Table of Contents

New junk? Who knew?!


Who knew new gnuless articles would arise via random mutations in the non-creative typing and copying process?

But they did, and that's all that matters.

We all went away on a year-long sabbatical and after the going away party Miko, after too many coconut flavored adult beverages, forgot to unplug the computers.

Apparantly while we were away, lightening struck our three room office complex and the computers were jumpstarted to life and began copying information to and fro amongst themselves.

Of course there were sometimes "glitches" in the copying process in which data were deleted or rearranged. This, unbelievably, created brand spanking new articles for BF.

At first I was mad at Miko, but realized we could take another vacation ... err ... sabbatical with articles already "written" for us.

So adios amoebas, we're outta here.

Miko's so-called punishment, as I pretend to still be angry at him, is to stay behind to upload new artcles for me as he discoveres them buried deep within the bowels of our Tandy® dedicated proprietary server.

I only hope he doesn't take it out on me one way or another.

Anyway, check back every once in a blue moon. New articles will be placed at the top.

Enjoy . . .


Blind Fools is also brought to you by this genetically mutant turtle...

The Official Mascot
of Evolution



"The opportune appearance of mutations permitting animals and plants to meet their needs seems hard to believe.

Yet the Darwinian theory is even more demanding: A single plant, a single animal would require thousands and thousands of lucky, appropriate events.

Thus, miracles would become the rule: events with an infinitesimal probability could not fail to occur."

Pierre-Paul Grass
An evolutionist and
Europe's most distinguished biologist

Jesus Loves You!

Knew juknk?
Hoo noo?!


The Primate Times - a.k.a.-The Cousin Chronicle

The Book of Chances - Chapter 13

EvoNews! - What's "Love" Got To Do With It? (Substance Abuse 101)

Amazing Transitional Animals - Tracing the evolution of the "It."

Ask Miko - Miko's Mini Motivationals

EvoNews! - The Evolution of Junk-Food Junkies

Chatter Box - Phil Donahue explains the origin of SEX.

Darwinus St. Bogus Hospital - Reaching out to the community because it cares.

Chatter Box - WDJS?

It's The Blind Fools Radio Hour - With Yappy the Wonder Host!

Frank B. Finite - Have you seen him?

Weakly World Views - Tabloid Storytelling (and illustration) at its finest!!!

The Book of Chances - Chapter 12

BF Special Report - Iraq: The Evolution Connection

Surreality TV Presents - I Dug Lucy

Opposable Thumbs - From D.J.

Another Letter to the Editor - From Rasim.

Prehistoric Matinee Theatre - Buy yer ticket, get yer food, and grab yer Goobers - it's movie time!

BF Special Report - Something unbelievable happened in Skepticsville recently.

EvoNews! Update - Texas Tech Professor Claims, "It's My Way Or The Highway, Bucko!"

More Letters to the Editor - The mail bag has an unusual odor this time.

Faithist Hall of Flame - A media mogul wins top honors.

Chatter Box - Inspirational Atheists Edition

The Original Crooked-E - Before there was Enron . . .

The Book of Chances - Chapter Eleven

Letters to the Editor - Love mail that gives you warm fuzzies all over.

Evolution in a Nutshell - Let's crack this thing open and see what's inside.



Repent to the entry page.

Migrate to the Past Issues page.