[Not to mention the Santa Cruz County Bicycle Locker division. Tyrants whom only reserve bike lockers for operatives, cops , people with cars and trunks and homes, homeless people are inspected without being present or notified in advance, then after clearing the offending backpacks out , and the locker empty still taken away. These people Cheryl Schmitt 'your history' cschmitt@ci-cruz.ca.us seems to think she owns all the lockers and 'bike to work week''electric bike 500$' paid for by the city program for my electric bike which people in santa cruz like to yank wires out on, and the lockers are only for her friends whom have cars, houses, and trunks. I wonder if she ever gets inspected?-bkparque] {not to mention those Metallica music group slimeball's}{ Digital Millennium Act of 1998 ''remote viewing of electron configurations will NOT be tollerated, courtesy of slimeball metallica music group and there slime on todays youth continued'' bkparque [`Food Not Bombs Santa Cruz Ca Chapter Food distribution in Santa Cruz, in front of Town Clock and Oneils surf shop on Pacific Av.~] Total fraud fitness health and witness dept next to wednesday farmers market on lincoln st. [Prostitution and oil dept under construction.] refer: adehadeh
See who's visiting this page. Correspondence bkparque@yahoo.com