Man, Earth and Cosmos

"if you're living in fear, you're not prepared"
-Glen Parnam
"mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning"
-Cat Stevens

Man, Earth and Cosmos.....

The Big Picture is hereby solved and defined: We are living in a fallen world. The cosmological context of which is unveiled in Holy Scripture, specifically in the monotheistic faiths (belief in One Creator) of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Holy Scripture provides the cosmological background through which all temporal events are understood and played out in space/time here on Earth. There is no argument, believe it or not, its just the way it is.

Advanced intelligence, civilization or call them extraterrestrials etc..., whatever, whomever or however one wishes to define them as, these beings are in complete control of our human reality and destiny here on Earth.

Human civilization is in the process of evolving. Evolution requires a dialectic in order to advance upwards, hence the Creator and the fallen angelic (Lucifer and 1/3rd of the heavenly host) rebellion motif readily found in all monotheistic scripture. Without opposition, no real choices are apparent and no growth occurs. The Universe is black and white and everything in between: the darkness of space and the light of the suns- without either, the other would not exist. The same goes with life/death, time /infinity, day/night, love/hate etc, crime/punishment...

These beings, in control of our evolution, are so incredibaly advanced, they have transcended the barriers of 3rd dimensional space/time to forsee and record the future for humankind to access and interpret in our present reality here on Earth.

The Semitic race(s) occupy front and center stage in the now tragic unfolding- albeit current 'devolution'- of the human enterprise. International jewry, in particular, stands at the very apex of the global control pyramid today and is actively working to destroy the foundations of life and civilization, plunging themselves and all humanity into the black hole of their own creation.

Yet, this current phase of "devolution" (the coming One World Government brought into being by Lucifer and headed by his 'christ'- the Anti-christ of scripture), will provide the necessary evolutionary dialectic for the coming Kingdom of Heaven to finailly manifest on the Earth plane. Over the event horizon, into the black hole and out into another universe as the divine plan unfolds before our very eyes.

In the meantime, we've got a bunch of sadistic scum-fucking demonic filth in control of our planet, running our civilization. The level of evil, debauchery and insidiously wicked intent these power-tripping human infidel vermin exercise can ONLY be attributed to the fact that they are ALL overshadowed (i.e. possessed) by a whole host of fallen angelic entities whose diabolical servitude to LUCIFER grossly exceeds any known level of harm and manipulation that simple humans could possibly exercise over one another. In other words, Lucifer and his minions, through weak-minded, compromised, unrighteous, ungodly, brutish and vicious men (and women), are in complete control of the human enterprise on Earth at this most darkest of hours.

The raging Inferno of HELL-FIRE awaits these creatures- both man and fallen angel- at the Judgement. Cast therein by the highest 'extraterrestrial' intelligence (the Creator and his angels), the present dark powers, principalities and rulers of this world shall be NO MORE. As well, their works shall be rendered as dust, as if they never were...

ALL is written down in the eternal books on High. Swift shall be the retribution, the punishment of the wicked, everlasting. Surely, they will SCREAM FOR DEATH for the CRIMES and TRANSGRESSIONS they have willfully and maliciously committed. A fate 'worse than death' awaits them all. No Mercy, no reprieve... burned alive in the lake of fire they ALL shall be.

That which is WRITTEN in Scripture WILL be fullfilled.


Jonas the Prophet
Planet Earth


1. **Book- Global Conspiracy, by David Icke

2. **Book- The End of the World, by John Leslie

3. **Book- The Next 100 Years, by Jonathan Weiner

4. **Book- The Rise of the 4th Reich, by Jim Marrs

5. Power of Prophecy

6. **Book- Starmaker, by Olaf Stapledon

7. **Book, Movie and TV series- Cosmos, by Carl Sagan
Website 1:
Website 2:

8. Advanced Civilization

9. GOD, Man and ET

10. Dr Steven Greer: The Disclosure Project

11. **Book- Prophecy 2020: Bringing the Future into Focus Through the Lens of Scripture
by Chuck Missler

12. Bob Chapman- the International Forecaster

13. Steven Bassett- Paradigm Research Group

14. The Horizon Project

15. Prophet's Master Linx