drivers license to a local or suburban motor-vehicle registration office, in which the clerk would promptly access and make corrected changes to the Master List of FVVIVs concordant with the objector's certified desires, which corrections would immediately be listed real time for immediate viewing by anyone and everyone wanting to see them.

A final and official pronouncement of the Minneosta senator elected would be then made and officialized by the Minnesota Secretary of State website, thus known to and publicized by the media on screen and in print.