

After the reunion last August 3, 2002, my perspective of the paths we choose

is no longer determined by one's success of their career, but rather measured by

the happiness one has in their life.  I was so overwhelmed by the camaraderie

showed by each and everyone of our classmates. The laughter’s, the stomping of

the feet while we all scream, the Filipino curse words coming out from our dirty

mouths and the look of sheer joy that after 20 years we are all gathered in this

clubhouse reminiscing our high school days. Personally, my emotions that day could

not be measured and with all honesty I just wanted time to stand still so we can all

just keep remembering the days of our innocent past.  In the end, it was not about

what career we chose, or what car we drove, or how big our house was ... it was all

about the FRIENDSHIP we were able to rekindle and let the SPIRIT of being a

KULASA alive!





The smiles, the laughter, the screaming, the hugs, the kisses…those are what I

remember about our August 3 reunion and I wish it never ended.  I don’t know

how many times I’ve looked at our pictures on our website just to get a glimpse of

that momentous occasion, wishing that I have a magic wand so I can touch each one

of you on the computer screen and you’ll just magically appear in front of me and

we can all have a good time again.  Unfortunately, I don’t have a magic wand and

unfortunately, we had to say our good-byes that day so we can all go home to our loved

ones.  For me, those good-byes were just the beginning of a new and profound friendship

among us there present.  Gone are the days of competition, grouping by grades, ganging

with the well-offs or not-so-well-offs, cliquing with the intellects or the average. 

Twenty years, that’s how long it’s been since.  We’ve all grown up and learned and

experienced a lot in life both the good and the bad and the fact that it is not the material

or earthly things one possesses in life that counts but the love and the happiness we have

in us that we can share with others.  Those plus the strong foundation we’ve received from

our good old SSA is what has made us who we are today – happy, strong, and beautiful

individuals, inside and out.  I am so proud to belong to this batch.  Our Kulasa spirit

continues to remain strong in all of us evidenced by the success of our recent reunion. 

If every reunion is as loud and crazy as this one was, I sure wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Everybody had a great time and I hope we can do it again soon. 


Go Kulasa ’81 and let your light shine!





Uncertain of what to expect from the August 3rd reunion, I had my reservations. The what

"ifs" lingered in my mind endlessly. However, that day, the kulasa spirit in its pure form,

transported me back in time to a place I rarely thought about and had almost forgotten.

Gone were the reservations and anticipation, replaced with pure joy and sincere happiness

at the sight of my classmates. The day was filled with enviable laughter, renewed friendships

and mass hysteria. The overwhelming feeling of just being there is inexplicable. I too, did

not want that day to end as I was having the time of my life. Not knowing when we’ll see each

other again, it was difficult to say goodbye. On my way home from this memorable gathering,

I realized one thing, the kulasa spirit is rekindled in me and I have all of you to thank for that.



More Thoughts …