
Do you have "THE spirit?"

Are you good-natured and nice.....or instead nasty?

Unless you "receive the spirit," people will not want to be around you.

Immodestly exposing onesself in warm weather or for athletic activities with loose-long-haired mopheadedness or shawl-lessness, naked-armed sleeveslessness, nude-legged slackslessness, and/or partially-bare-footed sockslessness with toes-exposing sandals or flip-flops.....will cause the righteously-decent to shun such satanic-styles/demonic-fashions guttermind deviates, avoid and disassociate away from them, defund them, and - ultimately - punish and destroy them. The pure and non-lascivious have no need nor desire to directly explore nor gaze at skin-colored questionability accidently seen peripherally, because they know that they will occasionally and lamentably see enough non-solicited direct views of sexually-harassing lewdity and perversion, with all the covert and non-covert consequences, as time goes on.

If you "have the spirit" (whether or not you consider that you have been "baptized" with such) you'll speak in the language of those boasting "new birth" in their own language....with your own tongue and whatever else you use to form words.

You might even guess, predict, or "prophesy" what they are thinking, and predict what they are going to do.......IF "the spirit" has "come upon" you - whatever that "spirit" is and/or is made out to be [and having which "spirit" is proof that you are a bonafide "good" person, enabling you to be accepted as being "in" and part of The Special Group].

Without The HOLY BIBLE, we would have never guessed.

We would not have had a clue.

To look around non-literary and non-verbal obviously-designed natural phenomena, we would never have known the purported and alleged named identity of "the" Creator and Intelligent Designer. It would have never entered our minds to concoct the words "Christ" nor "Jesus" some relate to their assumed identity of The Originator of all we sense with our five physical senses.

And it is no wonder.

We are creatures of language - intelligent and varietied spoken and written communication - exceeding the primative and would-have-been embarrassing limitations of animalistic instinct.

Such is evidence of our superiority over non-human physical entities, both animate and inanimate.

That language of us humans is comprised of words, then phrases and sentences - sometimes literal....but sometimes figurative, allegorical, mythical or imagined. Mere woefully-nondefined and vague grunts and groans, shrieks and sighs, chirps and quacks.....simply do not cut it, and so is quite insufficient as to expressing complex and transferrable advanced communication and what is consequentially related to that in terms of thoughts, decisions, evaluations, and operational activities.

We humans can mimic sounds of animals, but animals are limited in their capacity to mimic our own human sounds. And without sounds comprising intelligent words, both relayable to and understood by others of like kinds, all types of knowledge are restricted - whether that be religious, scientific, inventive, governmental, military, economic, or whatever.

Pursuing thoughts of Deity relating to creationist origins, it is clear that although we humans are familiar with family hierarchy, nomenclature, and differentiation (of "father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, and grandparents"), to apply such "out of the blue" (i.e. out of nowhere) to the Creator (or Creators) would simply not ever been thought of by accident nor otherwise.

However, we humans have composed, preserved, and yet have in our aggregate possession: "THE 66-book HOLY BIBLE" [yes, such does exist and will not be ignored nor disregarded by honest and forthright scientists along with others - whether whoever acknowledges that, or not!]. Certain of our species claim the wording within The Bible is "Divinely inspired." Inspiration of that type necessitates existence of a spirit (or, better put: "Spirit" - if you will)....something (or, better yet: someONE) spooky perhaps, or at least a friendly attitude among people who are having a good time together.

Within that Bible, which this webpage author (for one) is quite fascinated by and presently concentating upon, we do find the Creator (and Creators) described as individual but united family entities of "The Father," "The Son," and "The Holy Spirit" - all comprising The Holy Assemblage of male-gendered Holy-Trinity beings which Scripture calls: "the LORD" and "GOD."

Notice in the paragraph above the words "individual" and "entities" (in the plural) were used. However, the Hebrew Jews remind us that "God is one" in that the separate three are so unified that an alternative way to correctly describe the sometimes indistinguishable triune units is: "ONE God." Such mysteriously-seamless unity of Deity is indicated by Jesus the Son of God declaring that: "Before Abraham was, I AM" plus: "I and the Father are One."

Some of the activities or properties, attributes or functions of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are identical or shared. In appears that although "The Father" (i.e. Almighty God) never is described as embodying Himself in human form, both the Son and the Spirit have been embodied in human forms, however momentarily or temporarily. However, all three Divine Trinitarian Entities affect both human and non-human, living and non-living objects at their choice and discretion.

This concept of "three in one" is not only similar to the chicken-egg comparison (the shell, the egg white, and the yolk)....but also to each living human being (which, in accord with Holy Writ) has a body, a spirit, and a soul. Living animals consist only of body and spirit, thus disqualifying them from any eternal destiny in heaven or hell. The image-of-God trinitarian nature of mankind includes moral perception to know and be responsible for "right" and "wrong," which capacity non-trinitarian lifeforms do not have.

It thus behooves us to study Scripture carefully and thoroughly to get and retain accurate theological comprehension enabling us to communicate faithfully and truthfully about The Holy Trinitarian LORD and GOD. For example, even though Jesus is termed "the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" in one portion of the Bible, that "Everlasting Father" did not relinquish His vital control of the entire Universe and all operations therein by being conceived in the womb of a human mother bawling for titty milk within a livestock manger. Individualization of the Three Separate Entities of The Trinity was obviously necessary. While the eternally-pre-existant Son-of-God "Everlasting Father" was birthed in finite human form, His (and our) Heavenly Father oversaw and protected His pathetically-helpless Son. Nor was the butt-spankable? Holy Spirit oozing out of the bloody vaginal canal of Mother Mary considered "the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace" [which Mother Mary was plainly neither "the Mother of God" as to birthing The Heavenly Father, nor birthing the Holy Spirit, nor even birthing the Son of God....but only the God-man Christ Jesus!]. The Father did not conceive Jesus in Mary's womb, but instead the Holy Spirit conceived Him therein, according to the [historical] Scriptural Record.

To elaborate, neither the Spirit nor the Father died on a cross, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven - but rather merely the Son of God, Jesus. Both the opening chapters of Colossians and the first chapter of Hebrews reveal that that Son created the entirety of stars, planets, and more within the Universe - which Son is called both "God" and Lord."

The answer as to why the Almighty Power conveyed this trinitarian revelation to us in His Bible, is the same answer as to why He created anything He created and why He created whatever the way He did with the properties of each: He just wanted it so, in those ways.

We humbly accept that - us who did not create what He created ourselves but instead were merely born into it all and cannot alter anything thereof. And we accept it without further wearisome and futile questionings and rebellion and complaining.